🏳️Indiana University Bloomington

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Students get the quintessential college experience at Indiana University Bloomington, one of America's leading research universities.

Welcome home


A community that feels like family. Professors who care about where you are—and where you’re going. Opportunities beyond your wildest dreams and inspiration at every breathtaking turn. Your journey begins at Indiana University.

[Learn about Hoosier Life](hoosier-life/index.html)

[Reserve your spot](https://intenttoenroll.indiana.edu/index.php)


IU said yes! Now tell us you’re IU bound by completing your Intent to Enroll by May 1.

[Explore degrees](academics/degrees-majors/index.html)


Turn what interests you into a career you’ll love. Discover the majors and programs to meet your goals.

[Visit Bloomington](https://admissions.indiana.edu/visit/index.html?_gl=1*fgthi6*_ga*NDQ1OTkwMTM3LjE2NTI4ODcwNjQ.*_ga_61CH0D2DQW*MTY3ODg3ODM3Ny4xODYuMS4xNjc4ODc5NjExLjAuMC4w)


Once you step foot on campus, you’ll be hooked. Plan your visit to IU.

Get in on all the Hoosier hype


IU is a nonstop college experience you don't want to miss. Get resources on applying to IU, learn about campus events, and discover what it means to be a Hoosier.

[Sign up today](https://bloomington.iu.edu/request-info/index.html)

> The first time I stepped on campus I felt the culture and care that everyone talks about. Now, as a resident assistant, I get to work directly with freshmen and watch them grow. It’s a very rewarding experience.

Jessie Schuster Class of 2025, Majoring in Exercise Science

The best academics


World-class degree programs, from business and health to STEM and the arts. An education that is bold and innovative. Find it all at Indiana University.

[Find what interests you](https://bloomington.iu.edu/academics/academic-experience.html)

The best campus and community


IU and Bloomington (aka "B-town") welcome everyone and every opportunity to grow. Find inspiration at every corner—on and off-campus.

[Discover Bloomington](https://bloomington.iu.edu/hoosier-life/visiting-bloomington.html)

The best opportunity to rock the world


Refine your skills, build new ones, and be prepared for anything. Your degree is THE stepping stone to your dream job. IU grads start their lives with high-paying salaries in careers shaping tomorrow.

[See where your interests can lead](https://bloomington.iu.edu/academics/opportunities.html)


student organizations


languages taught


study abroad programs

Hoosiers making their mark


[IU programs help alleviate teacher shortage](https://news.iu.edu/live/news/43380-education-pathway-programs-at-iu-help-alleviate)


Innovative education career pathway programs at IU address the state's teacher shortage, helping aspiring educators become licensed teachers.

[$138M Lilly Endowment grant to accelerate bioscience](https://news.iu.edu/live/news/43205-with-138m-grant-from-lilly-endowment-iu-launches)


The grant will support IU's initiative in advancing human health by establishing IU LAB, a state-of-the-art facility for research and development.

[Increasing access to care statewide](https://news.iu.edu/live/news/43280-increasing-access-to-care-through-community-health-out)


IU is improving healthcare access through outreach, focusing on rural communities and ensuring Hoosiers have the care they need.

Explore IU


[IU Admissions](https://admissions.indiana.edu/)


Ready to find out more about the university or get started on your IU application? IU Admissions can help you get started.

[Explore cost, financial aid, and scholarships](https://admissions.indiana.edu/cost-financial-aid/index.html)


Find IU Bloomington tuition and fees and explore financial aid and scholarship options.

Indiana University Bloomington social media channels


*   [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/IUBloomington)

*   [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/IndianaUniversity)

*   [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/iubloomington)

*   [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/IndianaUniversityBloomington1820)

*   [Pinterest](https://www.pinterest.com/indianauniv)

*   [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=18342)

Contact, Address and Additional Links




*   [Canvas](https://canvas.iu.edu)

*   [One.IU](https://one.iu.edu/)

*   [AskIU](https://uits.iu.edu/askiu)



*   [Directory](https://directory.iu.edu/)

*   [Courses](https://studentcentral.indiana.edu/register/schedule-classes/index.html)

*   [Campus Map](https://map.iu.edu/iub/index.html)

*   [Required Disclosures](https://bloomington.iu.edu/disclosures/index.html)



*   [IU Bloomington Libraries](https://libraries.indiana.edu/)

*   [IUCAT](https://iucat.iu.edu/)

*   [OneSearch@IU](https://libraries.indiana.edu/databases/onesearch)



*   [Knowledge Base](https://servicenow.iu.edu/kb)

*   [IT Services](https://uits.iu.edu/)

*   [Faculty & Staff Resources](https://bloomington.iu.edu/faculty-staff/index.html)

*   [Diversity](https://diversity.iu.edu/)

*   [Non-Discrimination Notice](https://www.iu.edu/nondiscrimination/index.html)

*   [Protect IU](https://protect.iu.edu/)



*   [About Email at IU](https://servicenow.iu.edu/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0023187)

*   [Outlook Web Access](https://uits.iu.edu/services/accounts-and-email/exchange)


107 S. Indiana Avenue  

Bloomington, IN  


Phone: 812-855-4848