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119th Congress, 1st Session · The House is not in session.

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Monday, March 24, 2025

[Watch Most Recent House Floor Activity(link is external)](https://live.house.gov/ "link to live.house.gov (opens in a new window)")

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[Committee Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/committee-organizational-meeting-for-the-119th-congress/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means

10:00 am

[The Need to Make Permanent the Trump Tax Cuts for Working Families(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/hearing-on-the-need-to-make-permanent-the-trump-tax-cuts-for-working-families/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means

1:00 pm

[Full Committee Organizational Meeting of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/markup/full-committee-organizational-meeting-notice/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Time (ET)


9:30 am

[Organizational Meeting for the 119th Congress(link is external)](https://armedservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=4897 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Armed Services

10:00 am

[Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/full-committee-organizational-meeting-1 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce

10:00 am

[Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/EventSingle.aspx?EventID=408033 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

10:00 am

["Organizing of the Committee on the Judiciary"(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/organizing-committee-judiciary "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary

10:00 am

[The Stay-at-Home Federal Workforce: Another Biden-Harris Legacy(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/the-stay-at-home-federal-workforce-another-biden-harris-legacy/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

10:15 am

["America Builds: the State of the Nation's Transportation System"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/EventSingle.aspx?EventID=408033 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

10:15 am

[Organizing Meeting(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/EventSingle.aspx?EventID=412141 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Education and Workforce

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Time (ET)


9:00 am

[Business Meeting(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6616 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

10:00 am

[Organizational Meeting for the 119th Congress(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/bill/119/PIH-committee-organizational-meeting-119th-congress "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Time (ET)


4:00 pm

[H.R. 471 - Fix Our Forests Act; S. 5 - Laken Riley Act(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/bill/119/hr-471 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[Member Day Hearing on Matters Within the Committees Tax Jurisdiction(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/member-day-hearing-on-matters-within-the-committees-tax-jurisdiction/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means

10:00 am

[Committee on Homeland Security 119th Congress Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/committee-on-homeland-security-organizational-meeting/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security

10:00 am

[Markup Entitled: 119th Congress Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409441 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

[Markup amending Rule VII of the Rules of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure due to Subcommittee ratio changes; and approval of Subcommittee rosters(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408128 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

10:00 am

[Restoring Immigration Enforcement in America(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/restoring-immigration-enforcement-america "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement

10:15 am

["America Builds: Highways to Move People and Freight"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408116 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Highways and Transit

10:30 am

["Unconstrained Actors: Assessing Global Cyber Threats to the Homeland"(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/unconstrained-actors-assessing-global-cyber-threats-to-the-homeland/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security

10:30 am

[A Decade Later: Assessing the Legacy and Impact of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act.(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/environment-subcommittee-a-decade-later-assessing-the-legacy-and-impact-of-the-frank-r-lautenberg-chemical-safety-for-the-21st-century-act "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Environment

11:00 am

[Organizational Meeting for the 119th Congress(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=407118 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Small Business

1:00 pm

[Restoring Focus: Putting Veterans First in Community Care(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6617 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

2:00 pm

[Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/full-committee-organizational-meeting-119/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs

2:00 pm

[Organizational meeting.(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416869 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

["America Builds: Examining America's Freight and Passenger Rail Network"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408125 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials

10:00 am

[Organizational Meeting to Consider the Rules of the Committee on the Budget for the 119th Congress AND the Committee on the Budget's Authorization and Oversight Plan for the 119th Congress(link is external)](https://budget.house.gov/hearing/organizational-meeting-to-consider-the-rules-of-the-committee-on-the-budget-for-the-119th-congress-and-the-committee-on-the-budgets-authorization-and-oversight-plan-for-the-119th-congress "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee On The Budget

10:00 am

[Full Committee Organizational Meeting(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/1/full-committee-organizational-meeting "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

10:00 am

[Legislative Hearing on the following bills: H.R. 231 Rep. Hageman Colorado River Basin System Conservation Extension Act of 2025; H.R. 261 Rep. Carter of GA Undersea Cable Protection Act of 2025; H.R. 331 Rep. Fulcher To amend the Aquifer Recharge Flexibility Act to clarify a provision relating to conveyances for aquifer recharge purposes; H.R. \_\_\_ Rep. Stansbury WaterSMART Access for Tribes Act.(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416863 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries

10:00 am

[Strengthening American Leadership in Wireless Technology(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/communications-and-technology-subcommittee-strengthening-american-leadership-in-wireless-technology "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Communications and Technology

10:00 am

[Full Committee 119th Organizational Meeting of the Committee on Appropriations(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/business-meetings/full-committee-119th-organizational-meeting-committee-appropriations "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations

1:15 pm

[Correcting VAs Violations of Veterans Due Process and Second Amendment Rights(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6618 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Time (ET)


4:00 pm

[H.R. 27 - Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/bill/119/hr-27 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[Hearing Entitled: Make Community Banking Great Again(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409450 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

["Preparing the Pipeline: Examining the State of America's Cyber Workforce"(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/preparing-the-pipeline-examining-the-state-of-americas-cyber-workforce/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security

10:00 am

[Rightsizing Government(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/rightsizing-government/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

10:00 am

[SST Business Meeting(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/2025/2/full-committee-business-meeting-adoption-of-committee-rules-and-approval-of-authorization-and-oversight-plan "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

10:00 am

[The State of U.S. Science and Technology: Ensuring U.S. Global Leadership(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/2025/2/the-state-of-u-s-science-and-technology-ensuring-u-s-global-leadership "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

10:00 am

[Hope on the Horizon: Prioritizing Small Business Growth in the 119th Congress(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=407134 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Small Business

10:00 am

["America Builds: Maritime Infrastructure"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408161 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation

10:15 am

[Legislative Hearing on: H.R. 410 Rep. Begich Alaska Native Vietnam Era Veterans Land Allotment Extension Act of 2025; H.R. 412 Rep. Bergman To authorize the Bay Mills Indian Community of the State of Michigan to convey land and interests in land owned by the Tribe; H.R. 504 Rep. Gimenez Miccosukee Reserved Area Amendments Act; and H.R. 741 Rep. Stanton Stronger Engagement for Indian Health Needs Act of 2025.(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416897 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs

10:15 am

[Powering Americas Future: Unleashing American Energy(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/energy-subcommittee-powering-america-s-future-unleashing-american-energy "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Energy

10:15 am

["The State of American Education"(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=412165 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Education and Workforce

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/chairmen-guthrie-and-carter-announce-health-subcommittee-hearing-on-illicit-drug-threats "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Health

10:00 am

[Oversight Hearing on "Now Ore Never: The Importance of Domestic Mining for U.S. National Security"(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=117845 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources

10:00 am

[California Fires and the Consequences of Overregulation(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/california-fires-and-consequences-overregulation "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust

10:00 am

["Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408162 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Aviation

2:00 pm

[VA First Veteran Second: The Biden-Harris Legacy(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6630 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

2:00 pm

[Time's Running Out: Prosecuting Fraudsters for Stealing Billions in Unemployment Benefits from American Workers(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/times-running-out-prosecuting-fraudsters-for-stealing-billions-in-unemployment-benefits-from-american-workers/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means  

Subcommittee on Work and Welfare

2:00 pm

[Transgender Lab Rats and Poisoned Puppies: Oversight of Taxpayer Funded Animal Cruelty(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/subcommittee-on-cybersecurity-information-technology-and-government-innovation-hearing/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation

