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* [Register](/user/register "Register for a LegiScan account")
* [About](/about "Learn more about LegiScan")
* [Features](/features "Overview of LegiScan features")
* [Datasets](/datasets "Weekly session data snapshots")
* [LegiScan API](/legiscan "LegiScan API Data Services")
* [Bill Tracking](/gaits "Government Affairs Information Tracking System")
* [Search](/gaits/search "National Legislative Search Engine")
* [Login](/user/login "Login to your LegiScan account")
Regardless if you need to focus on a single state, track any of the bills across the nation or are looking to create your own custom legislative data application, LegiScan provides the services that bring all legislative information together into a single uniform interface. With over two decades of servicing clients from public agencies, non-profit associations and national corporations; LegiScan has developed the tools and technology to save time and enhance analysis and communication in the government affairs workflow.
Awareness of legislation and having information about the laws that affect daily life for all Americans is more important than ever. **_[Start Now!](/gaits "Browse active legislation")_**
LegiScan GAITS
Turnkey legislative tracking: Research to identify bills, Monitor personalized bill lists, Report and track bill status
### OneVote
### OneVote+
### GAITS Pro
Public tracking service for concerned individuals following up to 50 bills from the states and Congress. Personal monitoring list with saved searches from the national legislative search engine and private RSS feeds to stay informed. Receive monitored email alerts, create simple dynamic reports sharable with friends and colleagues.
Introductory subscription service for more active individuals that require tracking legislation from multiple states or expanded to unlimited monitoring list slots. Gaining additional user tracking data fields and simple bill classification groups. Generate PDF reports and alerts for easier printing and sharing.
Unlimited centralized monitoring for single or multiple users. Custom issue management and expanded tracking information including executive summary, regional assignments, and the Insights browser. Advanced dynamic reporting available in PDF, Word & Excel along with daily monitoring and search email alerts.
**_Forever Free_**
**_[Register Now!](/user/register "Register for a free OneVote public service account")_**
Single State or Congress:
National (50 States & Congress):
Single State or Congress:
National (50 States & Congress):
LegiScan API
The RESTful API into the national legislative database for JSON versions of bill, text, vote and search engine results
### Public API
### Pull API
### Push API
Public API data service mirroring the OneVote tracking, with access to the full national legislative database and 30,000 queries per month to spend on API data hooks to pull new and updated information as needed. All Dataset and Public API data is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 terms.
Built on the same user-driven polling interface as the public service, the Pull API subscription service greatly expands the monthly query limit. Designed for specialized projects, and users with narrow scope but higher peak demand. Increasing the monthly query limit to 100,000 and optionally up to 250,000 queries each month.
Automatic replication of the entire national database remotely with updates synchronized every 4 hours, up to every 15 minutes, as data changes. Alternative white label licensing to remove branding and attribution requirements. The Push API is used by LegiScan GAITS, and both publicly & privately powering other third party enterprise applications.
**_Forever Free_**
**_[Generate Key!](/legiscan "Sign up for a Public API key to access the national legislative database")_**
Single State or Congress:
National (50 States & Congress):
Single State or Congress:
National (50 States & Congress):
[Free Registration](/user/register "Quick and easy account signup")
[Price List](/pricing "See complete price list for all LegiScan services")
**125,574** pieces of legislation being tracked from Congress and fifty state legislatures in the active biennium.
Custom Tracking
Build and control a personalized list of only the bills you are interested in, categorized into user-defined Topic or Client & Issue assignments for grouping, sorting and reporting.
Email Alerts
Receive email alerts when new or amended bills match your full text saved searches, and when already monitored bills have hearings, changes or updates, from weekly to daily schedules.
Dynamic Reporting
Create reports based on your monitoring list or issue areas that update bill data automatically and can be shared with others, available for all user levels.
Sample: [OneVote](/reports/noa4nru6 "View OneVote shared report example"), [GAITS Pro](/reports/a85vd3p8 "View GAITS Professional shared report example")
Interactive Maps
Nationwide maps allowing interactive browsing of all legislation being tracked from your master monitoring list or just those tagged with your custom Topic labels.
Sample: [Stance Map](/maps/mr3mevcr "Heat map widget based on stance and priority"), [Volume Map](/maps/mwyq5dws "Heat map widget based on number of monitored bills")
Embed Widgets
Take the dynamic reports or interactive maps created inside LegiScan and embed them externally in your own public or private website or portals with automatic updates as the data changes.
