### Categories
* #1 - [Computers and Programming](/bookstore?type=all&category=computer_programming)
* #2 - [Software](/bookstore?type=all&category=software)
* #3 - [Software Engineering](/bookstore?type=all&category=software_engineering)
* #4 - [Software Architecture](/bookstore?type=all&category=software_architecture)
* #5 - [Agile](/bookstore?type=all&category=agile)
* #6 - [Artificial Intelligence](/bookstore?type=all&category=ai)
* #7 - [Data Science](/bookstore?type=all&category=data_science)
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* #19 - [Machine Learning](/bookstore?type=all&category=machine_learning)
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* #21 - [Deep Learning](/bookstore?type=all&category=deep_learning)
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* #27 - [Startups](/bookstore?type=all&category=startups)
* #28 - [Neural Networks](/bookstore?type=all&category=neural_networks)
* #29 - [PHP](/bookstore?type=all&category=php)
* #30 - [Project Management](/bookstore?type=all&category=project_management)
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* #32 - [Cryptography](/bookstore?type=all&category=cryptography)
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* #35 - [Distributed Systems](/bookstore?type=all&category=distributed_systems)
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* #49 - [Ruby on Rails](/bookstore?type=all&category=ruby_on_rails)
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* #52 - [HTML](/bookstore?type=all&category=html)
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* #54 - [Enterprise Architecture](/bookstore?type=all&category=enterprise_architecture)
* #55 - [Business and IT Alignment](/bookstore?type=all&category=business_it_alignment)
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* #57 - [PowerShell](/bookstore?type=all&category=PowerShell)
* #58 - [Programming Cookbooks](/bookstore?type=all&category=programming_cookbooks)
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* #70 - [Personal Transformation](/bookstore?type=all&category=personal_transformation)
* #71 - [Haskell](/bookstore?type=all&category=haskell)
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* #81 - [AWS](/bookstore?type=all&category=aws)
* #82 - [Resiliency](/bookstore?type=all&category=resiliency)
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* #84 - [TypeScript](/bookstore?type=all&category=typescript)
* #85 - [Robotics](/bookstore?type=all&category=robotics)
* #86 - [Technical Communication](/bookstore?type=all&category=technical_communication)
* #87 - [Go](/bookstore?type=all&category=go)
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* #89 - [Docker](/bookstore?type=all&category=docker)
* #90 - [Engineering Management](/bookstore?type=all&category=engineering_management)
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* #92 - [Git](/bookstore?type=all&category=git)
* #93 - [iOS](/bookstore?type=all&category=ios)
* #94 - [Quality Management](/bookstore?type=all&category=quality_management)
* #95 - [Laravel](/bookstore?type=all&category=laravel)
* #96 - [Oracle](/bookstore?type=all&category=oracle)
* #97 - [PostgreSQL](/bookstore?type=all&category=postgresql)
* #98 - [Rust](/bookstore?type=all&category=rust)
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* #100 - [Ansible](/bookstore?type=all&category=ansible)
* #101 - [System Integration](/bookstore?type=all&category=system_integration)
* #102 - [DIY](/bookstore?type=all&category=diy)
* #103 - [CSS](/bookstore?type=all&category=css)
* #104 - [Business Analysis](/bookstore?type=all&category=business_analysis)
* #105 - [Game Development](/bookstore?type=all&category=game_development)
* #106 - [Vue.js](/bookstore?type=all&category=vuejs)
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* #112 - [Medicine](/bookstore?type=all&category=medicine)
* #113 - [Scala](/bookstore?type=all&category=scala)
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* #117 - [D3.js](/bookstore?type=all&category=d3_js)
* #118 - [Food & Drink](/bookstore?type=all&category=food_and_drink)
* #119 - [Diet and Nutrition](/bookstore?type=all&category=diet_and_nutrition)
* #120 - [ES6](/bookstore?type=all&category=es6)
* #121 - [Computer Hardware](/bookstore?type=all&category=computer_hardware)
* #122 - [Sports and Fitness](/bookstore?type=all&category=sports_and_fitness)
* #123 - [Digital Forensics](/bookstore?type=all&category=digital_forensics)
* #124 - [Physics](/bookstore?type=all&category=physics)
