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From IndieWeb
What is the IndieWeb?
The [IndieWeb](/IndieWeb) is a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web”.
**We are a community of independent and personal websites** based on the [principles](/principles "principles") of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content.
### Your content is yours
When you post something on the web, it should [belong to you](/own_your_data "own your data"), not a corporation. Too many companies have gone out of business and [lost all of their users’ data](/site-deaths "site-deaths"). By joining the IndieWeb, your content stays yours and in your control.
### You are better connected
Your articles and status messages can [be distributed to any platform](/POSSE "POSSE"), not just one, allowing you to engage with everyone. Replies and likes on other services can [come back to your site](/backfeed "backfeed") so they’re all in one place.
### You are in control
You can post anything you want, in any format you want, with no one monitoring you. In addition, you share simple readable links such as _example.com/ideas_. These links are [permanent](/permalinks "permalinks") and will always work.
🌱 Join the IndieWeb
* **[Get Started Now!](/Getting_Started "Getting Started")** Or learn more: [Why IndieWeb?](/Why "Why")
* **[Join #indieweb chat](https://chat.indieweb.org/)** (real-time log!) to share your website, get inspiration or ask about [services](/services "services") and [projects](/projects "projects") to setup your IndieWeb site!
* **[Read _This Week in the IndieWeb_](https://indieweb.org/this-week/)** for weekly highlights
📝 Blog With Us Monthly
We have a number of monthly collaborative [blog carnivals](/blog_carnival "blog carnival") that you can join by posting on your own site! Each month features a different topic, theme, or movie to blog:
* **[IndieWeb Carnival](/IndieWeb_Carnival "IndieWeb Carnival")**
* **[IndieWeb Movie Club](/IndieWeb_Movie_Club "IndieWeb Movie Club")**
🗽 Beyond Blogging and Decentralization
The IndieWeb effort is [different](/different "different") from previous efforts/communities:
* **[Principles](/Principles "Principles")** over project-centrism. Others assume a [monoculture](/monoculture "monoculture") of one project for all. We are developing a [plurality of approaches and projects](/pluralism "pluralism"). The IndieWeb community has a [code-of-conduct](/code-of-conduct "code-of-conduct").
* **[Publish on your site](/use_what_you_make "use what you make")**. Show before tell. Prioritize by [making what you need](/make_what_you_need "make what you need"), [creating](/create "create"), iterating on your site.
* **[Design](/Design "Design")** first, protocols and formats second. Focus on creating a good user experience and [using your own prototype features](/use_what_you_make "use what you make") to focus on minimum necessary [formats](/formats "formats") and [protocols](/protocols "protocols").
* **Simpler [building blocks](/building_blocks "building blocks")**. When necessary, we adopt, improve, and create open [standards](/standards "standards") for good design, user experience, and ease of implementation.
Perhaps most importantly, we are people-focused instead of project-focused. We have [regular meetups](https://events.indieweb.org/). All are welcome. You don't need to have a website to join, but you should be interested in personal websites!
🎡 Homebrew Website Club
Homebrew Website Club 2018-11-14 SF
**[Homebrew Website Club](/Homebrew_Website_Club "Homebrew Website Club")** is a regular meetup of creatives passionate about improving their own websites, sharing successes and challenges with a like-minded and supportive community.