2:00 pm

[Hearing Entitled: Operation Choke Point 2.0: The Biden Administration's Efforts to Put Crypto in the Crosshairs(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409451 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

Friday, February 7, 2025

Time (ET)


9:30 am

[Select Committee on the CCP Organizing Meeting(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=117885 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

Monday, February 10, 2025

Time (ET)


4:00 pm

[H.R. 77 - Midnight Rules Relief Act(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/bill/119/hr-77 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[IRS Return on Investment and the Need for Modernization(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/oversight-subcommittee-hearing-on-irs-return-on-investment-and-the-need-for-modernization/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means  

Subcommittee on Oversight

10:00 am

["America Builds: Clean Water Act Permitting and Project Delivery"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408197 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

10:00 am

[Full Committee Hearing: "Part 1: Committee Funding for the 119th Congress(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/2/full-committee-hearing-part-1-committee-funding-for-the-119th-congress "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

10:00 am

[Reining in the Administrative State: Regulatory and Administrative Law Reform(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/reining-administrative-state-regulatory-and-administrative-law-reform-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust

10:00 am

["Examining the PRC's Strategic Port Investments in the Western Hemisphere and the Implications for Homeland Security Part I"(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/examining-the-prcs-strategic-port-investments-in-the-western-hemisphere-and-the-implications-for-homeland-security-part-i/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security  

Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security

10:15 am

[Oversight Hearing on Restoring Energy Dominance: The Path to Unleashing American Offshore Energy(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416907 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources

10:15 am

[Bureaucratic Barriers: Making VBA Education Services Work for Veterans and not the Bureaucracy(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6631 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity

1:30 pm

[Examining the Growth of the Welfare State Part I(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/examining-the-growth-of-the-welfare-state-part-i/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services

2:00 pm

[Oversight Hearing on: "Restoring Multiple Use to Revitalize Americas Public Lands and Rural Communities"(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416908 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Federal Lands

2:00 pm

[Modernizing American Health Care: Creating Healthy Options and Better Incentives(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/health-subcommittee-hearing-on-modernizing-american-health-care-creating-healthy-options-and-better-incentives/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means  

Subcommittee on Health

2:30 pm

[Hearing Entitled: A Golden Age of Digital Assets: Charting a Path Forward(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409452 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[Career Ready Students: Innovations from Community Colleges and the Private Sector(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/career-ready-students-innovations-community-colleges-and-private-sector "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

10:00 am

[Protecting American Interests in a Convergent Global Threat Environment(link is external)](https://armedservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=4991 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Armed Services

10:00 am

[Hearing Entitled: The Federal Reserve’s Semi-Annual Monetary Policy Report(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409453 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

[Mark up on H.R. 231 Rep. Hageman Colorado River Basin System Conservation Extension Act of 2025;H.R. 249 Rep. Pallone To redesignate certain facilities at Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park in honor of Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr.;H.R. 302 Rep. Maloy Water Rights Protection Act of 2025;H.R. 331 Rep. Fulcher To amend the Aquifer Recharge Flexibility Act to clarify a provision relating to conveyances for aquifer recharge purposes.H.R. 618 Rep. Horsford(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416917 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources

10:00 am

[The Censorship-Industrial Complex(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/censorship-industrial-complex "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary

10:00 am

[The War on Waste: Stamping Out the Scourge of Improper Payments and Fraud(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/the-war-on-waste-stamping-out-the-scourge-of-improper-payments-and-fraud/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency

10:00 am

[Driving Economic Growth: SBA Lending Programs and the Vital Role of Community Banks(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=407138 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Small Business

10:00 am

[From Transformative Science to Technological Breakthroughs: DOEs National Laboratories(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/2025/2/from-transformative-science-to-technological-breakthroughs-doe-s-national-laboratories "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology  

Subcommittee on Energy

10:00 am

["America Builds: A Review of Programs to Address Roadway Safety"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408204 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Highways and Transit

10:00 am

[Full Committee Hearing "Part 2: Committee Funding for the 119th Congress"(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/2/full-committee-hearing-part-2-committee-funding-for-the-119th-congress "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

10:00 am

[Markup of H.R. 1155 H.R. 997 H.R. 998 H.R. 1152 and H.R. 1156(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/full-committee-markup-of-h-r-1155-h-r-997-h-r-998-h-r-1152-and-h-r-1156/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means

10:15 am

[H.R. 1048 the "DETERRENT Act"; H.R. 649 the "Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2025"; H.R. 1069 the "PROTECT Our Kids Act"; H.R. 1005 the "CLASS Act"; and H.R. 1049 the "Transparency in Reporting of Adversarial Contributions to Education Act"(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=412189 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Education and Workforce

11:00 am

[AI in Manufacturing: Securing American Leadership in Manufacturing and the Next Generation of Technologies(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/commerce-manufacturing-and-trade-hearing-titled-ai-in-manufacturing-subcommittee-securing-american-leadership-in-manufacturing-and-the-next-generation-of-technologies "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade

2:00 pm

[Oversight hearing titled: "Leaving Indian Children Behind: Reviewing the State of BIE Schools."(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416913 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

2:15 pm

[Roles and Responsibilities: Evaluating VA Community Care(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6632 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Health

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Time (ET)


8:30 am

[The USAID Betrayal(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/the-usaid-betrayal/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs

10:00 am

[The Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025(link is external)](https://budget.house.gov/markup-notice-house-committee-on-the-budget "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee On The Budget

Monday, February 24, 2025

Time (ET)


3:00 pm

[From Reset to Rollout: Can the VA EHRM Program Finally Deliver?(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6643 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Technology Modernization

4:00 pm

[H. Con. Res. 14 - Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2025 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026 through 2034.; H.J. Res. 20 - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5 UnitedStates Code of the rule submitted by the Department of Energy relatingto Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards forConsumer Gas-fired Instantaneous Water Heaters.; H.J. Res. 35 - Provid(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/media/announcement/meeting-announcement-february-24-2025 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Time (ET)


9:30 am

[American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/american-indian-and-alaska-native-public-witness-day-1-morning-session-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

10:00 am

[Justice Delayed: The Crisis of Undermanned Federal Courts(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/justice-delayed-crisis-undermanned-federal-courts-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet

10:00 am

[Emerging Global Threats: Putting Americas National Security First(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/emerging-global-threats-putting-americas-national-security-first/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on the Military and Foreign Affairs

10:00 am

[Oversight Hearing - State of the Civil Works Program(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/oversight-hearing-state-civil-works-program "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies

10:00 am

[Hearing Entitled: Examining Policies to Counter China(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409467 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

[Legislative Presentation of Disabled American Veterans Multi VSOs: AMVETS Vietnam Veterans of America Military Order of the Purple Heart Blinded Veterans Association Veterans Education Success Gold Star Wives of America Inc. and Reserve Organization of America before the House and Senate VSO Joint Hearing(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6645 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

10:00 am

["Promoting and Improving Safety and Efficient Pipeline Infrastructure"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408243 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials

10:00 am

[American Trade Enforcement Priorities(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/trade-subcommittee-hearing-on-american-trade-enforcement-priorities/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means  

Subcommittee on Trade

10:00 am

[Committee on House Administration Full Committee Markup(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/2/full-committee-markup-of-various-measures "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

10:15 am

[Oversight Hearing Titled: "Full Blast: Contrasting Momentum in the Space Mining Economy to the Terrestrial Mining Regulatory Morass."(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416930 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