* #125 - [Music](/bookstore?type=all&category=music)
* #126 - [Philosophy](/bookstore?type=all&category=philosophy)
* #127 - [Version Control](/bookstore?type=all&category=version_control)
* #128 - [Storage](/bookstore?type=all&category=storage)
* #129 - [Django](/bookstore?type=all&category=django)
* #130 - [Executive Coaching](/bookstore?type=all&category=executive_coaching)
* #131 - [Psychology](/bookstore?type=all&category=psychology)
* #132 - [Chemistry](/bookstore?type=all&category=chemistry)
* #133 - [Delphi](/bookstore?type=all&category=delphi)
* #134 - [Ruby](/bookstore?type=all&category=ruby)
* #135 - [Finance](/bookstore?type=all&category=finance)
* #136 - [Cookbooks](/bookstore?type=all&category=cookbooks)
* #137 - [Fiction](/bookstore?type=all&category=fiction)
* #138 - [Writing and Publishing](/bookstore?type=all&category=writing_and_publishing)
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* #140 - [History](/bookstore?type=all&category=humanities_history)
* #141 - [Creative Non-Fiction](/bookstore?type=all&category=creative_non_fiction)
* #142 - [Science Fiction](/bookstore?type=all&category=science_fiction)
* #143 - [Clojure](/bookstore?type=all&category=clojure)
* #144 - [AngularJS](/bookstore?type=all&category=angularjs)
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* #147 - [Raspberry Pi](/bookstore?type=all&category=raspberry_pi)
* #148 - [Fine Arts](/bookstore?type=all&category=fine_arts)
* #149 - [Social Sciences](/bookstore?type=all&category=social_science)
* #150 - [Poetry](/bookstore?type=all&category=poetry)
* #151 - [Express](/bookstore?type=all&category=express)
* #152 - [Green Business and Sustainability](/bookstore?type=all&category=green_business_and_sustainability)
* #153 - [Religion and Spirituality](/bookstore?type=all&category=religion_and_spirituality)
* #154 - [Data Structures](/bookstore?type=all&category=data_structures)
* #155 - [Home Automation](/bookstore?type=all&category=home_automation)
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* #160 - [Perl](/bookstore?type=all&category=perl)
* #161 - [Systems Administration](/bookstore?type=all&category=systems_administration)
* #162 - [Gaming](/bookstore?type=all&category=gaming)
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* #166 - [Graph Theory](/bookstore?type=all&category=graph_theory)
* #167 - [Scrum](/bookstore?type=all&category=scrum_project_management)
* #168 - [Biology](/bookstore?type=all&category=biology)
* #169 - [Foreign Language Practice & Learning](/bookstore?type=all&category=foreign_language_practice_learning)
* #170 - [Home & Garden](/bookstore?type=all&category=home_and_garden)
* #171 - [Fantasy](/bookstore?type=all&category=fantasy)
* #172 - [MongoDB](/bookstore?type=all&category=mongodb)
* #173 - [Humanities](/bookstore?type=all&category=humanities)
* #174 - [Smart Home](/bookstore?type=all&category=smart_home)
* #175 - [Memoir](/bookstore?type=all&category=memoir)
* #176 - [Message-Driven Design](/bookstore?type=all&category=message_driven)
* #177 - [Social Justice](/bookstore?type=all&category=social_justice)
* #178 - [Filmmaking](/bookstore?type=all&category=filmmaking)
* #179 - [Sales](/bookstore?type=all&category=sales)
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* #182 - [Cryptocurrency](/bookstore?type=all&category=cryptocurrency)
* #183 - [Family and Parenting](/bookstore?type=all&category=family_and_parenting)
* #184 - [Biographies](/bookstore?type=all&category=biographies)
* #185 - [Ecommerce](/bookstore?type=all&category=ecommerce)
* #186 - [Jenkins](/bookstore?type=all&category=jenkins)
* #187 - [Photography](/bookstore?type=all&category=photography)
* #188 - [History](/bookstore?type=all&category=nonfiction_history)
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* #191 - [Literary Fiction](/bookstore?type=all&category=literary_fiction)
* #192 - [Economics](/bookstore?type=all&category=economics)
* #193 - [Travel](/bookstore?type=all&category=travel)
* #194 - [Reactive](/bookstore?type=all&category=Reactive)
* #195 - [Politics](/bookstore?type=all&category=politics)
* #196 - [Inclusion](/bookstore?type=all&category=inclusion)
* #197 - [Biblical Theology](/bookstore?type=all&category=biblical_theology)
* #198 - [Personal Finance](/bookstore?type=all&category=personal_finance)
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* #200 - [Mystery](/bookstore?type=all&category=mystery)
