🏳️Jigsaw Overview

Website faviconjigsaw.w3.org

Jigsaw Demo Site


What is Jigsaw?


The Jigsaw software provides the Consortium's Java-based Web server. With a modular architecture and full HTTP/1.1 compliance, the Jigsaw server is a premier experimental platform for W3C and the Internet community. The server uses an object-oriented approach when it comes to the storage of files and the processing of incoming requests, making it both more efficient and easily extensible.

Goals of this site


*   Demonstrate some of **Jigsaw** capabilities

*   Demonstrate some HTTP/1.1 features

*   Testing **Jigsaw** server in real life (See some [statistics](Stats/) on this server usage).

*   Early access to [experimental versions of **Jigsaw**](Devel/).

*   Distribution of [Jigsaw releases](Distrib).

It also completes the [main **Jigsaw** home page](http://www.w3.org/Jigsaw/) with [latest infos](new.html).

Jigsaw demos


[CSS Validator](css-validator/)

Running as a servlet


A set of **Jigsaw** features demos.

[Image metadata](Yves/Australia)

Automatic extraction of RDF comment, as described in note [Describing and retrieving photos using RDF and HTTP](http://www.w3.org/TR/photo-rdf/) , here is a [picture](Yves/Australia/1998/04/Brisbane-06.jpg) and its automatically [extracted metadata](Yves/Australia/1998/04/Brisbane-06.jpg;text%2Frdf). Also, [index pages](Bert/Provence/0003/) can be generated automatically from the embeded metadata


Some HTTP/1.1 tests

Jigsaw tools



HTTP/1.1 Put tool


A tool to embed RDF description in pictures

Jigsaw.w3.org news


*   20010116 - Hardware upgrade, see the [Status](Stats/) page.

*   20000911 - Updated jdk

*   20000828 - Patched the kernel (and rebooted)

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[Jigsaw Team](mailto:[email protected])