10:30 am

[Full Committee Markup(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/full-committee-markup-1 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce

12:45 pm

[the Full Committee to Consider the Following: 1 Authorization Oversight Plan of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/markup/full-committee-business-meeting-76/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

1:00 pm

[The Government Accountability Offices 2025 High Risk List(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/the-government-accountability-offices-2025-high-risk-list/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

1:30 pm

[American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/american-indian-and-alaska-native-public-witness-day-1-afternoon-session-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

2:00 pm

[Missed Milestones: Evaluating The Last Four Years in the EAP Region and Unseized Opportunities Under President Trump(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/missed-milestones-evaluating-the-last-four-years-in-the-eap-region-and-unseized-opportunities-under-president-trump/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs  

East Asia and Pacific Subcommittee

2:00 pm

[Oversight Hearing on: Federal Indian Trust Asset Management: Progress Made But Improvement Needed(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416931 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs

2:00 pm

[Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof: Birthright Citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/subject-jurisdiction-thereof-birthright-citizenship-and-fourteenth-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government

2:00 pm

[Entering the Golden Age: Ending the Weaponization of the Justice Department(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/entering-golden-age-ending-weaponization-justice-department-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on Oversight

2:00 pm

[Legislative Hearing on: H.R. 472 The Restore VA Accountability Act of 2025; H.R. 1041 Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act; Discission Draft: To amend title 38 United States Code to prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from transmitting certain information to the Department of Justice for use by the national instant criminal background check system; H.R. 740 Veterans ACCESS Act of 2025; and Discussion Draft: Student Veteran Benefit Restoration Act of 2025(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6650 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

3:00 pm

[FY26 Members' Day(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/defense-member-day "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Defense

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Time (ET)


9:30 am

[Leading the Charge: Opportunities to Strengthen Americas Energy Reliability(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/leading-the-charge-opportunities-to-strengthen-americas-energy-reliability/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs

9:30 am

[American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/american-indian-and-alaska-native-public-witness-day-2-morning-session "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

10:00 am

[An Examination of How Reining in PBMs Will Drive Competition and Lower Costs for Patients(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/health-subcommittee-an-examination-of-how-reining-in-pb-ms-will-drive-competition-and-lower-costs-for-patients "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Health

10:00 am

[Strengthening America's Defense Industrial Base Workforce and Production Lines to Deter War(link is external)](https://armedservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=4996 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Armed Services

10:00 am

[Consideration of the Oversight Plan for the Committee on Homeland Security for the 119th Congress; H.R. 1000 Mr. Green of TN the "Cyber PIVOTT Act"; H. Res. 113 Mr. Thompson of MS Directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to transmit to the House of Representatives certain documents relating to Department of Homeland Security policies and activities related to the security of Department information and data and the recruitment and retention of its workforce; and H. Res. 114 Mr. Thomps(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/full-committee-markup-6/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security

10:00 am

[Hearing Entitled: The Future of American Capital: Strengthening Public and Private Markets by Increasing Investor Access and Facilitating Capital Formation(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409469 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

[Step by Step: The Artemis Program and NASA's Path To Human Exploration of the Moon Mars and Beyond(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/2025/2/step-by-step-the-artemis-program-and-nasa-s-path-to-human-exploration-of-the-moon-mars-and-beyond "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology  

Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

10:00 am

[Fostering American Innovation: Insights into SBIR and STTR Programs(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=407140 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Small Business

10:00 am

[H.R. 875 the Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act; H.R. 176 the No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act; H.R. 1071 the No Censors on our Shores Act; and Adoption of the 119th Congress Authorization and Oversight Plan(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/markups/markup-hr-875-hr-176-hr-1071-and-adoption-119th-congress-authorization "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary

10:00 am

[Oversight Hearing titled: Evaluating the Implementation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act.(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=117865 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries

10:00 am

[Legislative Presentation of The American Legion Multi VSOs: Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A Minority Veterans of America National Association of County Veterans Services Officers Military Officers Association of America National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs DAniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families and Wounded Warrior Project before the House and Senate VSO Joint Hearing(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6649 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

10:00 am

[The Authorization and Oversight Plan for the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for the 119th Congress; H.R. 1182 the Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety and Oversight Improvements Act of 2025; H. Con. Res. 9 Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band Exhibition; An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 501 the Promoting Resilient Buildings Act of 2025; H.R. 744 the Disaster Managemen(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408251 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

10:00 am

[Markup of H.R. 1491 H.R. 517 and H.J.Res. 25(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/markup-of-h-r-1491-h-r-517-and-h-j-res-25/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means

10:15 am

["Unleashing America's Workforce and Strengthening Our Economy"(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=412203 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Education and Workforce

10:30 am

["Examining the Biden Administration's Energy and Environment Spending Push."(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/oversight-and-investigations-subcommittee-examining-the-biden-administration-s-energy-and-environment-spending-push "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

10:30 am

[Federal Investments in Elementary Education(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/federal-investments-elementary-education "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

11:00 am

[America Last: How Foreign Aid Undermined U.S. Interests Around the World(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/how-foreign-aid-lost-its-way/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency

1:30 pm

[American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/american-indian-and-alaska-native-public-witness-day-2-afternoon-session-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

1:30 pm

[The Role of Special Operations in Great Power Competition(link is external)](https://armedservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=4997 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Armed Services  

Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations

2:00 pm

[Oversight Hearing Federal Bureau of Prisons(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/oversight-hearing-federal-bureau-prisons "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Time (ET)


9:00 am

["Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking and Online Exploitation(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/protecting-victims-human-trafficking-and-online-exploitation-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance

9:00 am

[American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=117918 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

Monday, March 3, 2025

Time (ET)


4:00 pm

[H.J. Res. 42 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5 United States Code of the rule submitted by the Department of Energy relating to "Energy Conservation Program for Appliance Standards: Certification Requirements Labeling Requirements and Enforcement Provisions for Certain Consumer Products and Commercial Equipment".; H.J. Res. 61 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5 United States Code of the rule submitted by the Environmental(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/media/announcement/meeting-announcement-march-3-2025 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[The Right to Self Defense(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/right-self-defense-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance

10:00 am

[Leveraging Technology to Strengthen Immigration Enforcement(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/leveraging-technology-to-strengthen-immigration-enforcement/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation

10:00 am

[Hearing Entitled: Task Force on Monetary Policy, Treasury Market Resilience, and Economic Prosperity: Examining Monetary Policy and Economic Opportunity(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409476 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

[Future of FEMA: Perspectives from the Emergency Management Community.(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/future-of-fema-perspectives-from-the-emergency-management-community/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security  

Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology

10:00 am

[Member Day Hearing(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/3/full-committee-hearing-member-day-committee-on-house-administration "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

10:00 am

["America Builds: Air Traffic Control System Infrastructure and Staffing"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408260 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Aviation

10:00 am

[Legislative Presentation of The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Multi VSOs:Paralyzed Veterans of America Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Student Veterans of America Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors The Elizabeth Dole Foundation and National Coalition for Homeless Veterans before the House and Senate VSO Joint Hearing(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6652 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

10:15 am

[Moving the Goalposts: How NIL is Reshaping College Athletics(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/commerce-manufacturing-and-trade-subcommittee-moving-the-goalposts-how-nil-is-reshaping-college-athletics "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade

10:15 am

[Oversight Hearing Titled: "Understanding the Consequences of Experimental Populations Under the Endangered Species Act"(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416943 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

