🏳️Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | FWC

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Managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people.

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[Boating Safety](/boating/safety-education/)


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[Start classifying photos](https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/fwc/everglades-wildlife-watch)




[The Triple Threat Throwdown starts March 1st!](https://catchafloridamemory.com/programs/triple-threat/)


Season 3 features a prestigious Kayak Fishing Bundle made possible by Premier Partners.

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WMA Closures and Updates


Find the open/closed status of FWC managed areas, offices, and facilities.

[WMA Open/Closed Status](/recreation/notices/)

How Can We Help You?



### Habitat & Species Conservation


### Hunting


### Saltwater Fishing


### Freshwater Fishing


### Licenses & Permits


### Boating


### Research


### Discover Wildlife


### Law Enforcement/Report a Violation


Managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people.


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