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### [Unlock Your Maker Potential: Crafting with the Genmitsu Cubiko CNC](https://makezine.com/article/digital-fabrication/unlock-your-maker-potential-crafting-with-the-genmitsu-cubiko-cnc/)
[3D Modeling](https://makezine.com/tag/3d-modeling/)
### [AdamCAD’s Road to YC Demo Day](https://makezine.com/article/digital-fabrication/adamcads-road-to-yc-demo-day/)
[fab lab](https://makezine.com/tag/fab-lab/)
### [The Band Began to Play – The History and Future of Fab Labs](https://makezine.com/article/uncategorized/the-band-began-to-play-the-history-and-future-of-fab-labs/)
[Maker movement](https://makezine.com/tag/maker-movement/)
### [A Magazine, a Movement, By and For Makers](https://makezine.com/article/maker-news/a-magazine-a-movement-by-and-for-makers/)
[Maker Faire Bilbao](https://makezine.com/tag/maker-faire-bilbao/)
### [Memory Wall: Fostering Local Heritage Through Digital Fabrication](https://makezine.com/article/maker-news/memory-wall-fostering-local-heritage-through-digital-fabrication/)
[Make: magazine’s 20th Anniversary Project Spotlight](/?s=20th-anniversary "See More")
[Photography & Video](https://makezine.com/category/craft/photography-video/)
### [Flashback: $14 Video Camera Stabilizer](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-14-video-camera-stabilizer/)
### [Flashback: Magnetic Stripe Reader](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-magnetic-stripe-reader/)
[Computers & Mobile](https://makezine.com/category/technology/computers-mobile/)
### [Flashback: 5-In-1 Network Cable](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-5-in-1-network-cable/)
[See More](/?s=20th-anniversary)
#### Project of the Week
[**Insta-Hue LED Party Heels**](https://makezine.com/projects/insta-hue-led-party-heels/)
These light-up party pumps can change color to match any outfit, and are guaranteed to keep you safe on a dark night. They’re not too bad for twilight street parties either.
#### [Latest Development Board Reviews](https://makezine.com/comparison/boards/)
* [](https://makezine.com/products/boards/openmv-cam-rt1062/)
OpenMV Cam RT1062
* [](https://makezine.com/products/boards/useful-sensors-person-sensor/)
Useful Sensors Person Sensor
* [](https://makezine.com/products/boards/seeed-studio-sensecap-watcher/)
Seeed Studio SenseCAP Watcher
* [](https://makezine.com/products/boards/beagleboard-beagley-ai/)
BeagleBoard BeagleY-AI
* [](https://makezine.com/products/boards/unexpected-maker-pros3-u-fl-esp32-s3/)
Unexpected Maker ProS3 u.FL (ESP32-S3)
* [](https://makezine.com/products/boards/adafruit-rp2040-prop-maker-feather-with-i2s-audio-amplifier/)
Adafruit RP2040 Prop-Maker Feather with I2S Audio Amplifier
[Latest Stories from Make: Magazine](/blog "See More")
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### [Unlock Your Maker Potential: Crafting with the Genmitsu Cubiko CNC](https://makezine.com/article/digital-fabrication/unlock-your-maker-potential-crafting-with-the-genmitsu-cubiko-cnc/)
Cubiko is LIVE on Kickstarter. Back the project now and secure your early-bird discount...
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### [Demystify Your Creativity With Bam Singhasaneh](https://makezine.com/article/maker-news/maker-faire/demystify-your-creativity-with-bam-singhasaneh/)
Creativity does not necessarily involve traditional artistic skills. Where does creativity come from, and what should you do when you can’t find it?
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### [The Band Began to Play – The History and Future of Fab Labs](https://makezine.com/article/uncategorized/the-band-began-to-play-the-history-and-future-of-fab-labs/)
Fab Lab founder looks back and to the future. I’m proud now to have been the first interview in Make:, although I was puzzled at the time.
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### [A Magazine, a Movement, By and For Makers](https://makezine.com/article/maker-news/a-magazine-a-movement-by-and-for-makers/)
One of the questions I’ve been asked, and it’s awkward for me, is “How did you create the maker movement?”
