šŸ³ļøMozillaZine Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base


From MozillaZine Knowledge Base

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**Welcome to the MozillaZine Knowledge Base.**

This website provides [Mozilla product](/Summary_of_Mozilla_products "Summary of Mozilla products") documentation written by the user community. You can follow the links below to browse all of the articles, or use the Search box at the right-hand side of each page. If you want to discuss problems or ask questions about Mozilla products, please use the [MozillaZine Forums](http://forums.mozillazine.org/) instead. See [here](/MozillaZine_Knowledge_Base:About "MozillaZine Knowledge Base:About") for how to request a knowledge base account, create or edit an article, or leave comments about one.





_A powerful, extensible, and fast stand-alone browser_

*   [Frequently encountered issues](/Category:Issues_\(Firefox\) "Category:Issues (Firefox)") and how to fix them.

*   [All Firefox articles](/Category:Firefox "Category:Firefox"), arranged by subject.

Need more help? Visit [Firefox Help](https://support.mozilla.org/products/firefox/) or browse the [Firefox links](/Firefox_links "Firefox links") page.

_A stand-alone e-mail and newsgroup client with breakthrough spam filters_

*   [Frequently encountered issues](/Category:Issues_\(Thunderbird\) "Category:Issues (Thunderbird)") and how to fix them.

*   [All Thunderbird articles](/Category:Thunderbird "Category:Thunderbird"), arranged by subject.

Need more help? Visit [Thunderbird Help](https://support.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird) or browse the [Thunderbird links](/Thunderbird_links "Thunderbird links") page.



Other Mozilla-based applications[](/File:Sunbwiki3ej.png)


_The successor to Mozilla Suiteā€”A remarkable suite of browser, e-mail client, and more, utilizing cutting-edge technology._

*   [Frequently encountered issues](/Category:Issues_\(Mozilla_Suite\) "Category:Issues (Mozilla Suite)") and how to fix them.

*   [Frequently asked questions](/Mozilla_Suite_and_SeaMonkey_FAQs "Mozilla Suite and SeaMonkey FAQs")

*   [Mozilla Suite](/Category:Mozilla_Suite "Category:Mozilla Suite") and [SeaMonkey](/Category:SeaMonkey "Category:SeaMonkey") articles, arranged by subject.

Need more help? Visit the [SeaMonkey: Documentation & Help](http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/) page.

*   [Camino](/Category:Camino "Category:Camino"), the native Mac OS X browser.

*   [Sunbird](/Category:Sunbird "Category:Sunbird"), the stand-alone calendar application.

*   [Bugzilla](/Bugzilla "Bugzilla"), the bug-tracking system.

*   [Nvu](/Nvu "Nvu"), the web authoring tool.

*   [All Mozilla products](/Summary_of_Mozilla_products "Summary of Mozilla products")





_Help for hackers_

*   [Get and compile the source](/Get_and_compile_the_source "Get and compile the source")

*   [Extension development](/Extension_development "Extension development")

*   [All development articles](/Category:Development "Category:Development"), arranged by subject.

Developers might also want to visit the [Mozilla Developer Center](http://developer.mozilla.org).

_Extensions, [themes](/Themes "Themes") and [plugins](/Category:Plugins "Category:Plugins")_

*   [Installing extensions](/Installing_extensions "Installing extensions")

*   [Problematic extensions](/Problematic_extensions "Problematic extensions")

*   [Updating add-ons](/Updating_add-ons "Updating add-ons")

*   [Uninstalling add-ons](/Uninstalling_add-ons "Uninstalling add-ons")

[Mozilla Add-ons](https://addons.mozilla.org) and [Add-ons Mirror](http://forum.addonsmirror.net/), extensions and themes repositories.  

[PluginDoc](http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/), extensive plugin documentation.  

[Mycroft](http://mycroftproject.com/), search-plugins repository.

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*   [History](/index.php?title=Knowledge_Base&action=history "Past revisions of this page [alt-shift-h]")

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*   [Main Page](/Knowledge_Base "Main Page")

*   [Discussion](/Talk:Knowledge_Base "Discussion")

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*   [Log in](/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Knowledge+Base "You are encouraged to log in; however, it is not mandatory [alt-shift-o]")


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*   [Main page](/Knowledge_Base "Visit the main page [alt-shift-z]")

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*   [Random page](/Special:Random "Load a random page [alt-shift-x]")

*   [Help about MediaWiki](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents)

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*   [Printable version](javascript:print\(\); "Printable version of this page [alt-shift-p]")

*   [Permanent link](https://kb.mozillazine.org/index.php?title=Knowledge_Base&oldid=46508 "Permanent link to this revision of this page")

*   [Page information](/index.php?title=Knowledge_Base&action=info "More information about this page")

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*   This page was last edited on 22 October 2014, at 10:54.

*   [Privacy policy](/MozillaZine_Knowledge_Base:Privacy_policy)

*   [About MozillaZine Knowledge Base](/MozillaZine_Knowledge_Base:About)

*   [Disclaimers](/MozillaZine_Knowledge_Base:General_disclaimer)