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Official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts    Here's how you know

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Welcome to Massachusetts


What would you like to do?


Popular searches


*   [Apply for unemployment benefits](/how-to/apply-for-unemployment-benefits) 

*   [Renew your vehicle registration](/how-to/renew-your-vehicle-or-trailer-registration) 

*   [Check the status of your MA tax refund](/how-to/check-the-status-of-your-ma-income-tax-refund) 

*   [Search court dockets, calendars, and cases](/search-court-dockets-calendars-and-case-information) 

*   [Learn about family housing assistance](/how-to/apply-for-raft-emergency-help-for-housing-costs) 

*   [Login to your MassHealth account](/masshealth-ma-login-accounts) 

Credit for the banner image





[Office of Jury Commissioner](/orgs/office-of-jury-commissioner)  [REAL ID](/real-id)  [EZDriveMA](/ezdrivema)   [Finding a Job](/topics/finding-a-job)  [SNAP benefits (formerly food stamps)](/snap-benefits-formerly-food-stamps)  [Child Support Services](/orgs/child-support-services-division)  [Paid Family and Medical Leave](/topics/paid-family-and-medical-leave-in-massachusetts)  [Winter Recreational Activities](/topics/winter-recreation)  [Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll](/orgs/governor-maura-healey-and-lt-governor-kim-driscoll) 

News & updates


### [Enroll in the Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program](/news/enrollment-now-open-for-massachusetts-home-energy-assistance-program)

Eligible households can apply for financial assistance for the 2024-2025 heating season.

### [Winter storm safety tips](/info-details/winter-storm-safety-tips)

Be prepared for cold weather and winter storms.

### [Tax season information](/info-details/massachusetts-current-tax-filing-season-overview)

Important information from the Department of Revenue for filing your taxes.

[Recent Press Releases](/press-releases/recent)  

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