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* #208 - [Self-Publishing](/bookstore?type=all&category=self_publishing)
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* #215 - [Psychotherapy](/bookstore?type=all&category=psychotherapy)
* #216 - [Graph Design](/bookstore?type=all&category=graph_design)
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* #220 - [MATLAB](/bookstore?type=all&category=MATLAB)
* #221 - [Ethics & Technology](/bookstore?type=all&category=ethics_technology)
* #222 - [Gadgets](/bookstore?type=all&category=gadgets)
* #223 - [Arduino](/bookstore?type=all&category=arduino)
* #224 - [Lean Six Sigma](/bookstore?type=all&category=lean_six_sigma)
* #225 - [Horror](/bookstore?type=all&category=horror)
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* #228 - [Short Stories](/bookstore?type=all&category=short_stories)
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* #230 - [Social Equity](/bookstore?type=all&category=social_equity)
* #231 - [Serial Fiction](/bookstore?type=all&category=serial_fiction)
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* #233 - [Astronomy and Space](/bookstore?type=all&category=astronomy_and_space)
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* #237 - [Anthropology](/bookstore?type=all&category=anthropology)
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* #244 - [Biomaterials](/bookstore?type=all&category=biomaterials)
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* #248 - [Personal Science](/bookstore?type=all&category=personal_science)
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* #250 - [Antiracism](/bookstore?type=all&category=antiracism)
* #251 - [Atheism](/bookstore?type=all&category=atheism)
* #252 - [Paranormal](/bookstore?type=all&category=paranormal)
* #253 - [Azure DocumentDB](/bookstore?type=all&category=azure_documentdb)
* #254 - [Backbone](/bookstore?type=all&category=backbone)
* #255 - [Actor Model](/bookstore?type=all&category=actor_model)
* #256 - [NaNoWriMo](/bookstore?type=all&category=nanowrimo)
* #257 - [Modular Business Models](/bookstore?type=all&category=modular_business_models)
* #258 - [Style and Esthetics](/bookstore?type=all&category=style_and_esthetics)
* #259 - [SolidStart](/bookstore?type=all&category=SolidStart)
* #260 - [SolidJS](/bookstore?type=all&category=SolidJS)
* #261 - [Behavior Change](/bookstore?type=all&category=environment_behavior_change)
* #262 - [Celebrity](/bookstore?type=all&category=celebrity)
* #263 - [Christian Anthropology](/bookstore?type=all&category=christian_anthropology)
* #264 - [Wine](/bookstore?type=all&category=wine)
* #265 - [Equality](/bookstore?type=all&category=equality)
* #266 - [Juvenile](/bookstore?type=all&category=juvenile)
* #267 - [Animation](/bookstore?type=all&category=animation)
* #268 - [Bible Study](/bookstore?type=all&category=bible_study)
* #269 - [Devotions](/bookstore?type=all&category=devotions)
* #270 - [Worship](/bookstore?type=all&category=worship)
* #271 - [Psalms](/bookstore?type=all&category=psalms)
* #272 - [Energy](/bookstore?type=all&category=environment_energy)
* #273 - [Pet Care](/bookstore?type=all&category=pet_care)
* #274 - [Judaism](/bookstore?type=all&category=judaism)
* #275 - [Law Enforcement](/bookstore?type=all&category=law_enforcement)
* #276 - [Black History](/bookstore?type=all&category=black_history)
* #277 - [Model Railroading](/bookstore?type=all&category=moderailroading)
* #278 - [Gender Research](/bookstore?type=all&category=gender_research)
* #279 - [Normalized Enterprise](/bookstore?type=all&category=normalized_enterprise)
* #280 - [Ext JS](/bookstore?type=all&category=ext_js)
* #281 - [Juvenile History](/bookstore?type=all&category=juvenile_history)
* #282 - [CMake](/bookstore?type=all&category=cmake)
* #283 - [Erlang](/bookstore?type=all&category=erlang)
* #284 - [Equity](/bookstore?type=all&category=equity)
* #285 - [Liberation](/bookstore?type=all&category=liberation)
* #286 - [Esports](/bookstore?type=all&category=esports)
* #287 - [Environment](/bookstore?type=all&category=environment)
* #288 - [Policy](/bookstore?type=all&category=environment_policy)
* #289 - [Economics](/bookstore?type=all&category=non_fiction_ecoonomics)
* #290 - [Screenplays](/bookstore?type=all&category=screenplays)
### Featured Leanpub Book
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This is the first time we publish The Medical Futurist's Technology Adoption Curve, showing 50 of the most promising digital health technologies the way we, at The Medical Futurist, see them today.
