🏳️McAfee AI-Powered Antivirus, Scam, Identity, and Privacy Protection

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Get the #1 AI-powered antivirus and all-in-one identity theft and privacy solutions, designed to keep your personal information private, protect against scams, and safeguard you and your family online.



*   [Products](#)

    *   All-In-One Protection

        *   [McAfee+ Individual Plans](/en-us/identity-theft/protection.html)

            Complete privacy, identity and device protection for individuals.

        *   [McAfee+ Family Plans](/en-us/identity-theft/family.html)

            Complete privacy, identity and device protection for up to 6 family members.

        *   [McAfee Total Protection Plans​](/en-us/antivirus/mcafee-total-protection.html)

            Basic device and identity protection for individuals

    *   Other Products & Services

        *   [Antivirus](/en-us/antivirus.html)

        *   [Text Scam Detector](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/text-scam-detector/)

        *   [Virtual Private Network (VPN)](/en-us/vpn.html)

        *   [Mobile Security](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/antivirus/mobile.html)

        *   [PC Optimizer](/en-us/consumer-support/pc-optimizer.html)

        *   [TechMaster Concierge](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/products/techmaster.html)

        *   [McAfee Assist](/en-us/mcafee-assist.html)

    *   Free Tools & Downloads

        *   [Web Protection](/en-us/safe-browser/mcafee-webadvisor.html)

        *   [Free Antivirus Trial](/en-us/antivirus/free.html)

        *   [Device Security Scan](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/antivirus/mcafee-security-scan-plus.html)

        *   [Password Generator](/en-us/password-generator.html)

        Get the app

        *   [Mobile](/en-us/antivirus/mobile.html)

*   [Features](#)

    *   Keep Me Private Online

        *   [Personal Data Cleanup](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/personal-data-cleanup/)

        *   [Online Account Cleanup](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/online-account-cleanup/)

        *   [VPN (Virtual Private Network)](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/vpn/)

        *   [Social Privacy Manager](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/social-privacy-manager/)

    *   Safeguard My Identity

        *   [Identity Monitoring](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/identity-monitoring/)

        *   [Credit Monitoring](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/credit-monitoring/)

        *   [Security Freeze](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/security-freeze/)

        *   [Identity Theft Coverage & Restoration](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/identity-theft-coverage/)

        *   [Password Manager](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/password-manager/)

    *   Protect My Devices

        *   [Antivirus](/en-us/antivirus.html)

        *   [Text Scam Detector](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/text-scam-detector/)

        *   [Web Protection](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/web-protection/)

        *   [Firewall](/en-us/antivirus/firewall.html)

    *   Protect My Family

        *   [Protection Score](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/antivirus/protection-score.html)

        *   [Parental Controls](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/parental-controls/)

        *   [Family Plans](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/family-plans/)

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    *   Learn More

        *   [Learn at McAfee](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/)

        *   [What is Antivirus?](/en-us/antivirus.html)

        *   [What is a VPN?](/en-us/vpn.html)

        *   [What is Identity Theft?](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/identity-theft.html)

        *   [McAfee Business Protection](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/mcafee-small-business/)

    *   Press & News

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        *   [McAfee Smart AI Hub](https://www.mcafee.com/ai/)

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All-In-One Protection

[McAfee+ Individual Plans](/en-us/identity-theft/protection.html)

Complete privacy, identity and device protection for individuals.

[McAfee+ Family Plans](/en-us/identity-theft/family.html)

Complete privacy, identity and device protection for up to 6 family members.

[McAfee Total Protection Plans​](/en-us/antivirus/mcafee-total-protection.html)

Basic device and identity protection for individuals

Other Products & Services


[Text Scam Detector](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/text-scam-detector/)

[Virtual Private Network (VPN)](/en-us/vpn.html)

[Mobile Security](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/antivirus/mobile.html)

[PC Optimizer](/en-us/consumer-support/pc-optimizer.html)

[TechMaster Concierge](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/products/techmaster.html)

[McAfee Assist](/en-us/mcafee-assist.html)

Free Tools & Downloads

[Web Protection](/en-us/safe-browser/mcafee-webadvisor.html)

[Free Antivirus Trial](/en-us/antivirus/free.html)

[Device Security Scan](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/antivirus/mcafee-security-scan-plus.html)

[Password Generator](/en-us/password-generator.html)

Get the app



Keep Me Private Online

[Personal Data Cleanup](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/personal-data-cleanup/)

[Online Account Cleanup](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/online-account-cleanup/)

[VPN (Virtual Private Network)](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/vpn/)

[Social Privacy Manager](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/social-privacy-manager/)

Safeguard My Identity

[Identity Monitoring](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/identity-monitoring/)

[Credit Monitoring](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/credit-monitoring/)

[Security Freeze](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/security-freeze/)

[Identity Theft Coverage & Restoration](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/identity-theft-coverage/)

[Password Manager](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/password-manager/)

Protect My Devices


[Text Scam Detector](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/text-scam-detector/)

[Web Protection](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/web-protection/)


Protect My Family

[Protection Score](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/antivirus/protection-score.html)

[Parental Controls](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/parental-controls/)

[Family Plans](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/family-plans/)


Stay Updated

[McAfee Blog](https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/)

[Reports and Guides](/en-us/resources/reports-and-guides.html)

[McAfee on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/McAfee)

[Prevent Spam and Phishing](/en-us/cyber-scam/customer-scam-awareness.html)

Learn More

[Learn at McAfee](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/)

[What is Antivirus?](/en-us/antivirus.html)

[What is a VPN?](/en-us/vpn.html)

[What is Identity Theft?](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/identity-theft.html)

[McAfee Business Protection](https://www.mcafee.com/learn/mcafee-small-business/)

Press & News

[McAfee Newsroom](https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-corporate/newsroom.html)

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[McAfee Smart AI Hub](https://www.mcafee.com/ai/)

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Our Company

[Company Overview](/en-us/consumer-corporate/about.html)

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Our Efforts

[Inclusion & Diversity](/en-us/consumer-corporate/inclusion-diversity.html)

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[McAfee Smart AI Hub](https://www.mcafee.com/ai/)



Customer Support


[Contact Us](/en-us/consumer-corporate/contact-us.html)


[Activate Retail Card](/en-us/consumer-support/activate-product-key.html)





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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

What type of activities do you do online?