2:00 pm

[Legislative Reforms to End Lawfare by State and Local Prosecutors(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/legislative-reforms-end-lawfare-state-and-local-prosecutors "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government

2:00 pm

["The Digital Battlefield: How Terrorists Use the Internet and Online Networks for Recruitment and Radicalization.(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/the-digital-battlefield-how-terrorists-use-the-internet-and-online-networks-for-recruitment-and-radicalization/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security  

Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence

2:00 pm

[Twelve Pieces of Legislation(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/full-committee-markup-2 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce

2:00 pm

[Hearing Entitled: Building Our Future: Increasing Housing Supply in America(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409478 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Time (ET)


9:15 am

[End the Typhoons: How to Deter Beijing's Cyber Actions and Enhance America's Lackluster Cyber Defenses(link is external)](https://selectcommitteeontheccp.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/media-advisory-select-committee-chinese-communist-party-holds-hearing "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

9:45 am

[Markup of Various Measures(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=407148 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Small Business

10:00 am

["America Builds: Coast Guard Acquisitions and Infrastructure"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408267 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation

10:00 am

[Scaling for Growth: Meeting the Demand for Reliable Affordable Electricity.(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/energy-subcommittee-scaling-for-growth-meeting-the-demand-for-reliable-affordable-electricity "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Energy

10:00 am

[Markup of Various Measures(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409484 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

["Countering Threats Posed by the Chinese Communist Party to U.S. National Security.(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/countering-threats-posed-by-the-chinese-communist-party-to-u-s-national-security/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security

10:00 am

[Assessing the Threat to U.S. Funded Research(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/2025/3/assessing-the-threat-to-u-s-funded-research "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology  

Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight

10:00 am

[A Hearing with Sanctuary City Mayors(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/a-hearing-with-sanctuary-city-mayors/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

10:00 am

[H.R. 1789 the Promptly Ending Political Prosecutions and Executive Retaliation Act; H.R. 1526 the No Rogue Rulings Act; H.R. 1702 the JUDGES Act of 2025; and H.R. 1605 the Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2025.(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/markups/markup-hr-1789-hr-1526-hr-1702-and-hr-1605 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary

10:00 am

[Oversight Hearing on: "Examining the Office of Insular Affairs' Role in Fostering Prosperity in the Pacific Territories and Addressing External Threats to Peace and Security"(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416942 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs

10:15 am

[Fiscal Year 2026 Member Day(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/financial-services-and-general-government-member-day "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government

10:15 am

["Strengthening WIOA: Improving Outcomes for America's Workforce"(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=412213 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Education and Workforce  

Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development

10:15 am

[Legislative Hearing on: Discussion Draft Governing Unaccredited Representatives Defrauding VA Benefits Act; Discussion Draft Preserving Lawful Utilization of Services for Veterans Act of 2025; and Discussion Draft: To amend title 38 United States Code to allow for certain fee agreements for services rendered in the preparation presentation and prosecution of initial claims and supplemental claims for benefits under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and for other purpo(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6657 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs

10:30 am

[Fiscal Year 2026 Member Day(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/labor-health-and-human-services-education-member-day "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

2:00 pm

[Bridging the Gap: Turkey Between East and West(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/bridging-the-gap-turkey-between-east-and-west/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs  

Europe Subcommittee

2:00 pm

[Fixing Bidens Broadband Blunder(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/communications-and-technology-subcommittee-1 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Communications and Technology

2:00 pm

["America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408270 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management

Monday, March 10, 2025

Time (ET)


4:00 pm

[H.R. 1156 Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Enforcement Act; H.J. Res. 25 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5 United States Code of the rule submitted by the Internal Revenue Service relating to "Gross Proceeds Reporting by Brokers That Regularly Provide Services Effectuating Digital Asset Sales".; H.R. 1968 Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act 2025(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/media/announcement/meeting-announcement-march-10-2025 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Rules

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

["Water Infrastructure Financing: WIFIA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund"(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=408287 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure  

Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

10:00 am

[Antitrust Law and the NCAA: Examining the Current Climate(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/antitrust-law-and-ncaa-examining-current-climate-0 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on the Judiciary  

Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust

10:00 am

[Shifting Gears: Moving from Recovery to Prevention of Improper Payments and Fraud(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/shifting-gears-moving-from-recovery-to-prevention-of-improper-payments-and-fraud/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Government Operations

10:00 am

[Member Day(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/2025/3/full-committee-hearing "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

10:00 am

[Restoring the SBA: Putting Main Street America First(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=407150 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Small Business  

Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Regulations

10:00 am

[Hearing Entitled: Navigating the Digital Payments Ecosystem: Examining a Federal Framework for Payment Stablecoins and Consequences of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409489 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Financial Services

10:00 am

[Regulatory Harm or Harmonization? Examining the Opportunity to Improve the Cyber Regulatory Regime.(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/regulatory-harm-or-harmonization-examining-the-opportunity-to-improve-the-cyber-regulatory-regime/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security  

Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection

10:00 am

[The State of U.S. Shipbuilding(link is external)](https://armedservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=5008 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Armed Services  

Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces

10:15 am

["Education Without Limits: Exploring the Benefits of School Choice"(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=412232 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Education and Workforce  

Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education

10:15 am

["Maximizing Opportunities for Redeveloping Brownfields Sites: Assessing the Potential for New American Innovation."(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/events/environment-subcommittee-maximizing-opportunities-for-redeveloping-brownfield-sites-assessing-the-potential-for-new-american-innovation "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Energy and Commerce  

Subcommittee on Environment

10:15 am

[Legislative hearing on: H.R. 1820 Rep. Ciscomani Federal Lands Amplified Security for the Homeland Act or the FLASH Act.(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=416962 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Natural Resources  

Subcommittee on Federal Lands

10:15 am

[Legislative Hearing on: H.R. 913 Streamlining Aviation for Eligible Veterans Act of 2025 H.R. 980 the Modernizing the Veterans On-Campus Experience Act of 2025 H.R.1364 the Automotive Support Services to Improve Safe Transportation Act of 2025 H.R. 1458 the Veterans Education and Technical Skills Opportunity Act of 2025 H.R. 1960 the Simplifying Veterans Assistance Act of 2025 H.R. 1527 the Reforming Education for Veterans Act H.R. 1793 the Veterans Readiness and Employment Transpar(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6660 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity

10:30 am

[Innovative Techniques in Military Construction(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/schedule/hearings/innovative-techniques-military-construction "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

2:00 pm

[Organizational Meeting of the Joint Committee on Printing(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/3/organizational-meeting-of-the-joint-committee-on-printing "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

2:00 pm

[After the Hospital: Ensuring Access to Quality Post-Acute Care(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/health-subcommittee-hearing-on-after-the-hospital-ensuring-access-to-quality-post-acute-care/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means  

Subcommittee on Health

2:00 pm

[Reauthorizing the U.S. Development Finance Corporation(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/reauthorizing-the-u-s-development-finance-corporation/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs  

East Asia and Pacific Subcommittee

2:00 pm

[Arms Control International Security and U.S. Assistance to Europe: Review and Reforms for the State Department(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/arms-control-international-security-and-u-s-assistance-to-europe-review-and-reforms-for-the-state-department/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs  