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This is the first time we publish The Medical Futurist's Technology Adoption Curve, showing 50 of the most promising digital health technologies the way we, at The Medical Futurist, see them today.
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### The Shelf
Residues: Time, Change, and Uncertainty in Software Architecture.
[Barry M O’Reilly](https://leanpub.com/u/barrymoreilly)
Learning how to learn: mental models
[Neil Keleher](https://leanpub.com/u/neilkeleher)
[Erik Schön](https://leanpub.com/u/erik_schon)
Be a Learning Machine
[Alberto Souza](https://leanpub.com/u/alberto-souza)
Java Testing Toolbox
[Philip Riecks](https://leanpub.com/u/rieckpil)
The DSC V3 Handbook
[Gijs Reijn](https://leanpub.com/u/gijsr)
Residues: Time, Change, and Uncertainty in Software Architecture.
[Barry M O’Reilly](https://leanpub.com/u/barrymoreilly)
Learning how to learn: mental models
[Neil Keleher](https://leanpub.com/u/neilkeleher)
[Erik Schön](https://leanpub.com/u/erik_schon)
Be a Learning Machine
[Alberto Souza](https://leanpub.com/u/alberto-souza)
Java Testing Toolbox
[Philip Riecks](https://leanpub.com/u/rieckpil)
The DSC V3 Handbook
[Gijs Reijn](https://leanpub.com/u/gijsr)
### Featured Leanpub Course
##### Stratospheric - From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS
[Philip Riecks](https://leanpub.com/u/rieckpil), [Björn Wilmsmann](https://leanpub.com/u/bjoernkw), and [Tom Hombergs](https://leanpub.com/u/thombergs)
Hands-on online course to learn all you need to know to get a Spring Boot application into production with AWS.
Visit our [landing page](https://stratospheric.dev/online-course/%20) for a tour of the contents. Make sure to get familiar with all [available bundle options](https://stratospheric.dev/#bundles) before enrolling.
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Hands-on online course to learn all you need to know to get a Spring Boot application into production with AWS.
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### Featured Leanpub Podcast Interview
### Special Guest Dan Holloway, Looking Back on the Book Industry in 2024
**Special Guest Dan Holloway** - In this episode of the Leanpub podcast, Dan Holloway, host of the Self-Publishing News podcast, joins Len Epp for Leanpub’s year-end review of 2024 book industry trends, including AI’s role in publishing, evolving author income patterns, and key controversies like WordPress disputes and the Internet Archive case. Holloway also shares insights on cozy literature’s rise and predictions for 2025.
[Listen or Read Now](/podcasts/frontmatter/dan-holloway-10-01-25)[Watch on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FumXdgAe9uQ)
**Special Guest Dan Holloway** - In this episode of the Leanpub podcast, Dan Holloway, host of the Self-Publishing News podcast, joins Len Epp for Leanpub’s year-end review of 2024 book industry trends, including AI’s role in publishing, evolving author income patterns, and key controversies like WordPress disputes and the Internet Archive case. Holloway also shares insights on cozy literature’s rise and predictions for 2025.
[Listen Now](/podcasts/frontmatter/dan-holloway-10-01-25)[Watch on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FumXdgAe9uQ)
### Top Books
1. #1
### The Hundred-Page Language Models Book
Andriy Burkov
Master language models through mathematics, illustrations, and code―and build your own from scratch!
2. #2
### CISSP: The Last Mile
Pete Zerger
The book covers every topic in the latest CISSP exam syllabus, organized in a format that makes it easy to drill down on specific exam domains and concepts at-a-glance, making it an essential exam resource for anyone who aims to prepare for the exam without wasting time or money.
3. #3
### Wholehearted
Mike Burrows
New ways to understand your organisation, and new ways to engage with its challenges. The Deliberately Adaptive Organisation is a fresh, ground-up reconstruction of the classic Viable System Model, approached humanely and with a 21st\-century appreciation for complexity.
4. #4
### Understanding Eventsourcing
Martin Dilger
The first book to combine Eventmodeling & Eventsourcing to plan software systems of any size and complexity.
NEW CHAPTER AVAILABLE - Eventsourcing & User Interfaces!
