🏳️National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) - Transforming the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses

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Transforming the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses.


[Learn about NIMH](/about)

[Health Topics](/health/topics)


*   [Anxiety Disorders](/health/topics/anxiety-disorders)

*   [Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder](/health/topics/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd)

*   [Autism Spectrum Disorder](/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd)

*   [Bipolar Disorder](/health/topics/bipolar-disorder)

*   [Borderline Personality Disorder](/health/topics/borderline-personality-disorder)

*   [Depression](/health/topics/depression)

*   [Eating Disorders](/health/topics/eating-disorders)

*   [Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder](/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd)

*   [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder](/health/topics/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd)

*   [Schizophrenia](/health/topics/schizophrenia)

*   [Suicide Prevention](/health/topics/suicide-prevention)

*   [More Topics](/health/topics)

### Featured Topics


### Director’s Message: A Year of Reflection and Renewal



### FY 2024 Budget Fact Sheet



### Brain Awareness Week


[Science Updates](/news/science-updates "Science News")


#### [Study Illuminates the Genetic Architecture of Bipolar Disorder](/news/science-updates/2025/study-illuminates-the-genetic-architecture-of-bipolar-disorder)

March 4, 2025

#### [Dr. Sarah Hollingsworth Lisanby to Depart NIMH](/news/science-updates/2025/dr-sarah-hollingsworth-lisanby-to-depart-nimh)

February 25, 2025

#### [Integrated Care for Depression Yields Extended Benefits, Malawi Study Shows](/news/science-updates/2025/integrated-care-for-depression-yields-extended-benefits-malawi-study-shows)

January 13, 2025

[About NIMH](/about)


#### [Acting Director of NIMH](/about/director)

_Shelli Avenevoli, Ph.D._

#### [NIMH Strategic Plan](/about/strategic-planning-reports)

Read about our plan for the institute's research priorities.

#### [Inside NIMH](/research/research-funded-by-nimh/inside-nimh)

Funding News for Current and Future NIMH Awardees.





Find NIMH funding opportunities and announcements, including those specific to clinical research and training, and learn more about NIMH funding strategies, the application process, and grants management.

[Read More](/funding)



Finding Treatment


If you or someone you know has a mental illness, there are ways to get help. Use these resources to find help for yourself, a friend, or a family member.

[Read More](/health/find-help)



Join A Study


Learn more about how to participate in outpatient and inpatient studies at the NIH Clinical Center, a hospital dedicated to the highest quality research.

[Read More](/research/research-conducted-at-nimh/join-a-study)

Featured Resources


### [Brochures and Fact Sheets](/health/publications)

Explore NIMH brochures and fact sheets. [En español](/health/publications/espanol).

### [Research](/research)

Learn more about our research areas, policies, resources, and initiatives.

### [Investigators](/research/research-conducted-at-nimh/principal-investigators)

Learn more about scientists, physicians, and clinicians in NIMH’s Division of Intramural Research Programs (IRP).

### [RDoC](/research/research-funded-by-nimh/rdoc)

Learn more about Research Domain Criteria Initiative (RDoC), a research framework that supports new ways of studying mental disorders.

### [Social Media](/news/social-media)

Connect with Us on X, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

### [Support for Clinical Trials](/funding/opportunities-announcements/clinical-trials-foas)

Learn more about clinical trials and funding opportunity announcements.

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