Europe Subcommittee

2:00 pm

[Eliminating Waste Fraud and Abuse at the Department of Homeland Security: Addressing the Biden-Harris Administrations Failures.(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/eliminating-waste-fraud-and-abuse-at-the-department-of-homeland-security-addressing-the-biden-harris-administrations-failures/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Homeland Security  

Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability

2:00 pm

[Enhancing Federal State and Local Coordination in the Fight Against Criminal Illegal Aliens(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/enhancing-federal-state-and-local-coordination-in-the-fight-against-criminal-illegal-aliens/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  

Subcommittee on Federal Law Enforcement

2:15 pm

[Organizational Meeting of the Joint Committee on the Library(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/3/organizational-meeting-of-the-joint-committee-on-the-library "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

2:15 pm

[Legislative Hearing on: Discussion Draft Standardizing Treatment and Referral Times Act; Discussion Draft No Wrong Door for Veterans Act; Discussion Draft Providing Veterans Essential Medications Act; Discussion Draft Veterans Supporting Prosthetics Opportunities and Recreational Therapy Act; Discussion Draft To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Comptroller General of the United States to report on certain funding shortfalls in the Department of Veterans Affairs; H.R. 217 CH(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=6659 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Health

3:00 pm

[Full Committee Markup on Various Measures(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/2025/3/full-committee-markup-of-various-measures "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on House Administration

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Time (ET)


9:00 am

[Conflict and Persecution in Nigeria: The Case for a CPC Designation(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/conflict-and-persecution-in-nigeria-the-case-for-a-cpc-designation/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Foreign Affairs  

Africa Subcommittee

9:15 am

[Markup of H.Res. 127 and H.Res. 195(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/event/markup-of-h-res-127-and-h-res-195/ "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Ways and Means

Monday, March 24, 2025

Time (ET)


3:00 pm

[Closing the Data Gap: Improving Interoperability Between VA andCommunity Providers(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=118027 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Technology Modernization

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Time (ET)


10:00 am

[FY2026 Member Day(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=118005 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Appropriations  

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

10:15 am

[Mission Incomplete: Strengthening the TAP Program to Ensure a Smoother Transition to Civilian Life for Tomorrow's Veterans(link is external)](http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=118028 "link to details of this scheduled item (opens in a new window)")  

Committee on Veterans' Affairs  

Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity

[View all upcoming events](/legislative-activity)

[Watch Most Recent House Floor Activity(link is external)](https://live.house.gov/ "link to live.house.gov (opens in a new window)")

Floor Proceedings

Time (ET)


09:02 AM

The Speaker announced that the House do now adjourn pursuant to clause 13 of Rule I. The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. on March 18, 2025.

09:02 AM

ADJUSTMENT OF THE WHOLE NUMBER OF THE HOUSE - Under clause 5(d) of rule XX, the Chair announced to the House that, in light of the passing of the gentleman from Arizona, Mr. Grijalva, the whole number of the House is 431.

09:02 AM

The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk notified the House that he had received the following message from the Secretary of the Senate on March 12, 2025, at 11:10 a.m.: That the Senate passed S. 960. Appointment: Senate National Security Working Group.

09:01 AM

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Chair led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

09:01 AM

SPEAKER'S APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL - Pursuant to clause 13 of Rule 1, the Journal of the last day's proceedings was approved.

09:01 AM

Today's prayer was offered by Rev. Daniel Carson, St. Peter's Catholic Church, Washington, D.C.

09:00 AM

The Speaker designated the Honorable Adrian Smith to act as Speaker pro tempore for today.

09:00 AM

The House convened, starting a new legislative day.

[View the full Floor Proceedings from the Clerk of the House(link is external)](https://clerk.house.gov "link to clerk of the house (opens in a new window)")

Most Recent Votes







[71(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=71 "roll call number 71 (opens in a new window)")


[H J RES 25(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-joint-resolution/25 "link to bill number 25 (opens in a new window)")


Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Internal Revenue Service relating to “Gross Proceeds Reporting by Brokers That Regularly Provide Services Effectuating Digital Asset Sales” (On Passage)

[70(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=70 "roll call number 70 (opens in a new window)")


[H R 1968(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1968 "link to bill number 1968 (opens in a new window)")


Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025 (On Passage)

[69(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=69 "roll call number 69 (opens in a new window)")


[H R 1968(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1968 "link to bill number 1968 (opens in a new window)")


Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025 (On Motion to Recommit)

[68(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=68 "roll call number 68 (opens in a new window)")


[H R 1156(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1156 "link to bill number 1156 (opens in a new window)")


Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Enforcement Act (On Passage)

[67(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=67 "roll call number 67 (opens in a new window)")


[H RES 211(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-resolution/211 "link to bill number 211 (opens in a new window)")


Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 25); providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1156); providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1968); and for other purposes. (On Agreeing to the Resolution)

[66(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=66 "roll call number 66 (opens in a new window)")


[H RES 211(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-resolution/211 "link to bill number 211 (opens in a new window)")


Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 25); providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1156); providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1968); and for other purposes. (On Ordering the Previous Question)

[65(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=65 "roll call number 65 (opens in a new window)")


[H R 993(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/993 "link to bill number 993 (opens in a new window)")


Emerging Innovative Border Technologies Act (On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass)

[64(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=64 "roll call number 64 (opens in a new window)")


[H R 901(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/901 "link to bill number 901 (opens in a new window)")


Research Security and Accountability in DHS Act (On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass)

[63(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=63 "roll call number 63 (opens in a new window)")


[H R 495(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/495 "link to bill number 495 (opens in a new window)")


Subterranean Border Defense Act (On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass)

[62(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.asp?year=2025&rollnumber=62 "roll call number 62 (opens in a new window)")


[H RES 189(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-resolution/189 "link to bill number 189 (opens in a new window)")


Censuring Representative Al Green of Texas (On Agreeing to the Resolution)

*   [Bills This Week(link is external)](https://docs.house.gov/floor/ "Bills This Week (opens in a new window)")

*   [Bills Presented to the President(link is external)](https://congress.gov/search?q=%7B%22source%22%3A%22legislation%22%2C%22bill-status%22%3A%22president%22%7D "Bills Presented to the President (opens in a new window)")

*   [Bills - Quick Search(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/quick-search/legislation "Bills - Quick Search (opens in a new window)")

*   [Bills - Recent Actions(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/bills-with-chamber-action/119th-congress/browse-by-date "Bills - Recent Actions (opens in a new window)")

*   [119th Committee Reports(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/house-reports/119th-congress "118th Committee Reports (opens in a new window)")

*   [Committee Reports - Quick Search(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/quick-search/committee-reports "Committee Reports - Quick Search (opens in a new window)")

*   [Congressional Record(link is external)](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record "Congressional Record (opens in a new window)")

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House Overview


*   [Representatives](#representatives)

*   [Leadership](#leadership)

*   [Committees](#committees)

*   [Officers and Organizations](#officers)

*   [Congressional Partners](#partners)



Elected to a two-year term, each representative serves the people of a specific congressional district by introducing bills and serving on committees, among other duties.