[](/eventmodeling-and-eventsourcing)[Also as Paperback](https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Eventsourcing-Planning-Implementing-Eventmodeling/dp/B0DNXQJM9Z)
5. #5
### CISM: The Last Mile
Pete Zerger
This book covers every topic in the latest CISM exam syllabus, approaching topics from the ISACA perspective. It's 325+ pages organized in a format that makes it easy to drill down on specific exam domains and concepts at-a-glance, making it an essential exam resource for anyone who aims to prepare for the CISM exam without wasting time or money.
6. #6
### Platform Strategy
Gregor Hohpe
Developer platforms promise to rewrite the laws of IT physics: they boost innovation through standards; they speed up development while assuring compliance; and they reduce cognitive load without restricting choice. Building such an in-house platform, or even deploying one, is far from easy, though. This book condenses a decade of building and rolling out platforms into practical advice for platform teams and users.
[](/platformstrategy)[Paperback edition](https://amzn.to/3Vo00eQ)
7. #7
### The Architect’s Paradox
Barry O’Reilly
An introduction to philosophy for software engineers and architects that will help them understand their design process. This book helps to answer the question “Why are we like this?”.
8. #8
### The C4 model for visualising software architecture
Simon Brown
A guide to visualising your software architecture with the C4 model.
9. #9
### Logic for Programmers
Hillel Wayne
Logic is the most important branch of math to software engineering. Knowing logic opens up a vast world of development techniques, from everyday tricks of the trade to exotic tools for cracking impossible tasks.
This book teaches the basics of logic and nine special logic-powered techniques: property testing, decision tables, constraint solving, and more. Over 40 exercises are provided to help readers master the material. No prior math background required!
10. #10
### Residues: Time, Change, and Uncertainty in Software Architecture.
Barry M O’Reilly
Residuality Theory is a new way to think about the design of software systems that explains why we experience design the way we do, why certain things seem to work only sporadically, and why certain architects get it right so often regardless of which tools they use. A new, scientific approach is defined that fuses Software Engineering, Complexity Science, and Philosophy to produce an entirely new way to think about how to design software. The result is a theoretical base that allows architecture to finally become its own discipline.
See More
### Featured Bundle
##### Terraform & OpenTofu In Action
This bundle merges the strengths of two leading infrastructure automation tools by combining OpenTofu's modern approach to infrastructure as code with Terraform's robust, industry-standard practices. The collection presents an integrated learning path for professionals eager to automate cloud environments, validate coding practices, and achieve...
[Learn More](/b/terraform_opentofu)
This bundle merges the strengths of two leading infrastructure automation tools by combining OpenTofu's modern approach to infrastructure as code with Terraform's robust, industry-standard practices. The collection presents an integrated learning path for professionals eager to automate cloud environments, validate coding practices, and achieve...
[Learn More](/b/terraform_opentofu)
### Top Bundles
1. [#1
### Residues and The Philosophy of Software Architecture
2 Books
This bundle includes the books “Residues: Time, Change and Uncertainty in Software Architecture” and “The Architect’s Paradox: Uncertainty and the Philosophy of Software Architecture” by Barry M O’Reilly. The books complement each other, with Residues giving a practical description of how to apply residuality theory and The Architect’s Paradox...
### Residues and The Philosophy of Software Architecture
2 Books
This bundle includes the books “Residues: Time, Change and Uncertainty in Software Architecture” and “The Architect’s Paradox: Uncertainty and the Philosophy of Software Architecture” by Barry M O’Reilly. The books complement each other, with Residues giving a practical description of how to apply residuality theory and The Architect’s Paradox...
2. [#2
### CCIE Service Provider Ultimate Study Bundle
2 Books
Piotr Jablonski, Lukasz Bromirski, and Nick Russo have joined forces to deliver the only CCIE Service Provider training resource you'll ever need. This bundle contains a detailed and challenging collection of workbook labs, plus an extensively detailed technical reference guide. All of us have earned the CCIE Service Provider certification...
### CCIE Service Provider Ultimate Study Bundle
2 Books
Piotr Jablonski, Lukasz Bromirski, and Nick Russo have joined forces to deliver the only CCIE Service Provider training resource you'll ever need. This bundle contains a detailed and challenging collection of workbook labs, plus an extensively detailed technical reference guide. All of us have earned the CCIE Service Provider certification...