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### [Memory Wall: Fostering Local Heritage Through Digital Fabrication](https://makezine.com/article/maker-news/memory-wall-fostering-local-heritage-through-digital-fabrication/)
The Memory Wall initiative aims to highlight the recent history of the post-industrial neighborhood of La Ribera in Deusto in Spain’s Pais Vasco through t
[See More](/blog)
Watch our Latest Video
#### [Maker Faire Yearbook 2024](https://makerfaire.com/yearbook/2024-projects/)
* [](https://makerfaire.com/yearbook/projects/legobuildthechange-2024/)
LEGO Build the Change
Kom og vær med når vi bygger fremtiden! Til denne aktiviteter drømmer vi os til en bedre og grønnere fremtid og bygger vores gode idéer i LEGO klodser. Alle er velkomne!
[See More](https://makerfaire.com/yearbook/2024-projects/)
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Obsoletely Fabulous
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Game On
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What's in your workshop?
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The official magazine of Maker Faire](https://subscribe.makezine.com/loading.do?omedasite=Make_subscribe&utm_source=makezine&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=ad-make_mpu_1&utm_content=launch)
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The official magazine of Maker Faire](https://subscribe.makezine.com/loading.do?omedasite=Make_subscribe&utm_source=makezine&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=alternate-unit&utm_content=launch)
#### [Stuff We Like at the Shed](https://www.makershed.com/collections/stuff-we-like)
* [](https://www.makershed.com/products/make-20th-anniversary-t-shirt)
Make: 20th Anniversary T-Shirt
* [](https://www.makershed.com/products/make-magazine-volume-92-pdf)
Make: Magazine, Volume 92 - PDF
* [](https://www.makershed.com/products/make-magazine-volume-92-print)
Make: Magazine, Volume 92 - Print
* [](https://www.makershed.com/products/make-tips-and-tales-from-the-workshop-bundle)
Make: Tips and Tales from the Workshop Bundle
#### [Our Latest Videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtY6O8Ahw2cz05PS2GhUbg)
* [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSSxM5cvsFc)
How To Make a $0.16 iPhone Dock with AdamCAD AI 3D Modeling
* [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVN7ykRne8A)
Shape the Future with Us
* [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIk3LtwbQ78)
Make: Magazine Volume 92 Launch Party: Digital Fabrication
* [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdpwAygKz-Y)
Fireside Chat with Kate Hartman - Wearable Electronics
* [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_y5kaHvaDk)
I'm 3D Printing Chocolate
[Projects From the Pages of Make: Magazine](/projects/ "See More")
### [Build a Better Screen Lock: Smartphone Safe](https://makezine.com/projects/build-a-better-screen-lock-smartphone-safe/)
### [Get Your Bearings With Compass Handheld CNC Router](https://makezine.com/projects/get-your-bearings-with-compass-handheld-cnc-router/)
[Photography & Video](https://makezine.com/category/craft/photography-video/)
### [Flashback: $14 Video Camera Stabilizer](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-14-video-camera-stabilizer/)
### [Flashback: Magnetic Stripe Reader](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-magnetic-stripe-reader/)
[Computers & Mobile](https://makezine.com/category/technology/computers-mobile/)
### [Flashback: 5-In-1 Network Cable](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-5-in-1-network-cable/)
[20th Anniversary](https://makezine.com/tag/20th-anniversary/)
### [Flashback: Kite Aerial Photography Puts Your Eye in the Sky](https://makezine.com/projects/flashback-kite-aerial-photography-puts-your-eye-in-the-sky/)
### [Breathe Breezy With This Low-Cost DIY Powered Respirator](https://makezine.com/projects/breathe-breezy-with-this-low-cost-diy-powered-respirator/)
### [Build a Cuddly, Plush Companion Robot With Cute LED Ears](https://makezine.com/projects/build-a-bot-cuddly-edition/)
[See More](/projects/)
#### [Find A Faire Near You!](https://makerfaire.com/map)
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#### Palm Bay Maker Faire
March 8, 2025
Palm Bay Florida United States
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#### Maker Faire Shreveport-Bossier
March 29 & 30, 2025
Shreveport Louisiana United States
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#### Maker Faire Ruhr
March 29-30, 2025
Dortmund Germany
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#### Maker Faire Lynchburg
March 30, 2025
Lynchburg Virginia United States
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#### Maker Faire Asheville
April 5, 2025
Asheville North Carolina United States
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#### Malheur Maker Faire
April 5, 2025
363 A Street West Vale Oregon United States
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