Visit Your Representative's Website:

Representatives by last nameAdams, Alma, North Carolina 12thAderholt, Robert, Alabama 4thAguilar, Pete, California 33rdAlford, Mark, Missouri 4thAllen, Rick, Georgia 12thAmo, Gabe, Rhode Island 1stAmodei, Mark, Nevada 2ndAnsari, Yassamin, Arizona 3rdArrington, Jodey, Texas 19thAuchincloss, Jake, Massachusetts 4thBabin, Brian, Texas 36thBacon, Don, Nebraska 2ndBaird, James, Indiana 4thBalderson, Troy, Ohio 12thBalint, Becca, Vermont At LargeBarr, Andy, Kentucky 6thBarragan, Nanette, California 44thBarrett, Tom, Michigan 7thBaumgartner, Michael, Washington 5thBean, Aaron, Florida 4thBeatty, Joyce, Ohio 3rdBegich, Nicholas, Alaska At LargeBell, Wesley, Missouri 1stBentz, Cliff, Oregon 2ndBera, Ami, California 6thBergman, Jack, Michigan 1stBeyer, Donald, Virginia 8thBice, Stephanie, Oklahoma 5thBiggs, Andy, Arizona 5thBiggs, Sheri, South Carolina 3rdBilirakis, Gus, Florida 12thBishop, Sanford, Georgia 2ndBoebert, Lauren, Colorado 4thBonamici, Suzanne, Oregon 1stBost, Mike, Illinois 12thBoyle, Brendan, Pennsylvania 2ndBrecheen, Josh, Oklahoma 2ndBresnahan, Robert, Pennsylvania 8thBrown, Shontel, Ohio 11thBrownley, Julia, California 26thBuchanan, Vern, Florida 16thBudzinski, Nikki, Illinois 13thBurchett, Tim, Tennessee 2ndBurlison, Eric, Missouri 7thBynum, Janelle, Oregon 5thCalvert, Ken, California 41stCammack, Kat, Florida 3rdCarbajal, Salud, California 24thCarey, Mike, Ohio 15thCarson, Andre, Indiana 7thCarter, Earl, Georgia 1stCarter, John, Texas 31stCarter, Troy, Louisiana 2ndCasar, Greg, Texas 35thCase, Ed, Hawaii 1stCasten, Sean, Illinois 6thCastor, Kathy, Florida 14thCastro, Joaquin, Texas 20thCherfilus-McCormick, Sheila, Florida 20thChu, Judy, California 28thCiscomani, Juan, Arizona 6thCisneros, Gilbert, California 31stClark, Katherine, Massachusetts 5thClarke, Yvette, New York 9thCleaver, Emanuel, Missouri 5thCline, Ben, Virginia 6thCloud, Michael, Texas 27thClyburn, James, South Carolina 6thClyde, Andrew, Georgia 9thCohen, Steve, Tennessee 9thCole, Tom, Oklahoma 4thCollins, Mike, Georgia 10thComer, James, Kentucky 1stConaway, Herbert, New Jersey 3rdConnolly, Gerald, Virginia 11thCorrea, J., California 46thCosta, Jim, California 21stCourtney, Joe, Connecticut 2ndCraig, Angie, Minnesota 2ndCrane, Elijah, Arizona 2ndCrank, Jeff, Colorado 5thCrawford, Eric, Arkansas 1stCrenshaw, Dan, Texas 2ndCrockett, Jasmine, Texas 30thCrow, Jason, Colorado 6thCuellar, Henry, Texas 28thDavids, Sharice, Kansas 3rdDavidson, Warren, Ohio 8thDavis, Danny, Illinois 7thDavis, Donald, North Carolina 1stDean, Madeleine, Pennsylvania 4thDeGette, Diana, Colorado 1stDe La Cruz, Monica, Texas 15thDeLauro, Rosa, Connecticut 3rdDelBene, Suzan, Washington 1stDeluzio, Christopher, Pennsylvania 17thDeSaulnier, Mark, California 10thDesJarlais, Scott, Tennessee 4thDexter, Maxine, Oregon 3rdDiaz-Balart, Mario, Florida 26thDingell, Debbie, Michigan 6thDoggett, Lloyd, Texas 37thDonalds, Byron, Florida 19thDowning, Troy, Montana 2ndDunn, Neal, Florida 2ndEdwards, Chuck, North Carolina 11thElfreth, Sarah, Maryland 3rdEllzey, Jake, Texas 6thEmmer, Tom, Minnesota 6thEscobar, Veronica, Texas 16thEspaillat, Adriano, New York 13thEstes, Ron, Kansas 4thEvans, Dwight, Pennsylvania 3rdEvans, Gabe, Colorado 8thEzell, Mike, Mississippi 4thFallon, Pat, Texas 4thFedorchak, Julie, North Dakota At LargeFeenstra, Randy, Iowa 4thFields, Cleo, Louisiana 6thFigures, Shomari, Alabama 2ndFinstad, Brad, Minnesota 1stFischbach, Michelle, Minnesota 7thFitzgerald, Scott, Wisconsin 5thFitzpatrick, Brian, Pennsylvania 1stFleischmann, Charles, Tennessee 3rdFletcher, Lizzie, Texas 7thFlood, Mike, Nebraska 1stFong, Vince, California 20thFoster, Bill, Illinois 11thFoushee, Valerie, North Carolina 4thFoxx, Virginia, North Carolina 5thFrankel, Lois, Florida 22ndFranklin, Scott, Florida 18thFriedman, Laura, California 30thFrost, Maxwell, Florida 10thFry, Russell, South Carolina 7thFulcher, Russ, Idaho 1stGaetz, Matt, Florida 1st - VacancyGaramendi, John, California 8thGarbarino, Andrew, New York 2ndGarcia, Jesus, Illinois 4thGarcia, Robert, California 42ndGarcia, Sylvia, Texas 29thGill, Brandon, Texas 26thGillen, Laura, New York 4thGimenez, Carlos, Florida 28thGolden, Jared, Maine 2ndGoldman, Craig, Texas 12thGoldman, Daniel, New York 10thGomez, Jimmy, California 34thGonzales, Tony, Texas 23rdGonzalez, Vicente, Texas 34thGooden, Lance, Texas 5thGoodlander, Maggie, New Hampshire 2ndGosar, Paul, Arizona 9thGottheimer, Josh, New Jersey 5thGraves, Sam, Missouri 6thGray, Adam, California 13thGreen, Al, Texas 9thGreen, Mark, Tennessee 7thGreene, Marjorie, Georgia 14thGriffith, H., Virginia 9thGrijalva, Raul, Arizona 7thGrothman, Glenn, Wisconsin 6thGuest, Michael, Mississippi 3rdGuthrie, Brett, Kentucky 2ndHageman, Harriet, Wyoming At LargeHamadeh, Abraham, Arizona 8thHarder, Josh, California 9thHaridopolos, Mike, Florida 8thHarrigan, Pat, North Carolina 10thHarris, Andy, Maryland 1stHarris, Mark, North Carolina 8thHarshbarger, Diana, Tennessee 1stHayes, Jahana, Connecticut 5thHern, Kevin, Oklahoma 1stHernandez, Pablo, Puerto Rico Resident CommissionerHiggins, Clay, Louisiana 3rdHill, J., Arkansas 2ndHimes, James, Connecticut 4thHinson, Ashley, Iowa 2ndHorsford, Steven, Nevada 4thHouchin, Erin, Indiana 9thHoulahan, Chrissy, Pennsylvania 6thHoyer, Steny, Maryland 5thHoyle, Val, Oregon 4thHudson, Richard, North Carolina 9thHuffman, Jared, California 2ndHuizenga, Bill, Michigan 4thHunt, Wesley, Texas 38thHurd, Jeff, Colorado 3rdIssa, Darrell, California 48thIvey, Glenn, Maryland 4thJack, Brian, Georgia 3rdJackson, Jonathan, Illinois 1stJackson, Ronny, Texas 13thJacobs, Sara, California 51stJames, John, Michigan 10thJayapal, Pramila, Washington 7thJeffries, Hakeem, New York 8thJohnson, Dusty, South Dakota At LargeJohnson, Henry, Georgia 4thJohnson, Julie, Texas 32ndJohnson, Mike, Louisiana 4thJordan, Jim, Ohio 4thJoyce, David, Ohio 14thJoyce, John, Pennsylvania 13thKamlager-Dove, Sydney, California 37thKaptur, Marcy, Ohio 9thKean, Thomas, New Jersey 7thKeating, William, Massachusetts 9thKelly, Mike, Pennsylvania 16thKelly, Robin, Illinois 2ndKelly, Trent, Mississippi 1stKennedy, Mike, Utah 3rdKennedy, Timothy, New York 26thKhanna, Ro, California 17thKiggans, Jennifer, Virginia 2ndKiley, Kevin, California 3rdKim, Young, California 40thKing-Hinds, Kimberlyn, Northern Mariana Islands DelegateKnott, Brad, North Carolina 13thKrishnamoorthi, Raja, Illinois 