3. [#3
### Linux Debugging
3 Books
This comprehensive training for software developers, site reliability and performance engineers teaches postmortem, live local and remote debugging techniques and features:debuggers and tools: WinDbg, GDB, LLDB, crash, rr, KDB, KGDBx64 and AArch643 training courses85 hands-on exercises300 slides with comments1,200 pages of training books
### Linux Debugging
3 Books
This comprehensive training for software developers, site reliability and performance engineers teaches postmortem, live local and remote debugging techniques and features:debuggers and tools: WinDbg, GDB, LLDB, crash, rr, KDB, KGDBx64 and AArch643 training courses85 hands-on exercises300 slides with comments1,200 pages of training books
4. [#4
### The 'Everything EA' bundle
39 Books
The ‘Everything EA’ bundle: A comprehensive library of articles about enterprise architecture to help you navigate your way through change. Want to know more about enterprise architecture, and how to use it to create real value in business and beyond? This huge curated collection of articles will help you to explore key concepts, methods, tools...
### The 'Everything EA' bundle
39 Books
The ‘Everything EA’ bundle: A comprehensive library of articles about enterprise architecture to help you navigate your way through change. Want to know more about enterprise architecture, and how to use it to create real value in business and beyond? This huge curated collection of articles will help you to explore key concepts, methods, tools...
5. [#5
### Software Architecture
2 Books
"Software Architecture for Developers" is a practical and pragmatic guide to modern, lightweight software architecture, specifically aimed at developers. You'll learn:The essence of software architecture.Why the software architecture role should include coding, coaching and collaboration.The things that you really need to think about before...
### Software Architecture
2 Books
"Software Architecture for Developers" is a practical and pragmatic guide to modern, lightweight software architecture, specifically aimed at developers. You'll learn:The essence of software architecture.Why the software architecture role should include coding, coaching and collaboration.The things that you really need to think about before...
6. [#6
### Cocoacasts Bundle Plus
3 Books
This bundle includes:Mastering MVVM With SwiftMastering Core Data With SwiftThe Missing Manual for Swift Development
### Cocoacasts Bundle Plus
3 Books
This bundle includes:Mastering MVVM With SwiftMastering Core Data With SwiftThe Missing Manual for Swift Development
7. [#7
### Architect Playbook
2 Books
### Architect Playbook
2 Books
8. [#8
### CCDE Practical Studies (All labs)
3 Books
CCDE lab
### CCDE Practical Studies (All labs)
3 Books
CCDE lab
9. [#9
### Master Veeam IT Pro Bundle
4 Books
### Master Veeam IT Pro Bundle
4 Books
10. [#10
### Digital Transformation in Healthcare
3 Books
The healthcare industry is entering the era of digital innovation, as patients seek on-demand healthcare. Learn how to adapt to this new era from our bundle:Where To Invest in Digital Health? Good investments, bad investments, and tales from the industryHow Secure is Healthcare Data? Get a picture of the state of privacy today in healthcareWhat...
### Digital Transformation in Healthcare
3 Books
The healthcare industry is entering the era of digital innovation, as patients seek on-demand healthcare. Learn how to adapt to this new era from our bundle:Where To Invest in Digital Health? Good investments, bad investments, and tales from the industryHow Secure is Healthcare Data? Get a picture of the state of privacy today in healthcareWhat...
See More
### Leanpub: Publish Early, Publish Often
_Imagine a world where authors can earn money writing books..._
**You** can use Leanpub to **write, publish and sell** an **ebook** or **online course**.
We pay **80% royalties** on purchases of **$7.99 or more**, and **80% royalties minus a 50 cent flat fee** on purchases between **$0.99 and $7.98**. **You earn $8 on a $10 sale, and $16 on a $20 sale**. So, if we sell **5000 non-refunded copies of your book for $20**, you'll earn **$80,000**.
Authors have earned[$14,335,625](/authors)writing, publishing and selling on Leanpub.
You can either write your book in **Markdown** or you can **upload PDF or EPUB files** to sell in our store.
If you are writing in **Markdown**, you can use our simple **in-browser text editor**, or you can **write on your computer** and sync with **GitHub or Dropbox**. Either way, you can publish your Leanpub ebook with **one click**. You can publish your book while you're writing it, or wait until it is done: it's up to you.
You can **create a Leanpub course in Markdown** as well. Leanpub courses are like Leanpub books, but with quizzes and exercises that learners complete on the Leanpub website to earn a certificate of completion. To learn more about how to create a Leanpub course, you can watch [this video](https://youtu.be/unLz6zYaryE) on YouTube which shows **the entire process** from signup to publish!