Create virtual legislative monitoring groups among colleagues and friends with free OneVote accounts, hold private or public forum discussions on bills as they move through the process.
[2025 Schedules](/schedules/2025 "2025 Session Schedules")
* * *
National Legislative Search
[View Top 50 Searches](/trends/search "Top 50 legislative searches")
State: All StatesAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingWashington D.C.US Congress
Select area of search.
Bill Number:
Find an exact bill number.
Full Text Search:
Search engine query for full text search. [\[**search help**\]](/fulltext-search "Read about search engine query features")
US Congress - 119th Congress
### [Browse](/US/legislation "Browse legislation from the current US Congress session") / [Dashboard](/US "View legislative dashboard for US Congress") / [Datasets](/US/datasets "Download current and historical US Congress data archives") / [Roster](/US/roster "Roster of US Congress legislators") / [Trends](/US/trends "View trending legislation for US Congress")
[AK](/AK "View the Alaska legislative dashboard")
[AL](/AL "View the Alabama legislative dashboard")
[AR](/AR "View the Arkansas legislative dashboard")
[AZ](/AZ "View the Arizona legislative dashboard")
[CA](/CA "View the California legislative dashboard")
[CO](/CO "View the Colorado legislative dashboard")
[CT](/CT "View the Connecticut legislative dashboard")
[DE](/DE "View the Delaware legislative dashboard")
[FL](/FL "View the Florida legislative dashboard")
[GA](/GA "View the Georgia legislative dashboard")
[HI](/HI "View the Hawaii legislative dashboard")
[IA](/IA "View the Iowa legislative dashboard")
[ID](/ID "View the Idaho legislative dashboard")
[IL](/IL "View the Illinois legislative dashboard")
[IN](/IN "View the Indiana legislative dashboard")
[KS](/KS "View the Kansas legislative dashboard")
[KY](/KY "View the Kentucky legislative dashboard")
[LA](/LA "View the Louisiana legislative dashboard")
[MA](/MA "View the Massachusetts legislative dashboard")
[MD](/MD "View the Maryland legislative dashboard")
[ME](/ME "View the Maine legislative dashboard")
[MI](/MI "View the Michigan legislative dashboard")
[MN](/MN "View the Minnesota legislative dashboard")
[MO](/MO "View the Missouri legislative dashboard")
[MS](/MS "View the Mississippi legislative dashboard")
[MT](/MT "View the Montana legislative dashboard")
[NC](/NC "View the North Carolina legislative dashboard")
[ND](/ND "View the North Dakota legislative dashboard")
[NE](/NE "View the Nebraska legislative dashboard")
[NH](/NH "View the New Hampshire legislative dashboard")
[NJ](/NJ "View the New Jersey legislative dashboard")
[NM](/NM "View the New Mexico legislative dashboard")
[NV](/NV "View the Nevada legislative dashboard")
[NY](/NY "View the New York legislative dashboard")
[OH](/OH "View the Ohio legislative dashboard")
[OK](/OK "View the Oklahoma legislative dashboard")
[OR](/OR "View the Oregon legislative dashboard")
[PA](/PA "View the Pennsylvania legislative dashboard")
[RI](/RI "View the Rhode Island legislative dashboard")
[SC](/SC "View the South Carolina legislative dashboard")
[SD](/SD "View the South Dakota legislative dashboard")
[TN](/TN "View the Tennessee legislative dashboard")
[TX](/TX "View the Texas legislative dashboard")
[UT](/UT "View the Utah legislative dashboard")
[VA](/VA "View the Virginia legislative dashboard")
[VT](/VT "View the Vermont legislative dashboard")
[WA](/WA "View the Washington legislative dashboard")
[WI](/WI "View the Wisconsin legislative dashboard")
[WV](/WV "View the West Virginia legislative dashboard")
[WY](/WY "View the Wyoming legislative dashboard")
[DC Council](/DC "View the DC Council legislative dashboard")
[US Congress](/US "View the US Congress legislative dashboard")
LegiScan LLC is an impartial and nonpartisan legislative tracking, reporting and data service utilizing LegiScan GAITS and LegiScan API
[Contact Us](/feedback "Contact LegiScan via Email") · [Terms](/terms-of-service "LegiScan Terms of Service") · [Privacy](/privacy "LegiScan Privacy Policy") · [800-618-2750](tel:+18006182750 "Contact LegiScan via Phone")