8thKustoff, David, Tennessee 8thLaHood, Darin, Illinois 16thLaLota, Nick, New York 1stLaMalfa, Doug, California 1stLandsman, Greg, Ohio 1stLangworthy, Nicholas, New York 23rdLarsen, Rick, Washington 2ndLarson, John, Connecticut 1stLatimer, George, New York 16thLatta, Robert, Ohio 5thLawler, Michael, New York 17thLee, Laurel, Florida 15thLee, Summer, Pennsylvania 12thLee, Susie, Nevada 3rdLeger Fernandez, Teresa, New Mexico 3rdLetlow, Julia, Louisiana 5thLevin, Mike, California 49thLiccardo, Sam, California 16thLieu, Ted, California 36thLofgren, Zoe, California 18thLoudermilk, Barry, Georgia 11thLucas, Frank, Oklahoma 3rdLuna, Anna Paulina, Florida 13thLuttrell, Morgan, Texas 8thLynch, Stephen, Massachusetts 8thMace, Nancy, South Carolina 1stMackenzie, Ryan, Pennsylvania 7thMagaziner, Seth, Rhode Island 2ndMalliotakis, Nicole, New York 11thMaloy, Celeste, Utah 2ndMann, Tracey, Kansas 1stMannion, John, New York 22ndMassie, Thomas, Kentucky 4thMast, Brian, Florida 21stMatsui, Doris, California 7thMcBath, Lucy, Georgia 6thMcBride, Sarah, Delaware At LargeMcCaul, Michael, Texas 10thMcClain, Lisa, Michigan 9thMcClain Delaney, April, Maryland 6thMcClellan, Jennifer, Virginia 4thMcClintock, Tom, California 5thMcCollum, Betty, Minnesota 4thMcCormick, Richard, Georgia 7thMcDonald Rivet, Kristen, Michigan 8thMcDowell, Addison, North Carolina 6thMcGarvey, Morgan, Kentucky 3rdMcGovern, James, Massachusetts 2ndMcGuire, John, Virginia 5thMcIver, LaMonica, New Jersey 10thMeeks, Gregory, New York 5thMenendez, Robert, New Jersey 8thMeng, Grace, New York 6thMessmer, Mark, Indiana 8thMeuser, Daniel, Pennsylvania 9thMfume, Kweisi, Maryland 7thMiller, Carol, West Virginia 1stMiller, Mary, Illinois 15thMiller, Max, Ohio 7thMiller-Meeks, Mariannette, Iowa 1stMills, Cory, Florida 7thMin, Dave, California 47thMoolenaar, John, Michigan 2ndMoore, Barry, Alabama 1stMoore, Blake, Utah 1stMoore, Gwen, Wisconsin 4thMoore, Riley, West Virginia 2ndMoore, Tim, North Carolina 14thMoran, Nathaniel, Texas 1stMorelle, Joseph, New York 25thMorrison, Kelly, Minnesota 3rdMoskowitz, Jared, Florida 23rdMoulton, Seth, Massachusetts 6thMoylan, James, Guam DelegateMrvan, Frank, Indiana 1stMullin, Kevin, California 15thMurphy, Gregory, North Carolina 3rdNadler, Jerrold, New York 12thNeal, Richard, Massachusetts 1stNeguse, Joe, Colorado 2ndNehls, Troy, Texas 22ndNewhouse, Dan, Washington 4thNorcross, Donald, New Jersey 1stNorman, Ralph, South Carolina 5thNorton, Eleanor, District of Columbia DelegateNunn, Zachary, Iowa 3rdObernolte, Jay, California 23rdOcasio-Cortez, Alexandria, New York 14thOgles, Andrew, Tennessee 5thOlszewski, Johnny, Maryland 2ndOmar, Ilhan, Minnesota 5thOnder, Robert, Missouri 3rdOwens, Burgess, Utah 4thPallone, Frank, New Jersey 6thPalmer, Gary, Alabama 6thPanetta, Jimmy, California 19thPappas, Chris, New Hampshire 1stPelosi, Nancy, California 11thPerez, Marie, Washington 3rdPerry, Scott, Pennsylvania 10thPeters, Scott, California 50thPettersen, Brittany, Colorado 7thPfluger, August, Texas 11thPingree, Chellie, Maine 1stPlaskett, Stacey, Virgin Islands DelegatePocan, Mark, Wisconsin 2ndPou, Nellie, New Jersey 9thPressley, Ayanna, Massachusetts 7thQuigley, Mike, Illinois 5thRadewagen, Aumua Amata, American Samoa DelegateRamirez, Delia, Illinois 3rdRandall, Emily, Washington 6thRaskin, Jamie, Maryland 8thReschenthaler, Guy, Pennsylvania 14thRiley, Josh, New York 19thRivas, Luz, California 29thRogers, Harold, Kentucky 5thRogers, Mike, Alabama 3rdRose, John, Tennessee 6thRoss, Deborah, North Carolina 2ndRouzer, David, North Carolina 7thRoy, Chip, Texas 21stRuiz, Raul, California 25thRulli, Michael A., Ohio 6thRutherford, John, Florida 5thRyan, Patrick, New York 18thSalazar, Maria, Florida 27thSalinas, Andrea, Oregon 6thSanchez, Linda, California 38thScalise, Steve, Louisiana 1stScanlon, Mary Gay, Pennsylvania 5thSchakowsky, Janice, Illinois 9thSchmidt, Derek, Kansas 2ndSchneider, Bradley, Illinois 10thScholten, Hillary, Michigan 3rdSchrier, Kim, Washington 8thSchweikert, David, Arizona 1stScott, Austin, Georgia 8thScott, David, Georgia 13thScott, Robert, Virginia 3rdSelf, Keith, Texas 3rdSessions, Pete, Texas 17thSewell, Terri, Alabama 7thSherman, Brad, California 32ndSherrill, Mikie, New Jersey 11thShreve, Jefferson, Indiana 6thSimon, Lateefah, California 12thSimpson, Michael, Idaho 2ndSmith, Adam, Washington 9thSmith, Adrian, Nebraska 3rdSmith, Christopher, New Jersey 4thSmith, Jason, Missouri 8thSmucker, Lloyd, Pennsylvania 11thSorensen, Eric, Illinois 17thSoto, Darren, Florida 9thSpartz, Victoria, Indiana 5thStansbury, Melanie, New Mexico 1stStanton, Greg, Arizona 4thStauber, Pete, Minnesota 8thStefanik, Elise, New York 21stSteil, Bryan, Wisconsin 1stSteube, W., Florida 17thStevens, Haley, Michigan 11thStrickland, Marilyn, Washington 10thStrong, Dale, Alabama 5thStutzman, Marlin, Indiana 3rdSubramanyam, Suhas, Virginia 10thSuozzi, Thomas R., New York 3rdSwalwell, Eric, California 14thSykes, Emilia, Ohio 13thTakano, Mark, California 39thTaylor, David, Ohio 2ndTenney, Claudia, New York 24thThanedar, Shri, Michigan 13thThompson, Bennie, Mississippi 2ndThompson, Glenn, Pennsylvania 15thThompson, Mike, California 4thTiffany, Thomas, Wisconsin 7thTimmons, William, South Carolina 4thTitus, Dina, Nevada 1stTlaib, Rashida, Michigan 12thTokuda, Jill, Hawaii 2ndTonko, Paul, New York 20thTorres, Norma, California 35thTorres, Ritchie, New York 15thTrahan, Lori, Massachusetts 3rdTran, Derek, California 45thTurner, Michael, Ohio 10thTurner, Sylvester, Texas 18th - VacancyUnderwood, Lauren, Illinois 14thValadao, David, California 22ndVan Drew, Jefferson, New Jersey 2ndVan Duyne, Beth, Texas 24thVan Orden, Derrick, Wisconsin 3rdVargas, Juan, California 52ndVasquez, Gabe, New Mexico 2ndVeasey, Marc, Texas 33rdVelazquez, Nydia, New York 7thVindman, Eugene, Virginia 7thWagner, Ann, Missouri 2ndWalberg, Tim, Michigan 5thWaltz, Michael, Florida 6th - VacancyWasserman Schultz, Debbie, Florida 25thWaters, Maxine, California 43rdWatson Coleman, Bonnie, New Jersey 12thWeber, Randy, Texas 14thWebster, Daniel, Florida 11thWesterman, Bruce, Arkansas 4thWhitesides, George, California 27thWied, Tony, Wisconsin 8thWilliams, Nikema, Georgia 5thWilliams, Roger, Texas 25thWilson, Frederica, Florida 24thWilson, Joe, South Carolina 2ndWittman, Robert, Virginia 1stWomack, Steve, Arkansas 3rdYakym, Rudy, Indiana 2ndZinke, Ryan, Montana 1st