[Create a Book or Course](/create/book)[Learn More](/authors)
### Top Courses
1. #1
### Patterns of Application Development Using AI (The Course)
Obie Fernandez
### Patterns of Application Development Using AI (The Course)
Obie Fernandez
2. #2
### Generative AI in a Nutshell (The Course)
Henrik Kniberg
### Generative AI in a Nutshell (The Course)
Henrik Kniberg
3. #3
### HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)
Mattias Fjellström
### HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)
Mattias Fjellström
4. #4
### The Complete Guide to PyCharm
Lukas Rieger, Christian Mayer, and Shubham Sayon
### The Complete Guide to PyCharm
Lukas Rieger, Christian Mayer, and Shubham Sayon
5. #5
### Reverse Engineering Malware, Practical Examples 2
Jason Reaves
### Reverse Engineering Malware, Practical Examples 2
Jason Reaves
6. #6
### Getting Started: macOS Apps with SwiftUI
Grace Huang
### Getting Started: macOS Apps with SwiftUI
Grace Huang
7. #7
### Kotlin Coroutines
Marcin Moskała
### Kotlin Coroutines
Marcin Moskała
8. #8
### Python Exercises Collection
Lukas Rieger and Christian Mayer
### Python Exercises Collection
Lukas Rieger and Christian Mayer
9. #9
### Getting Proficient in Java
Tarun Telang
### Getting Proficient in Java
Tarun Telang
10. #10
### Learn Python the Practical Way \[Coding Interview Exercises\]
Lukas Rieger and Christian Mayer
### Learn Python the Practical Way \[Coding Interview Exercises\]
Lukas Rieger and Christian Mayer
See More
### Featured Track
##### Design and Architecture Fundamentals in C#
The following 4 courses are included in this track...
[Software Architecture: Meta and SOLID Principles in C#](/courses/leanpub/solid), [Software Architecture: Dependency Injection in .NET](/courses/leanpub/dotnet-injection), [Software Design: Functional Programming in C#](/courses/leanpub/funcsharp), [Master the Art of Writing Clean Code in C#](/courses/leanpub/art-of-clean-coding)
[Learn More](/set/leanpub/csharp-architect)
The following 4 courses are included in this track...
[Software Architecture: Meta and SOLID Principles in C#](/courses/leanpub/solid), [Software Architecture: Dependency Injection in .NET](/courses/leanpub/dotnet-injection), [Software Design: Functional Programming in C#](/courses/leanpub/funcsharp), [Master the Art of Writing Clean Code in C#](/courses/leanpub/art-of-clean-coding)
[Learn More](/set/leanpub/csharp-architect)
### Top Tracks
1. #1
### Ace the technical interview
A topic by topic breakdown of the hardest technical interview questions
### Ace the technical interview
A topic by topic breakdown of the hardest technical interview questions
2. #2
### Game Studio Starter Kit (6 Game Collection)
This is the perfect Game Studio starter kit for launching your online dream business. This kit contains 6 tutorials books to help you create 9 different online game mechanics. You could have all 9 games ready in a day for each game. Start your Game Studio today.
### Game Studio Starter Kit (6 Game Collection)
This is the perfect Game Studio starter kit for launching your online dream business. This kit contains 6 tutorials books to help you create 9 different online game mechanics. You could have all 9 games ready in a day for each game. Start your Game Studio today.
3. #3
### WPF + MVVM
Learn both WPF and MVVM to build fully functional UI-applications with the modern UI-building framework, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).MVVM will help you to build WPF apps in a correct way from the software design perspective.
### WPF + MVVM
Learn both WPF and MVVM to build fully functional UI-applications with the modern UI-building framework, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).MVVM will help you to build WPF apps in a correct way from the software design perspective.
4. #4
### Real World Python
Learn Python the Practical Way - In this course you learn all the basics of the Python programming language. It contains exercises, explanatory videos, an example solution and a quiz. This will enable you to apply your skills to a wide range of real world problems.A collection of more Python exercises - Exercises with solutions to continue...
### Real World Python
Learn Python the Practical Way - In this course you learn all the basics of the Python programming language. It contains exercises, explanatory videos, an example solution and a quiz. This will enable you to apply your skills to a wide range of real world problems.A collection of more Python exercises - Exercises with solutions to continue...
5. #5
### How to Thrive in 2030 | Master These 3 Programming Skills
Don't want to miss out on emerging technologies and new markets in the programming space? Consider these three mega trends:Python is the fastest-growing major programming language on the planet.Machine Learning Engineers earn more money than ever before.Text Processing is a highly sought-after skill considering the exponentially growing supply...
