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Today’s Top Story


[](/news/12031347/san-francisco-schools-may-cut-staff-face-backlash-over-new-hiring-limits "SF School Layoffs Are Coming, But the Total Is Far From Board’s Worst-Case Plan")

SF School Layoffs Are Coming, But the Total Is Far From Board’s Worst-Case Plan

The San Francisco Unified School District will send pink slips to about 170 counselors and paraeducators after over 300 other staffers agreed to an early retirement buyout.

3h ago

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[](/news/12031237/california-has-30-new-proposals-to-rein-in-ai-trump-could-complicate-them "California Has 30 New Proposals to Rein in AI. Trump Could Complicate Them")


California Has 30 New Proposals to Rein in AI. Trump Could Complicate Them

2h ago

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[](/news/12031294/metas-efforts-to-block-explosive-expose-in-arbitration-likely-to-fail-labor-experts-say "Meta’s Efforts to Block Explosive Expose in Arbitration Likely to Fail, Labor Experts Say")


Meta’s Efforts to Block Explosive Expose in Arbitration Likely to Fail, Labor Experts Say

4h ago

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[](/news/12031300/this-stretch-san-franciscos-great-highway-now-permanently-closed-cars "This Stretch of San Francisco’s Great Highway Is Now Permanently Closed to Cars")


This Stretch of San Francisco’s Great Highway Is Now Permanently Closed to Cars

5h ago

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[](/news/12031302/wieners-controversial-bill-to-allow-housing-near-transit-is-back "Wiener’s Controversial Bill to Allow Housing Near Transit Is Back")


Wiener’s Controversial Bill to Allow Housing Near Transit Is Back

6h ago

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[](/news/12029560/the-california-railroads-surprising-impact-on-food-and-civil-rights "The California Railroad's Surprising Impact on Food and Civil Rights")


The California Railroad's Surprising Impact on Food and Civil Rights

6h ago

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[](/science/1996239/how-to-see-blood-moon "When to See the 2025 Total Lunar Eclipse in the Bay Area Tonight")

When to See the 2025 Total Lunar Eclipse in the Bay Area Tonight

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[](/science/1996263/this-weevil-was-born-in-your-rice-and-its-hungry "This Weevil Was Born in Your Rice and It’s Hungry")

This Weevil Was Born in Your Rice and It’s Hungry

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[](/news/12030575/bay-area-braces-for-rain-snow-potential-flooding "‘A Conveyor Belt of Storms’: Bay Area Braces for Rain, Snow and Potential Flooding")

‘A Conveyor Belt of Storms’: Bay Area Braces for Rain, Snow and Potential Flooding

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[Arts and Culture](/arts)[Arts and Culture](/arts)


[](/arts/13973065/eephus-is-the-best-baseball-movie-since-moneyball "‘Eephus’ Is the Best Baseball Movie Since ‘Moneyball’")

‘Eephus’ Is the Best Baseball Movie Since ‘Moneyball’

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[](/arts/13973046/sweetdragon-best-pies-san-jose-pi-day "A Tiny Takeout Window Sells Some of the Tastiest Pies in San Jose")

A Tiny Takeout Window Sells Some of the Tastiest Pies in San Jose

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[](/arts/13973040/black-bag-review-steven-soderbergh-spy-thriller "Steven Soderbergh’s Sleek Spy Thriller ‘Black Bag’ Crackles")

Steven Soderbergh’s Sleek Spy Thriller ‘Black Bag’ Crackles

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Housing Affordability


[](/news/12031302/wieners-controversial-bill-to-allow-housing-near-transit-is-back "Wiener’s Controversial Bill to Allow Housing Near Transit Is Back")

### Wiener’s Controversial Bill to Allow Housing Near Transit Is Back

The bill would allow developers to build an apartment building up to seven stories tall near high-frequency bus stops and train stations across California.

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[](/news/12031016/report-unhoused-man-seen-alive-before-being-crushed-during-vallejo-cleanup "Report: Unhoused Man Seen Alive Before Being Crushed During Vallejo Cleanup")

### Report: Unhoused Man Seen Alive Before Being Crushed During Vallejo Cleanup

A newly released death investigation report sheds light on what happened the day an unhoused man was crushed to death and raises questions about how city workers handled the cleanup.

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[](/news/12030725/united-way-bay-area-raises-alarm-over-federal-funding-pause-hunger-homelessness "United Way Bay Area Raises Alarm Over Federal Funding Pause for Hunger, Homelessness")

### United Way Bay Area Raises Alarm Over Federal Funding Pause for Hunger, Homelessness

United Way Bay Area warns of an indefinite pause in federal funding for hunger and homelessness relief, impacting local nonprofits in seven Bay Area counties, including Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin and beyond.

