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Spotlight: Mar 7, 2025


New research could enable users to correct a robot’s behavior with simple interactions, like pointing to an item or nudging the robot’s arm. This intuitive approach would allow a layperson to guide a robot right out of the box, with no machine-learning expertise required.

#### Mar 7, 2025

[Full story](http://news.mit.edu/2025/robotic-helper-mistakes-nudging-in-right-direction-0307)

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Mohamed Elrefaie spoke with Automotive World about his work developing an open-source dataset of 8,000 car designs, including their aerodynamic characteristics, which could be used to develop novel car designs in a more efficient manner.





A new study confirms the Antarctic ozone layer is healing as a direct result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances. “It shows we can actually solve environmental problems,” Susan Solomon says.





Kevin Dorst combines diverse methods to explore how people can use rational thinking but still wind up with different conclusions about the world. “There’s something freeing about how methodologically open philosophy is,” he says.





Bloomberg reported on the Martin Trust Center’s new AI JetPack to help students accelerate the entrepreneurial process. “Our mission at the Trust Center is to advance the field of innovation-driven entrepreneurship everywhere,” Paul Cheek said.





When cancer patients undergo chemotherapy, the dose is usually based solely on body surface area. “How is this the clinical reality?” HST grad student Louis DeRidder wondered. He is developing a device to ensure doses are accurate and tailored to individual patients.





New research may help to protect cancer patients from the side effects of radiation therapy. Inspired by the tardigrade, a tiny organism that can withstand huge amounts of radiation, engineers developed a strategy for protecting healthy tissue from DNA damage.


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