🏳️LiteSpeed | Internet. Accelerated. - LiteSpeed Technologies

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LiteSpeed provides one-stop web-acceleration solutions that embrace and advance cutting-edge technologies. Web server, load balancer, cache solutions, and more.

LiteSpeed Web Server  

Enterprise v6.3


#### Major Features:

*   Namespace containers

*   Cgroup resource limits

*   Advanced anti-DDoS

*   Firewall controller

*   Improved HTTP2/HTTP3 engine

[Learn More Now](/products/litespeed-web-server/features)

The FASTEST WordPress Stack


*   LiteSpeed Web Server

    ### Fastest Built-in Cache

    Superior performance and accuracy with ESI-enabled server level caching.  


*   LSCache for WordPress

    ### Intelligence + Optimization

    The best WordPress cache plugin with PageSpeed optimization.  

    5-out-of-5 Stars!  


*   QUIC.cloud CDN

    ### Complete Acceleration

    A global CDN that caches ALL of WordPress, not just images and static content.  


[Learn More Now](/solutions/wordpress-hosting)

Compatible Control Panels  [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)


*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

*   [](/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-support)

One Click in the Cloud  [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)


*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

*   [](/solutions/one-click-in-the-cloud)

LiteSpeed HTTP/3 Solutions  [](/http3-solutions)


HTTP/3 is available in LiteSpeed products across the board, with rock-solid stability and unbeatable performance.

*   HTTP/3 Ready Products

    [](/products/litespeed-web-server "LiteSpeed Web Server")  [](/products/litespeed-web-adc "LiteSpeed WebADC") [](/open-source/openlitespeed "OpenLitespeed")

*   Open Source HTTP/3 Library

    [LSQUIC Project on](https://github.com/litespeedtech/lsquic) 

*   HTTP/3 Ready CDN


*   HTTP/3 Testing Tool


[\[ Try LiteSpeed For FREE Today! \]](/experience-litespeed-for-free "Try LiteSpeed Web Server")


Unbeatable Performance [](/performance)


*   [


*   [


Testimonials [](http://litespeedtech.com/testimonials)


Litespeed cache is truly a masterpiece!

—  Joe George (a.k.a Digital Joe George), Digital Innovator of Cubitize

It is great to apply all our hosting servers with LiteSpeed web server system in Taiwan.

Although it cost us extra license fee and not cheap, but it help our clients to get better page load speed, especially with LSCache for WordPress...


Litespeed currently offers the best and most up-to-date solution in the market, whereas other similar products fail to deliver. Furthermore, Litespeed’s vibrant team is always available to answer your diverse questions or help you achieve your goals.

—  Dragomir Z., CEO

LiteSpeed makes WordPress websites fly!

—  Jim W., Service Manager

Its anti-flood technologies, additional attention to security and DDoS protection features have proven invaluable in continuing to provide a solid platform.

—  Jesse M., COO

We have tried optimizing Apache and Nginx for Magento customers, but Litespeed always wins hands down. The customization that Litespeed offers is second to none and we have huge flexibility in changing the LiteSpeed config.

—  Nick P., Director

In conclusion, do you know any other websites in the Alexa top 300 that run on three old web servers?

—  PopAds.net

Its a good investment if you plan to increase your server's performance, but don't want to upgrade hardware.

—  Alex B., Executive Officer

What's New on our Blog [](http://blog.litespeedtech.com)


### [LSWS One-Click Installation](https://blog.litespeedtech.com/2025/03/10/litespeed-web-server-one-click-installation/)

Mar 10th, 2025

Introducing LiteSpeed Web Server One Click Installation: a new script that allows you to install LSWS, WordPress and more with…

### [Intro to Web Servers](https://blog.litespeedtech.com/2025/01/14/introduction-to-web-servers/)

Jan 14th, 2025

An introduction to web servers, how the request-and-response routine works, and the capabilities and functionalities of web servers.

### [Disk Space Filling Up Fast](https://blog.litespeedtech.com/2024/11/06/disk-space-filling-up-fast-with-lscwp/)

Nov 6th, 2024

When you use CSS or JS Combine your disk space can grow very quickly. The reason is probably a randomized…

Partners [](/partners)


Our products have been battle-tested in the most demanding of environments.  

LiteSpeed has earned the trust of Hosting Providers around the world. [How to Become A Partner](/partners/partner-program) 


*   LiteSpeed

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*   [Store](https://store.litespeedtech.com/)

*   Resources

*   [Benchmarks](/benchmarks)

*   [Case Studies](/case-studies)

*   [Testimonials](/testimonials)

*   Company

*   [About us](/company/about)

*   [Career](/company/careers)

*   [Blog](http://blog.litespeedtech.com)

*   [Contact us](/company/contact-us)