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##### Representation matters

](/collaboration/boards/qd17VRpmBUy0nslVqHLhBg)[#2168900850](/photo/affectionate-gay-couple-in-new-york-gm2168900850-588913052 "Representation matters #2168900850")


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](/collaboration/boards/DUKgtgmnB06ig5RBJnk30w)[#2168400904](/photo/colorful-danxia-landform-gm2168400904-588430842 "Natural world #2168400904")


##### Glimmers of joy video

](/collaboration/boards/ViKcgI3r0UW-TsfPQvIJ4w)[#1691168649](/video/underwater-closeup-of-playful-boys-hand-collecting-bubbles-in-river-water-gm1691168649-537559843 "Glimmers of joy video #1691168649")


##### Shop local

](/collaboration/boards/KqXUyRXHhUafKLzXTyXC3w)[#1460371369](/photo/customer-paying-with-credit-card-on-a-street-market-gm1460371369-494566392 "Shop local #1460371369")


##### Illustrations we ❤️

](/collaboration/boards/q7sWtLfuQ0u-OHtyMPH-fQ)[#1198221592](/vector/woman-playing-fetch-with-dog-gm1198221592-342365850 "Illustrations we ❤️ #1198221592")

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