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[Total number of Websites](/total-number-of-websites/)
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Emails sent [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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[Google searches](/google-search-statistics/) [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Blog posts written [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Videos viewed [today](javascript:void\(0\))
on YouTube
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Photos uploaded [today](javascript:void\(0\))
on Instagram
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Tumblr posts [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Facebook active users
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Twitter active users
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Pinterest active users
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Skype calls [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Websites hacked [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Computers sold [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Smartphones sold [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Internet traffic [today](javascript:void\(0\))
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Electricity used [today](javascript:void\(0\))
for the Internet
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CO2 emissions [today](javascript:void\(0\))
from the Internet
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