### Upcoming meetups
* **2025-03-19**
* 19:00\-20:30 **[Homebrew Website Club Europe/London](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/03/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-JEscojkw9Srd)**
* 18:00\-20:00 **[Homebrew Website Club - Americas](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/03/homebrew-website-club-americas-0w2cNQKjdfew)**
* **2025-03-25** 18:00\-19:00 **[Homebrew Website Club Edinburgh](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/03/homebrew-website-club-edinburgh-2yE4TrYdbPX4)**
* **2025-03-26** 19:00\-20:30 **[Homebrew Website Club Europe/London](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/03/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-9tW1J9cWiziA)**
* **2025-04-02** 19:00\-20:30 **[Homebrew Website Club Europe/London](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/04/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-KSSisG613Gsc)**
* **2025-04-09**
* 18:00\-20:00 **[Homebrew Website Club - Nuremberg/Germany](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/04/homebrew-website-club-nuremberg-germany-JVnsbe2yMg56)**
* 19:00\-20:30 **[Homebrew Website Club Europe/London](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/04/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-DMWKGgHQC0hv)**
* **2025-04-16** 19:00\-20:30 **[Homebrew Website Club Europe/London](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/04/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-oUwspy5MIb3Z)**
🎪 IndieWebCamp
IndieWeb Summit 2019
**[IndieWebCamp](/IndieWebCamp "IndieWebCamp")** is a two day gathering of web [creators](/creators "creators") collaboratively advancing the independent web. One day of breakout sessions, and one day of hacking, creating, & improving our personal sites to empower ourselves and inspire each other.
### Upcoming IndieWebCamps
* **[2024-11-09…10 IndieWebCamp Berlin](/2024/Berlin "2024/Berlin")**
* ...
See more and help organize, suggest dates, locations, and volunteer:
* **[Future IndieWebCamps](https://events.indieweb.org/tag/indiewebcamp)**
* **[Contribute to IndieWebCamp Planning!](/Planning "Planning")**
### ⛺️ IndieWeb Pop-Ups
[Pop-Ups](/pop-ups "pop-ups") are online events about a specific topic, similar to an extended discussion session at an in-person IndieWebCamp.
#### Upcoming Pop-Ups
* **2025-03-27** 18:00\-19:30 **[Front End Study Hall #024](https://events.indieweb.org/2025/03/front-end-study-hall-024-j8dtucnWT7Iz)**
[More Pop-Ups are being planned](/pop-up#Planning "pop-up"). Jump on in and help facilitate, suggest dates or propose a topic.
You may read and edit IndieWebCamp articles in other languages:
* [Català (Catalan)](/Main_Page-ca "Main Page-ca")
* [Deutsch (German)](/Main_Page-de "Main Page-de")
* [Español (Spanish)](/Main_Page-es "Main Page-es")
* [Français (French)](/Main_Page-fr "Main Page-fr")
* [Italiano (Italian)](/Main_Page-it "Main Page-it")
* [日本語 (Japanese)](/Main_Page-ja "Main Page-ja")
* [한국어 (Korean)](/Main_Page-ko "Main Page-ko")
* [Norsk bokmål (Norwegian Bokmål)](/Main_Page-nb "Main Page-nb")
* [Portuguese (Brazil)](/Main_Page-pt "Main Page-pt")
* [Русский (Russian)](/Main_Page-ru "Main Page-ru")
* [Türkçe (Turkish)](/Main_Page-tr "Main Page-tr")
* [中文 (Chinese)](/Main_Page-zh "Main Page-zh")
* See also [other-languages](/other-languages "other-languages"), and [how-to-start-a-new-translation](/how-to-start-new-translation "how-to-start-new-translation").
More Information
* Read [posts about the IndieWeb](/posts_about_the_indieweb "posts about the indieweb")
* Watch [videos about the IndieWeb](/videos_about_the_indieweb "videos about the indieweb")
* Follow [news](/news "news") about the IndieWeb
* Subscribe to the [This Week in the IndieWeb](/This_Week_in_the_IndieWeb "This Week in the IndieWeb") newsletter
* Participate in [upcoming IndieWeb events](/events "events")
* Join [#indieweb chat](https://chat.indieweb.org/) and discuss all things IndieWeb
Wiki Resources
* [Recent changes](/Special:RecentChanges "Special:RecentChanges")
* [Upload file](/Special:Upload "Special:Upload")
* [Edit home page](https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit)
* [Login](https://sso.indieweb.org/login?url=https%3A%2F%2Findieweb.org%2F)
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