[Antiferroelectric Altermagnets: Antiferroelectricity Alters Magnets](/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.106801)
13 March, 2025
Light excitation of germanium islands embedded in split ring resonators results in dissipation losses. Selected for a Synopsis in _Physics Magazine_ and for an Editors’ Suggestion.
Xunkai Duan _et al._
[Phys. Rev. Lett. **134**, 106801 (2025)](/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.106801)
* [Issue 10 Table of Contents](/prl/issues/134/10)
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[Wannier-function software ecosystem for materials simulations](/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.96.045008)
23 December, 2024
The description of the electronic structure in terms of extended Bloch states has made it possible to understand and calculate many properties in condensed-matter physics. However, understanding and insight often require a local description, and Wannier functions provide an exact and insightful map of extended reciprocal-space Bloch states into localized real-space orbitals. Applications range far and wide, from ultra-accurate integrations to topological invariants, and their widespread uptake by the electronic-structure community has resulted in a growing and interoperable ecosystem of methods and associated software tools. This review provides a description of this ecosystem that has now become a major instrument for the electronic-structure community in its pursuit of understanding, discovering, and designing materials.
Antimo Marrazzo _et al._
[Rev. Mod. Phys. **96**, 045008 (2024)](/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.96.045008)
* [Issue 4 Table of Contents](/rmp/issues/96/4)
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[APS and Astrobites Announce Partnership](/edannounce/aps-astrobites-partnership)
25 October, 2023
The American Physical Society (APS) is pleased to announce that it will begin sponsoring [_Astrobites_](, a daily astrophysical literature journal written by graduate students in astronomy. This mutually beneficial collaboration aims to enhance the dissemination of research, educational resources, and career insights in the field of astronomy and astrophysics.
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20 November, 2024
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24 October, 2024
The renewal agreement with CERN enables authors to publish high-energy physics articles open access in _Physical Review Letters_, _Physical Review C_ and _Physical Review D_ with no article publication charges. APS’ continued participation in SCOAP3 exemplifies its commitment to advancing open access in scholarly research.
### [Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics](
8 October, 2024
The _Physical Review_ journals would like to congratulate John J. Hopfield of Princeton University and Geoffrey E. Hinton of the University of Toronto for sharing the [2024 Nobel Prize in Physics]( The prize was awarded for “foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks.”
### [Dr. Jelena Vučković Named Lead Editor of _Physical Review Applied_](/prapplied/2024/08/01/Dr.-Jelena-Vučković-Named-Lead-Editor-of-<i>Physical-Review-Applied</i>)
1 August, 2024
APS is pleased to announce that Dr. Jelena Vučković of Stanford University has been selected as Lead Editor of _Physical Review Applied_. Dr. Vučković’s transition to this role will be effective as of August 1, 2024.
### [APS Releases Refreshed Data Availability Policy for the Physical Review Journals](/edannounce/APS-Releases-Data-Availability-Policy-for-the-Journals)
1 August, 2024
The policy requires authors to explain where research data can be found starting Sept. 4.
### [2023 Journal Impact Factors](/edannounce/2023-impact-factors)
21 June, 2024
Clarivate Analytics has released the 2023 Journal Citation Reports, which provides journal impact factors and rankings for over 11,000 scholarly journals.
### [APS Announces Outstanding Referees for 2024](/edannounce/APS-Announces-Outstanding-Referees-for-2024)
1 March, 2024
APS has selected 156 Outstanding Referees for 2024 who have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts published in the _Physical Review_ journals. A full list of the Outstanding Referees is available online.
### [APS Partners with Research4Life](/edannounce/APS-Partners-with-Resarch4Life)
15 December, 2023
Offer includes Journal Access and waived article publication charges to Scientists in 100+ Lower and Middle Income Countries
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### [_Physical Review Letters_ is looking for a new part-time Associate Editor in Quantum Information](/prl/2025/03/13/<i>Physical-Review-Letters</i>-is-looking-for-a-new-part-time-Associate-Editor-in-Quantum-Information)
13 March, 2025
_Physical Review Letters_ is looking for a new part-time Associate Editor with international scientific standing in the area of quantum information to join our editorial team and become part of the stimulating academic endeavor to bring high-quality papers to our readership.
### [_Physical Review Letters_ is looking for a new part-time Associate Editor in Gravitational Astrophysics](/prl/2025/03/13/<i>Physical-Review-Letters</i>-is-looking-for-a-new-part-time-Associate-Editor-in-Gravitational-Astrophysics)
13 March, 2025
_Physical Review Letters_ is looking for a new part-time Associate Editor with international scientific standing in the area of gravitational astrophysics to join our editorial team and become part of the stimulating academic endeavor to bring high-quality papers to our readership.
### [APS is conducting a search for a new Lead Editor of _Physical Review Letters_](/prl/2025/03/12/APS-is-conducting-a-search-for-a-new-Lead-Editor-of-<i>Physical-Review-Letters</i>)
12 March, 2025
The American Physical Society is conducting an international search for a new Lead Editor of _Physical Review Letters_ (PRL)—the world’s premier physics letter journal and the APS flagship publication.
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