Browse the internet

Text & Emails

Bank online or manage finances

Use public Wi-Fi

Shop online

Use social media

Please select all that apply.

How many people do you want to protect?

Protect just  


Protect my  

family (2+ people)

Please tell me what you are most worried about

My devices being infected with viruses or malware

Not having control of where my personal information is online

Someone gaining unauthorized access to my financial accounts

Being covered and getting assistance if my identity is stolen

Please select all that apply.

Back Next Submit

Thank you! Based on your selections we recommend the following:

Top Recommendation

Alternate Plan

$49.99\* /yr


Save $100.00


Top Recommended Plan

$49.99\* /yr


Save $100.00


Alternate Plan


$89.99\* /yr


Save $110.00

Unlimited device\* protection along with our core security features including McAfee Scam Protection **for 1 adult**

**Full-Service** Personal Data Cleanup and **scans-only** Online Account Cleanup

Bank account and credit card transaction monitoring and alerts

Identity monitoring and alerts, including **$1M** identity theft coverage


\*First-year introductory price for new customers. [See offer details.](#offerterms)

Start over

Your identity was not exposed in any known data breaches

Results are based on your email

Other personal info may still be exposed, including:

Phone numbers

Bank accounts

Credit cards




Exposed data can put you at risk for identity theft and other cybercrimes.

How can McAfee help protect my identity?


McAfee+ plans safeguard your life online with advanced privacy features, 24/7 identity monitoring, alerts, restoration and AI powered security for your devices.  

[View more plans](#planComparator)


Premium (Individual)


$149.99Save $100


All-in-one privacy, identity, and device protection

Manage your social media privacy settings in just a few clicks

Generate complex passwords and auto-fill your info across devices

Monitor data broker sites for your personal info being collected and sold, so you can remove it

Antivirus and protection on unsecured networks

[1 IN 3 AMERICANS](https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/tips-tricks/how-to-avoid-romance-scams/) BELIEVE AI CHATBOTS COULD STEAL THEIR HEART - [PROTECT YOURS TODAY](/en-us/identity-theft/protection.html)

McAfee AI-Powered Antivirus + Identity & Privacy Protection


Keep personal info private, avoid scams, and protect yourself online with the #1 antivirus for PC performance++

[Learn More](#planComparator)

Help Me Choose

Worry-free, all-in-one online protection for your identity


Keep personal info private, avoid scams, and protect yourself online with the #1 antivirus for PC performance++

[Learn More](/en-us/identity-theft/protection.html)

Help Me Choose

Worry-free, all-in-one online protection for your family


Keep personal info private, avoid scams, and protect yourself online with the #1 antivirus for PC performance++

[Learn More](/en-us/identity-theft/family.html)

Help Me Choose

Worry-free, all-in-one protection for your online life


Keep personal info private, avoid scams, and protect yourself online with the #1 antivirus for PC performance++

[Learn More](#planComparator)

Help Me Choose


As featured in


New! Early access to scam protection — at no cost

**McAfee Scam Detector** helps you stay safe from identity and financial fraud with real time alerts

Know which emails are risky to open

Put a stop to text-based scams

**No credit card required!**

[Try for free](https://silentprovision.gui.mcafee.com/redirect?plancode=b0652a58-bf9c-45e9-b032-75b26a667923&culture=en-us&channelrefid=922025e7-b54f-4aaf-904e-9e095f8bbc14&flow=msp_preview&path=storeaiscamblade&ccoe=direct&ccoel2=store&csrc=aiscamblade&csrcl2=aiscambladecta&cctype=aiscambundle)

Limited time offer

Available for:



Protect Your Everything with McAfee+


### AI-Powered Antivirus and Text Scam Detector

Get real-time protection against viruses, hackers, and risky links with McAfee's advanced technology.

### Advanced Privacy Protection

Keep your personal info private on public Wi-Fi with Secure VPN, and take back your data from sites that sell it with Personal Data Cleanup.

### Identity and Financial Protection

Secure your finances and data from identity theft with 24/7 monitoring, plus up to $2 million in identity theft coverage and recovery assistance from US-based identity experts.​

### Protection For Your Whole Family

Enjoy personalized protection tailored to the needs of up to 6 family members (up to 2 adults and 4 children under 18).

### AI-Powered Antivirus and Text Scam Detector

Get real-time protection against viruses, hackers, and risky links with McAfee's advanced technology.


### Advanced Privacy Protection

Keep your personal info private on public Wi-Fi with Secure VPN, and take back your data from sites that sell it with Personal Data Cleanup.


### Identity and Financial Protection

Secure your finances and data from identity theft with 24/7 monitoring, plus up to $2 million in identity theft coverage and recovery assistance from US-based identity experts.​


### Protection For Your Whole Family

Enjoy personalized protection tailored to the needs of up to 6 family members (up to 2 adults and 4 children under 18).
