🏳️Industry leading IP Geolocation and Online Fraud Prevention | MaxMind

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Customize content and comply with regulations using in-depth IP address data. Prevent fraud and chargebacks, manage cyber risk, and flag proxy users.

[More info](https://status.maxmind.com)

Create smarter, safer digital experiences with accurate data


Foundational GeoIP®, proxy, and fraud intelligence for online businesses



by machine learning


by developers

Made simple  

for the enterprise

Digital automation, safety, and security, simplified.


Fraud Prevention IP Geolocation Proxy Detection

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Fraud Prevention


### Stop fraud in real-time with a flexible fraud detection service

Access risk score data and insights, prevent chargebacks, keep your customers safe, and reduce manual review, for as low as $0.005 per query, no monthly minimum, and no commitment.

Try it for free.

[Learn more](/en/solutions/fraud-prevention/overview)

IP Geolocation


### Get insight on your web visitors and craft their digital experience

Customize content for your target audience with non-invasive, accurate IP geolocation and intelligence data. Serve ads and media based on region, manage digital rights, comply with regulations, optimize the user experience, and strengthen security.

Free trial and versions available.

[Learn more](/en/solutions/ip-geolocation-databases-api-services) [Try our demo](/en/geoip-web-services-demo)

Proxy Detection


### Restrict unauthorized access and reduce risk with anonymous IP detection

Don’t let anonymous IPs go unnoticed. Detect VPNs, proxy users, and other anonymizers, and control who has access to your content, ads, and services.

[Learn more](/en/solutions/proxy-vpn-fraud-detection)

Over 100,000 businesses worldwide rely on MaxMind for accurate IP data and fraud detection.


The creator of GeoIP®


We cover 99.9999% of IP addresses in use with 99.99% web service uptime for 10 years straight.

#### Try our demo


The first company to offer both  

IP intelligence and fraud detection


MaxMind protects billions of transactions annually and runs one of the largest fraud detection networks in the world.

### Customizable and scalable for most businesses



Small and Medium  

Sized Businesses









Let’s explore how our solution experts can help meet your business needs.


[Connect with us today](/en/sales-contact)