🏳️Ko-fi | Make money doing what you love

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Join 1,000,000+ creators! Set up your free page to get tips, sell products, offer memberships, and grow your community.

Love what you do and make money too


Join 1M+ creators getting donations, memberships and sales from fans!

[Get started](/account/register "Sign Up")

Payday your way


Take donations, build a membership, sell products and take requests. All from one place, at your own pace! Just 0-5% fees.

[Learn how Ko-fi works](/features "Sign Up") 

Over 1,000,000 Creators. All kinds, all kind


From podcasts to cosplay, pixel art to crochet.





Video Creators








180+ Supporters



36.6k+ Sales


Lee's Photography

50+ Supporters




90+ Supporters


Bjørn Larssen

50+ Supporters


M. Kirin

600+ Sales



Nix's House Of Glass

580+ Supporters


Rolling Yarn

230+ Supporters


Mystic Reflections

80+ Sales




90+ Members



50+ Members


Exploding Heads

1.9k+ Supporters



The Girl With The Pilates Mat

2.2k+ Members


Daniel and Yuka

70+ Supporters



4k+ Sales



Yarn Goddess

225 Supporters


Bastian Kerk Cosplay

10+ Supporters


Charybdis Studio

70+ Supporters



Colin Hendra

250+ Supporters


Amy Shafer

550+ Supporters


Coffee Run

20k Sales



Wonderful Elephant

90+ Members



12k+ Sales



25+ Supporters




200+ Supporters


Peter Webby

95+ Supporters



320+ supporters



The Streampunks!

160+ Members


Theatre of Science

1000+ Members


My disabled hairy friends

1.1k+ Supporters


The home of creative joy


When did churning out content, maximizing metrics and pushing for profit become standard for creator platforms?

At Ko-fi we don’t conform to that kind of ‘norm’.

Whether you’re making things and putting them out there or you’re showing the love for those that do – Ko-fi exists so that you can create, share, connect and support each other on your own terms.

Together we’re building a place where everyone can celebrate the joy of being free to explore your passions at your own pace.

[Read Ko-fi's story](/our-story "Read Ko-fi's story")

 What is Ko-fi?

Ko-fi helps creators make an income from your biggest fans. Whether you’re an artist, streamer or any kind of creator you can accept tips, set up memberships, take requests and sell your work—all in one place.

 How does Ko-fi work?

It’s simple! Create a free Ko-fi page, share it with your fans, and start earning in just a few minutes! Ko-fi has everything you need to create, share and make money in one place.

 Does Ko-fi take a fee?

Ko-fi takes a creator friendly 0-5% platform fee. There's no monthly fee so we only make money when you do. [Learn more about our pricing here.](/pricing)

 Can I use Ko-fi if I’m just starting out?

Absolutely! Ko-fi is perfect for creators of all sizes. We're all about letting you do your thing, at your pace – no need to rush or churn out content to a schedule. Grow your support at your own pace without the pressure.

 How do I get paid on Ko-fi?

You get paid directly and instantly into your own PayPal or Stripe. No waiting around for payouts! Supporters can pay you via PayPal, Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, CashApp and loads of local payment methods.

 How is Ko-fi different from Patreon?

Creators tell us Ko-fi is a simpler, lower pressure alternative to Patreon and you can also do so much more. Ko-fi has membership tiers, but you can also take donations, sell products, receive requests and earn from streaming all in one place and for a creator friendly 0-5% platform fee.

Make money  

doing what you love