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[](/news/12030718/marin-county-declares-shelter-crisis-ranch-workers-poised-lose-homes "Marin County Declares Shelter Crisis as Ranch Workers Are Poised to Lose Homes")

### Marin County Declares Shelter Crisis as Ranch Workers Are Poised to Lose Homes

Supervisors are aiming to make it easier to build temporary housing in response to a deal to end most Point Reyes ranching, but residents say new permanent affordable housing is needed.

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[](/news/12030930/another-bay-area-city-steps-up-its-sanctuary-policies-in-the-face-of-trumps-threats "Another Bay Area City Steps Up Its Sanctuary Policies in the Face of Trump’s Threats")

### Another Bay Area City Steps Up Its Sanctuary Policies in the Face of Trump’s Threats

Richmond joined several California cities in strengthening its sanctuary city ordinances to limit involvement with federal immigration enforcement.

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[](/news/12030170/carecen-sf-uses-arts-advocacy-empower-bay-area-immigrant-youth "CARECEN SF Uses Arts and Advocacy to Empower Bay Area Immigrant Youth")

### CARECEN SF Uses Arts and Advocacy to Empower Bay Area Immigrant Youth

Lariza Dugan-Cuadra, CARECEN SF’s executive director, says supporting young people is at the heart of the organization. The mission is more important with an anti-immigrant Trump administration.

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[](/news/12027418/japanese-american-seniors-caregivers-say-goodbye-j-sei-home "‘Like Family’: Japanese American Seniors and Caregivers Say Goodbye to J-Sei Home")

### ‘Like Family’: Japanese American Seniors and Caregivers Say Goodbye to J-Sei Home

For more than a year, KQED documented the closure of J-Sei Home, a residential care facility for elderly Japanese Americans in Hayward.

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[](/news/12030273/if-trump-revokes-ukrainian-refugees-legal-status-many-in-california-fear-deportation "If Trump Revokes Ukrainian Refugees’ Legal Status, Many in California Fear Deportation")

### If Trump Revokes Ukrainian Refugees’ Legal Status, Many in California Fear Deportation

The Trump administration is reportedly considering revoking humanitarian parole for Ukrainians as soon as April. 'Anxiety levels are off the charts,' one immigration lawyer said.

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[](/news/12031237/california-has-30-new-proposals-to-rein-in-ai-trump-could-complicate-them "California Has 30 New Proposals to Rein in AI. Trump Could Complicate Them")

### California Has 30 New Proposals to Rein in AI. Trump Could Complicate Them

President Trump is taking a very different approach to AI than the Biden administration, and it could affect how California regulates artificial intelligence.

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[](/news/12031347/san-francisco-schools-may-cut-staff-face-backlash-over-new-hiring-limits "SF School Layoffs Are Coming, But the Total Is Far From Board’s Worst-Case Plan")

### SF School Layoffs Are Coming, But the Total Is Far From Board’s Worst-Case Plan

The San Francisco Unified School District will send pink slips to about 170 counselors and paraeducators after over 300 other staffers agreed to an early retirement buyout.

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[](/news/12031294/metas-efforts-to-block-explosive-expose-in-arbitration-likely-to-fail-labor-experts-say "Meta’s Efforts to Block Explosive Expose in Arbitration Likely to Fail, Labor Experts Say")

### Meta’s Efforts to Block Explosive Expose in Arbitration Likely to Fail, Labor Experts Say

Meta is battling to stop sales of an explosive memoir from a former employee in arbitration, but legal experts say federal and state labor laws in California protect the book and its author.

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[](/news/12031300/this-stretch-san-franciscos-great-highway-now-permanently-closed-cars "This Stretch of San Francisco’s Great Highway Is Now Permanently Closed to Cars")

### This Stretch of San Francisco’s Great Highway Is Now Permanently Closed to Cars

As of Friday morning, the Upper Great Highway between Lincoln Way and Sloat Boulevard is closed to vehicle traffic — a move that drew backlash from some westside residents.

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[](/news/12031302/wieners-controversial-bill-to-allow-housing-near-transit-is-back "Wiener’s Controversial Bill to Allow Housing Near Transit Is Back")

### Wiener’s Controversial Bill to Allow Housing Near Transit Is Back

The bill would allow developers to build an apartment building up to seven stories tall near high-frequency bus stops and train stations across California.

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[](/news/12029560/the-california-railroads-surprising-impact-on-food-and-civil-rights "The California Railroad's Surprising Impact on Food and Civil Rights")

### The California Railroad's Surprising Impact on Food and Civil Rights

California's railroads have left surprising tracks on the state's history — impacting what and how we eat and shaping the fight for racial justice.

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[](/news/12031282/celebrating-1000-episodes-of-the-bay "Celebrating 1000 Episodes of The Bay")

### Celebrating 1000 Episodes of The Bay

The Bay team takes a trip to Six Flags and reflects on 1000 episodes.

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