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The Federal Register of Legislation (the Register) is the authorised whole-of-government website for Commonwealth legislation and related documents. It contains the full text and details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationships between them.
The Register is managed by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel in accordance with the _Legislation Act 2003_.
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[Legislative Instruments](search/registrationdate\(today-7,today\)/collection\(LegislativeInstrument\)/sort\(registeredat%20desc\))
[Notifiable Instruments](search/registrationdate\(today-7,today\)/collection\(NotifiableInstrument\)/sort\(registeredat%20desc\))
[Administrative Arrangements Orders](search/registrationdate\(today-7,today\)/collection\(AdministrativeArrangementsOrder\)/sort\(registeredat%20desc\))
[Prerogative Instruments](search/registrationdate\(today-7,today\)/collection\(PrerogativeInstrument\)/sort\(registeredat%20desc\))
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