Justia is a website that offers free access to federal and state court decisions, codes, and regulations. It also provides the full text of the Annotated U.S. Constitution, recent dockets, and selected case filings from U.S. federal district and appellate courts. The site allows users to access U.S. primary law, including case law, codes, statutes, and regulations. Justia also provides access to U.S. federal law, such as the Constitution, Code, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, and Supreme Court, as well as cases from federal courts of appeals and district courts. State-specific legal resources are also available.
This website is categorized in Law, Financial Industry and Legal Services Industry, providing comprehensive solutions across these business domains.
The website law.justia.com is built with 14 technologies.
Amazon CloudFront
Websites built with Amazon CloudFrontAmazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency, high transfer speeds.
Google Hosted Libraries
Websites built with Google Hosted LibrariesGoogle Hosted Libraries is a stable, reliable, high-speed, globally available content distribution network for the most popular, open-source JavaScript libraries.
Amazon Web Services
Websites built with Amazon Web ServicesAmazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud services platform offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality.
Web servers
Apache HTTP Server
Websites built with Apache HTTP ServerApache is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software.
Version: 2.4.18
Google Analytics
Websites built with Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.
Tag managers
Google Tag Manager
Websites built with Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app.
JavaScript libraries
Websites built with jQueryjQuery is a JavaScript library which is a free, open-source software designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax.
Version: 1.8.3
Websites built with web-vitalsThe web-vitals JavaScript is a tiny, modular library for measuring all the web vitals metrics on real users.
Version: 4.2.4
Open Graph
Websites built with Open GraphOpen Graph is a protocol that is used to integrate any web page into the social graph.
Programming languages
Websites built with reCAPTCHAreCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse.
Operating systems
Websites built with UbuntuUbuntu is a free and open-source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.