### How to Thrive in 2030 | Master These 3 Programming Skills
Don't want to miss out on emerging technologies and new markets in the programming space? Consider these three mega trends:Python is the fastest-growing major programming language on the planet.Machine Learning Engineers earn more money than ever before.Text Processing is a highly sought-after skill considering the exponentially growing supply...
6. #6
### A Simple Path to Python Success
Python is the fastest-growing major programming language on the planet. This practical course set will teach you Python in a hands-on, highly practical way that guarantees your success. All you need to go from zero to completing your own Python projects in a relaxed, student-centric, and fun environment. Create yourself a new skill that'll bring...
### A Simple Path to Python Success
Python is the fastest-growing major programming language on the planet. This practical course set will teach you Python in a hands-on, highly practical way that guarantees your success. All you need to go from zero to completing your own Python projects in a relaxed, student-centric, and fun environment. Create yourself a new skill that'll bring...
7. #7
### 7 Course-Bundle: Shut Up and Code Python + PyCharm + Coding Interview + Machine Learning + One-Liners + Regex + Lambdas
"Shut up and code." Laughter in the audience. The hacker had just plugged in his notebook and started sharing his screen to present his super-smart Python script. "Shut up and code" The letters written in a white literal coding font on black background was the hackers' home screen background mantra. At the time, I was a first-year computer...
### 7 Course-Bundle: Shut Up and Code Python + PyCharm + Coding Interview + Machine Learning + One-Liners + Regex + Lambdas
"Shut up and code." Laughter in the audience. The hacker had just plugged in his notebook and started sharing his screen to present his super-smart Python script. "Shut up and code" The letters written in a white literal coding font on black background was the hackers' home screen background mantra. At the time, I was a first-year computer...
8. #8
### Trading como un Profesional a tu ritmo
### Trading como un Profesional a tu ritmo
9. #9
### Kotlin for developers
This is the complete track to learn about essential Kotlin features and get ready for working in Kotlin in daily basis. It starts from essentials, and on the way reaches advanced topics like efficient collection processing or DSL creation.
### Kotlin for developers
This is the complete track to learn about essential Kotlin features and get ready for working in Kotlin in daily basis. It starts from essentials, and on the way reaches advanced topics like efficient collection processing or DSL creation.
10. #10
### Design and Architecture Fundamentals in C#
Taking this course bundle, you'll learn:SOLID principles (SRP, OCP, ISP, LSP, DIP) in-depthMeta principles: DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SoC, CQS, Law of Demeter, PoLADependency Injection in Depth: IoC or DI containers, best practices, and anti-patternsFunctional Programming in C#: purity and side effects, functional C# features, immutability,...
### Design and Architecture Fundamentals in C#
Taking this course bundle, you'll learn:SOLID principles (SRP, OCP, ISP, LSP, DIP) in-depthMeta principles: DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SoC, CQS, Law of Demeter, PoLADependency Injection in Depth: IoC or DI containers, best practices, and anti-patternsFunctional Programming in C#: purity and side effects, functional C# features, immutability,...
See More
### Leanpub: Publish Early, Publish Often
**On Leanpub, you can publish your book while you write it, and earn 80% royalties.**
We call this **Lean Publishing**, and it's why Leanpub exists. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an **in-progress** book using **lightweight tools** and **many iterations** to get **reader feedback**, **pivot** until you have the right book and **build traction** once you do. You can learn more about Lean Publishing in [The Lean Publishing Manifesto](/manifesto), or watch the Tools of Change [conference talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozO0kOnqmyA) about it. There's even a [book](/lean/read) about these ideas, which still guide us today.
Leanpub is a **magical typewriter** for authors: just write in **plain text**, and to preview or publish your ebook, just **click a button**. On Leanpub, you can write in **Markdown** and generate your ebook with one click. (**Markdown is really easy**: everything you need to know is in the **template** we set up for you when you create a new book.)
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**You earn $8 on a $10 sale, and $16 on a $20 sale**.
So, if we sell **5000** copies of your book for **$20**, you'll earn **$80,000**. Yes, some authors have already earned much more than that on Leanpub. In fact, authors have earned **over $14 million USD** writing, publishing and selling on Leanpub.
Finally, Leanpub also supports publishing **online courses**, using the same Lean Publishing approach and Markdown-based workflow that we use for ebooks, and paying the same 80% royalties! To learn more, just create a course: the new course will contain a **template** which shows you how to get started.
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In fact, authors have earned[over $14 million](/authors)writing, publishing and selling on Leanpub.
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