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[Make WordPress](https://make.wordpress.org)
Make WordPress
Whether you’re a developer, a designer, or want to push the community forward, we’re always looking for people to join us in making WordPress even better.
From core development and design to support and documentation, every contributor team has a blog, with general news, upcoming events, and opportunities to get started.
* ### [Core](https://make.wordpress.org/core/)
The core team makes WordPress. Whether you’re a seasoned PHP, HTML, JavaScript or CSS developer or are just learning to code, we’d love to have you on board. You can write code, fix bugs, debate decisions, and help with development.
Next meeting: **Bugscrub 6.8** [(+17 more)](/meetings/#core "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Monday, 05:00 PM UTC (2 days from now)
* ### [Design](https://make.wordpress.org/design/)
The design group is focused on the designing and developing the user interface. It’s a home for designers and UXers alike. There are regular discussions about mockups, design, and user testing.
* ### [Mobile](https://make.wordpress.org/mobile/)
The mobile team builds the iOS and Android apps. Lend them your Kotlin, Swift, or React Native skills. The team also needs designers, UX experts, and testers to give users a smooth experience on every device.
* ### [Accessibility](https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/)
The a11y group provides accessibility expertise across the project. They make sure that WordPress core and all of WordPress’ resources are accessible.
Next meeting: **Accessibility Bug Scrub** [(+1 more)](/meetings/#accessibility "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Tuesday, 03:00 PM UTC (3 days from now) accessible via [#accessibility](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/accessibility) on Slack
* ### [Polyglots](https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/)
WordPress is used all over the world and in many different languages. If you’re a polyglot, help out by [translating WordPress](https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/translating/how-to-translate/) into your own language. You can also assist with creating the [tools](https://glotpress.org/) that make translations easier.
Next meeting: **Polyglots Team Chat (Europe)** [(+2 more)](/meetings/#polyglots "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Wednesday, 01:00 PM UTC (4 days from now) accessible via [#polyglots](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/polyglots) on Slack
* ### [Support](https://make.wordpress.org/support/)
Answering a question in the support forums or IRC is one of the easiest ways to start contributing. Everyone knows the answer to something! This blog is the place for discussion of issues around support.
Next meeting: **Support Team Fortnight Chat**
Thursday, 05:00 PM UTC (2 weeks from now) accessible via [#forums](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/forums) on Slack
* ### [Documentation](https://make.wordpress.org/docs/)
Good documentation lets people help themselves when they get stuck. The docs team is responsible for creating documentation and is always on the look-out for writers. The blog has discussion around the team’s current projects.
Next meeting: **Documentation team issues triage** [(+2 more)](/meetings/#docs "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Tuesday, 02:00 PM UTC (3 days from now) accessible via [#docs](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/docs) on Slack
* ### [Themes](https://make.wordpress.org/themes/)
The Theme Review Team reviews and approves every Theme submitted to the WordPress Theme repository. Reviewing Themes sharpens your own Theme development skills. You can help out and join the discussion on the blog.
Next meeting: **Themes Team Biweekly Chat** [(+1 more)](/meetings/#themes "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Tuesday, 03:00 PM UTC (3 days from now) accessible via [#themes](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/themes) on Slack
* ### [Plugins](https://make.wordpress.org/plugins/)
If you are a Plugin developer, subscribe to the Plugin review team blog to keep up with the latest updates, find resources, and learn about any issues around Plugin development.
* ### [Community](https://make.wordpress.org/community/)
If you’re interested in organizing a meetup or a WordCamp, the community blog is a great place to get started. There are groups working to support events, to create outreach and training programs, and generally support the community.
Next meeting: **Community Team meeting (Asia-Pacific / EMEA)** [(+1 more)](/meetings/#community "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Thursday, 12:00 PM UTC (4 weeks from now) accessible via [#community-team](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/community-team) on Slack
* ### [Meta](https://make.wordpress.org/meta/)
The Meta team makes WordPress.org, provides support, and builds tools for use by all the contributor groups. If you want to help make WordPress.org better, sign up for updates from the Meta blog.
Next meeting: **Meta Team Biweekly Chat**
Wednesday, 07:00 PM UTC (2 weeks from now) accessible via [#meta](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/meta) on Slack
* ### [Training](https://make.wordpress.org/training/)
The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via [learn.wordpress.org](https://learn.wordpress.org/).
