🏳️HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today

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What a brilliant idea! For the longest time HTML5 specified, and advised developers, that it no longer mattered what the number (1 to 6) was in a heading element (when used in conjunction with sectioning elements). What mattered was the nesting level of the H1-h6 in sectioning elements, just like the X<H>TML promised land, but \[…\]

[Read full post](https://html5doctor.com/computer-says-no-to-html5-document-outline/)

### Recent Comments

*   [Steven Vachon](https://www.svachon.com/) on [The details and summary elements](https://html5doctor.com/the-details-and-summary-elements/#comment-2167338)

*   [Mark Excell](https://www.xlcreative.design/) on [The Footer Element Update](https://html5doctor.com/the-footer-element-update/#comment-2151659)

*   Patanjali on [Computer says NO to HTML5 document outline](https://html5doctor.com/computer-says-no-to-html5-document-outline/#comment-2150802)

*   Patanjali on [The figure & figcaption elements](https://html5doctor.com/the-figure-figcaption-elements/#comment-2150788)

*   Patanjali on [Quoting and citing with `<blockquote>`, `<q>`, `<cite>`, and the cite attribute](https://html5doctor.com/blockquote-q-cite/#comment-2150781)

[HTML5 Element Index](/element-index/)




*   [doctype](/element-index/#doctype)

*   [html](/element-index/#html)

*   [head](/element-index/#head)

*   [title](/element-index/#title)

*   [base](/element-index/#base)

*   [link](/element-index/#link)

*   [meta](/element-index/#meta)

*   [style](/element-index/#style)

*   [script](/element-index/#script)

*   [noscript](/element-index/#noscript)



*   [body](/element-index/#body)

*   [article](/element-index/#article)

*   [nav](/element-index/#nav)

*   [aside](/element-index/#aside)

*   [section](/element-index/#section)

*   [header](/element-index/#header)

*   [footer](/element-index/#footer)

*   [h1-h6](/element-index/#h1-h6)

*   [main](/element-index/#main-desc)

*   [address](/element-index/#address)



*   [p](/element-index/#p)

*   [hr](/element-index/#hr)

*   [pre](/element-index/#pre)

*   [blockquote](/element-index/#blockquote)

*   [ol](/element-index/#ol)

*   [ul](/element-index/#ul)

*   [li](/element-index/#li)

*   [dl, dt, dd](/element-index/#dl)

*   [figure](/element-index/#figure)

*   [figcaption](/element-index/#figcaption)

*   [div](/element-index/#div)



*   [table](/element-index/#table)

*   [caption](/element-index/#caption)

*   [thead](/element-index/#thead)

*   [tbody](/element-index/#tbody)

*   [tfoot](/element-index/#tfoot)

*   [tr](/element-index/#tr)

*   [th](/element-index/#th)

*   [td](/element-index/#td)

*   [col](/element-index/#col)

*   [colgroup](/element-index/#colgroup)



*   [form](/element-index/#form2)

*   [fieldset](/element-index/#fieldset)

*   [legend](/element-index/#legend)

*   [label](/element-index/#label)

*   [input](/element-index/#input)

*   [button](/element-index/#button)

*   [select](/element-index/#select)

*   [datalist](/element-index/#datalist)

*   [optgroup](/element-index/#optgroup)

*   [option](/element-index/#option)

*   [textarea](/element-index/#textarea)

Forms 2


*   [keygen](/element-index/#keygen)

*   [output](/element-index/#output)

*   [progress](/element-index/#progress)

*   [meter](/element-index/#meter)



*   [details](/element-index/#details)

*   [summary](/element-index/#summary)

*   [command](/element-index/#command)

*   [menu](/element-index/#menu)



*   [del, ins](/element-index/#del)



*   [img](/element-index/#img)

*   [iframe](/element-index/#iframe)

*   [embed](/element-index/#embed)

*   [object](/element-index/#object)

*   [param](/element-index/#param)

*   [video](/element-index/#video)

*   [audio](/element-index/#audio)

*   [source](/element-index/#source)

*   [canvas](/element-index/#canvas)

*   [track](/element-index/#track)

*   [map](/element-index/#map)

*   [area](/element-index/#area)



*   [a](/element-index/#a)

*   [em](/element-index/#em)

*   [strong](/element-index/#strong)

*   [i, b](/element-index/#i)

*   [u](/element-index/#u-def)

*   [s](/element-index/#s)

*   [small](/element-index/#small)

*   [abbr](/element-index/#abbr)

*   [q](/element-index/#q)

*   [cite](/element-index/#cite)

*   [dfn](/element-index/#dfn)

*   [sub, sup](/element-index/#sub)

Text-level 2


*   [time](/element-index/#time)

*   [code](/element-index/#code)

*   [kbd](/element-index/#kbd)

*   [samp](/element-index/#samp)

*   [var](/element-index/#var)

*   [mark](/element-index/#mark)

*   [bdi](/element-index/#bdi)

*   [bdo](/element-index/#bdo)

*   [ruby, rt, rp](/element-index/#ruby)

*   [span](/element-index/#span)

*   [br](/element-index/#br)

*   [wbr](/element-index/#wbr)

[More Posts from HTML5 Doctor](/article-archive/)


One of the many new input types that HTML5 introduced is the date input type which, in theory, should allow a developer to provide the user with a simple, usable, recognisable method of entering a date on a web page. But sadly, this input type has yet to reach its full potential. Briefly, the date \[…\]

ARIA is an amazing technology, it allows developers to add meaning to meaningless HTML or override meaning on HTML that is being repurposed and sometimes misused, so that users who rely upon the meaning of HTML, as implemented in browsers, can understand and interact with HTML User Interfaces successfully.

Updated: 3rd August 2020 The question of whether HTML elements need the addition of ARIA role attributes to expose their semantics, is one that surfaces on a regular basis. The answer is maybe for a subset of elements, but increasingly no.

The W3C’s Mike\[tm\] Smith (AKA @sideshowbarker) is the man with his head in the W3C validation markup checking tool source code; he makes the magic happen.  Questions were asked for the HTML5 Doctor reader’s delight and edification. Russian Translation: Не проверив HTML5-кода, не суйся в воду — с Майком™ Смитом First off tell us a bit about what you do and \[…\]

Forwards In recent weeks I contacted around 40 people, a cross section of those who have banged away at, or banged on about, HTML5. I asked them for their perspectives on HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Below are the words of the 28 people who responded, pretty much in the order they hit my inbox: \[…\]

By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.) Update 11 November 2014 \[…\]

ARIA (WAI-ARIA if you want to be formal) is a set of attributes that you can add to HTML elements. These attributes communicate role, state and property semantics to assistive technologies via the accessibility APIs implemented in browsers. The W3C HTML specification provides information about which ARIA attributes are allowed to be used on each \[…\]

It’s nearly two years since I suggested a <picture> element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing.

[Find more articles in the complete HTML5 Doctor archive](http://html5doctor.com/article-archive/ "Article Archive | HTML5 Doctor")

### Sponsors


### HTML5 Gallery


### [Beginning HTML5 & CSS3](http://thewebevolved.com)


The Web Evolved: A new book on HTML5 & CSS3 by Richard Clark, Oli Studholme, Christopher Murphy and Divya Manian.

[Buy it now](http://thewebevolved.com)

### [Dive into HTML5](http://diveinto.html5doctor.com)

Sadly, Mark Pilgrim has stopped maintaining this project. Along with other members of the web community we want to see it continue. We’re hosting a copy and plan to help keep it up-to-date.

[Read Dive into HTML5](http://diveinto.html5doctor.com)