🏳️Markdown Guide

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A free and open-source reference guide that explains how to use Markdown.

_The Markdown Guide_ is a free and open-source reference guide that explains how to use Markdown, the simple and easy-to-use markup language you can use to format virtually any document.

[Get Started](/getting-started/)


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Everything you need to learn Markdown.


Markdown makes writing on the web fast and easy. _The Markdown Guide_ teaches you how to use it.



#### Learn the ropes.

Start using Markdown right now by following along with the [Getting Started](/getting-started/) guide. It's designed for everyone, even novices.



#### Dive into the syntax.

Whether you're new to Markdown or a seasoned pro, you'll find the answers to your formatting questions on the [basic syntax page](/basic-syntax/).



#### Take it up a notch.

Make your Markdown documents awesome by using [extended syntax](/extended-syntax/) to create tables, fenced code blocks, automatic links, and more.

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