Image from standard tools
with ImageOptim
Faster web pages and apps
**Make images load faster** and save bandwidth. Improved compression enables you to use beautiful images without bogging down your site.
Image resizing on demand
Easily create **responsive images** and **thumbnails** with high quality resampling and compression tuned for desktop and mobile resolutions.
Technology managed for you
**Integrate easily** without installing specialized software. Using cutting-edge technology is as easy as downloading an image.
Process product photos on **e-commerce** sites to have competetive website performance, and ensure that high quality images are fast for mobile users too. Fast images **increase conversions and improve SEO**.
Clean and compress **user-uploaded images**. ImageOptim API removes private metadata and converts images to formats and sizes optimized for the web. You'll get fast-loading images that meet your requirements without burdening your users with technicalities or file size limits.
Quickly add responsive images to **web applications and CMSes**. ImageOptim API can generate images specifically tuned for high-DPI screens and “compressive” images. Easily create image variants for `srcset` and `<picture>` markup.
### Fast-loading images
ImageOptim API uses custom, modern encoders and adjusts compression parameters for each image.
If you've used off-the-shelf tools and haven't optimized images before, switching to ImageOptim will make your images load **twice as fast**.
**[Try it now!](/api/register)**
Most resizing tools favor speed over quality
ImageOptim uses precise algorithms to avoid color shifts
### Color profile and gamma support
ImageOptim API applies ICC color profiles and resizes in gamma-corrected 48-bit depth to achieve **quality required for professional photos**. Colors are faithfully reproÂduced, and resizing accurately preserves overall brightness of grain and lines.
When necessary, ImageOptim API embeds a custom, very small ICC color profile in photo files for accurate color reprduction on wide-gamut displays.
### Optimized for high-DPI displays
Images for “Retina” displays need 4 times as many pixels as regular displays — usually quadrupling file sizes as well! ImageOptim has an [option](/api/post#opt-2x) to apply heavy compression **tuned especially for high-density displays** to keep these file sizes down.
**29**KB (2Ă— smaller)
`convert -resize 640 -quality 75`
ImageOptim with [high-dpi setting](/api/post#opt-2x)
### Privacy and control
ImageOptim removes hidden metaÂdata from images, such as GPS position and camera serial numbers. This is especially important if you publish photos uploaded by users, who could accidentally share more than they wanted.
Images optimized by the API can be stored and served straght from your own servers, so you can be certain where your images are stored and prevent 3rd parties from tracking your users.
### Security
If you resize images on your servers, you're exposed to the risk of vulnerabilities in image processing tools and libraries, which could be exploited with maliciously-crafted images to gain unauthorized access to your servers, your network and your data. By using the ImageOptim API you **isolate your servers from these risks**. We take the burden of security, so you don't have to.
### Full compatibility (without a catch)
ImageOptim generates well-compressed files that are backwards-compatible with JPEG and PNG standards, so the images _just work_ in all browsers — no hacks are needed. These images don't require browser-sniffing and can be cached by CDNs and proxies.
### Advanced, high-quality compression
ImageOptim's JPEG encoder significantly reduces gray halos around black and white text, and keeps edges of very saturated colors sharp.
Where possible, PNG images are converted to the efficient PNG8 format that is up to 4 times smaller. [More…](/features)
### Progressive rendering
Only 15% of a file needs to be downloaded to render the image on the page, giving impression of much quicker loading.
### Responsive
With the API you can easily automate generation of multiple variants of images for optimal fit on phones, tablets and large screen devices.
### Expert support
You get personal support from me — the developer of ImageOptim. If you have a problem, [ask me](
), and I'll be able to pull all technical tricks for you. I _enjoy_ making websites and apps faster.
**[Try ImageOptim API now](/api/register)**