If you enjoy teaching people how to use and build stuff for WordPress, immediately stop what you’re doing and join our team!
Next meeting: **Training Team weekly meetings** [(+1 more)](/meetings/#training "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Tuesday, 07:00 AM UTC (3 days from now) accessible via [#training](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/training) on Slack
* ### [Test](https://make.wordpress.org/test/)
The Test Team works to improve WordPress quality and usability by advancing the development process through manual and automated testing. Whether through a browser, app, terminal, or code, the team focuses on testing across the entire WordPress ecosystem, including Core and Gutenberg, mobile apps and themes, and feature plugins and importers.
Next meeting: **Test Team Chat** [(+1 more)](/meetings/#test "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Wednesday, 04:00 PM UTC (4 days from now) accessible via [#core-test](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/core-test) on Slack
* ### [TV](https://make.wordpress.org/tv/)
The TV team reviews and approves every video submitted to WordPress.tv. They also help WordCamps with video post-production and are responsible for the captioning and subtitling of published videos. Reviewing videos is a great way to learn about WordPress and help the community: experience is not required to get involved.
Next meeting: **WordPress.tv Team Weekly Chat**
Thursday, 03:00 PM UTC (5 days from now) accessible via [#wptv](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/wptv) on Slack
* ### [Marketing](https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/)
The Marketing team is currently archived to make room for an experimental shift in focus and processes. Check out the [WordPress Media Corps](https://href.li/?https://make.wordpress.org/media-corps/) to learn more. Amplification requests and [Showcase](https://href.li/?https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/wiki/WordPress-Showcase) activities are still running, and you can find out more about them on [GitHub](https://href.li/?https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/issues/new/choose).
* ### [CLI](https://make.wordpress.org/cli/)
WP-CLI is the official command line tool for interacting with and managing your WordPress sites.
* ### [Hosting](https://make.wordpress.org/hosting/)
We work to improve WordPress’ end-user experience across hosting environments through industry collaboration and user education. Come join us!
* ### [Tide](https://make.wordpress.org/tide/)
Tide is a series of automated tests run against every plugin and theme in the directory and then displays PHP compatibility and test errors/warnings in the directory.
Next meeting: **Tide Weekly Chat**
Tuesday, 06:00 PM UTC (3 days from now) accessible via [#tide](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/tide) on Slack
* ### [Openverse](https://make.wordpress.org/openverse/)
[Openverse](https://openverse.org) is a search engine for openly-licensed media. The Openverse team implements new features and new media types; maintains the public API and front-end search engine; and develops WordPress integrations to share Openverse with the entire WordPress community.
Next meeting: **Openverse Development Weekly Chat**
Monday, 03:00 PM UTC (2 days from now) accessible via [#openverse](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/openverse) on Slack
* ### [Photos](https://make.wordpress.org/photos/)
The Photo Directory team moderates every photo submitted to the WordPress Photo Directory, maintains and improves the directory site itself, and provides resources and documentation to educate, encourage, and facilitate photo contributors.
Next meeting: **Photo Directory Team Meeting**
Friday, 01:00 PM UTC (4 weeks from now) accessible via [#photos](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/photos) on Slack
* ### [Core Performance](https://make.wordpress.org/performance/)
The core performance team is dedicated to monitoring, enhancing, and promoting performance in WordPress core and its surrounding ecosystem.
Next meeting: **Performance Office Hours** [(+2 more)](/meetings/#core performance "Click to view all meetings for this team")
Tuesday, 04:00 PM UTC (3 days from now) accessible via [#core-performance](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/core-performance) on Slack
* ### [Media Corps](https://make.wordpress.org/media-corps/)
The WordPress Media Corps is a new experimental project that aims to enable independent WordPress marketers and media members to produce excellent quality content with less time and effort.
* ### [Playground](https://make.wordpress.org/playground/)
The Playground team works on WordPress Playground: the platform that lets you run WordPress instantly on any device without a host, most often in a browser.
Next meeting: **Playground Team Meeting**
Friday, 02:00 PM UTC (6 days from now) accessible via [#playground](https://wordpress.slack.com/messages/playground) on Slack
Not sure which team to contribute to?
Check out our [contributor wizard](https://make.wordpress.org/contribute/) and find how to get started.
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