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Elected by their peers, certain representatives hold positions that combine institutional, administrative and partisan roles.

[Speaker of the House: Rep. Mike Johnson(link is external)](https://www.speaker.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


Elected by the whole of the House of Representatives, the Speaker acts as leader of the House and combines several institutional and administrative roles.

Republican Leadership


### [Majority Leader(link is external)](https://www.majorityleader.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Steve Scalise

### [Majority Whip(link is external)](https://republicanwhip.house.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Tom Emmer

### [Republican Conference Chairman(link is external)](https://www.gop.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Lisa McClain

### [Republican Policy Committee Chairman(link is external)](https://republicanpolicy.house.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Kevin Hern

Democratic Leadership


### [Democratic Leader(link is external)](https://democraticleader.house.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

### [Democratic Whip(link is external)](https://democraticwhip.house.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Katherine Clark

### [Democratic Caucus Chairman(link is external)](https://www.dems.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Pete Aguilar

### [Democratic Caucus Vice Chair(link is external)](https://www.dems.gov "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Ted Lieu

### [Assistant Democratic Leader(link is external)](https://assistantdemocraticleader.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

#### Rep. Joe Neguse



*   [Agriculture(link is external)](https://agriculture.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Appropriations(link is external)](https://appropriations.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Armed Services(link is external)](https://armedservices.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Budget(link is external)](https://budget.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Education and Workforce(link is external)](https://edworkforce.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Energy and Commerce(link is external)](https://energycommerce.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Ethics(link is external)](https://ethics.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Financial Services(link is external)](https://financialservices.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Foreign Affairs(link is external)](https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Homeland Security(link is external)](https://homeland.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [House Administration(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Judiciary(link is external)](https://judiciary.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Natural Resources(link is external)](https://naturalresources.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Oversight and Government Reform(link is external)](https://oversight.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Rules(link is external)](https://rules.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Science, Space, and Technology(link is external)](https://science.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Small Business(link is external)](https://smallbusiness.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Transportation and Infrastructure(link is external)](https://transportation.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Veterans’ Affairs(link is external)](https://veterans.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Ways and Means(link is external)](https://waysandmeans.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence(link is external)](https://intelligence.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party(link is external)](https://selectcommitteeontheccp.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Joint Economic Committee(link is external)](https://www.jec.senate.gov/public "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Joint Committee on the Library(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/joint-committee-on-library "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Joint Committee on Printing(link is external)](https://cha.house.gov/joint-committee-on-printing "(opens in a new window)")

*   [Joint Committee on Taxation(link is external)](https://www.jct.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")

Officers and Organizations


*   [Chaplain of the House(link is external)](http://chaplain.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Rear Admiral Margaret Grun Kibben (Acting)

*   [Chief Administrative Officer(link is external)](http://cao.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Catherine Szpindor

*   [Clerk of the House(link is external)](http://clerk.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Kevin F. McCumber

*   [Sergeant at Arms](/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/sergeant-at-arms)


    \- William McFarland

*   [General Counsel(link is external)](https://ogc.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Matthew Berry

*   [Historian of the House(link is external)](http://history.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Matthew Wasniewski

*   [Inspector General](/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/inspector-general)


    \- Christen Stevenson (Acting)

*   [Office of Congressional Conduct(link is external)](https://oce.house.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Paul Vinovich, Chairman

*   [Parliamentarian of the House](/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/parliamentarian-of-the-house)


    \- Jason Smith

*   [Legislative Counsel(link is external)](https://legcounsel.house.gov "(opens in a new window)")


    \- Warren Burke

Congressional Partners


*   [Architect of the Capitol(link is external)](http://www.aoc.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


*   [Capitol Police(link is external)](https://www.uscp.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


*   [Congressional Budget Office(link is external)](http://cbo.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


*   [Government Accountability Office(link is external)](http://gao.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


*   [Government Printing Office(link is external)](http://gpo.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


*   [Library of Congress(link is external)](http://loc.gov "(opens in a new window)")


*   [National Archives(link is external)](https://www.archives.gov/ "(opens in a new window)")


*   [United States Senate(link is external)](http://senate.gov "(opens in a new window)")


Public Disclosure


[Financial Disclosure Reports(link is external)](https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/FinancialDisclosure "(opens in a new window)")


Information about the source, type, amount, or value of the incomes of representatives, officers, and candidates.

[Foreign Travel Reports(link is external)](https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/ForeignTravel "(opens in a new window)")


Information about certain expenditures for all official foreign travel by representatives and staff.

[Gift Travel Filings(link is external)](https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/GiftTravelFilings "(opens in a new window)")


Information about travel-related expenses incurred by representatives who are reimbursed by non-government sources.

[Legal Expense Fund Disclosures(link is external)](https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/LegalExpenseFund "(opens in a new window)")


Information about any legal expenses incurred by a candidate or current representative.

[Statement of Disbursements](/the-house-explained/open-government/statement-of-disbursements)


Information about all receipts and expenditures of representatives, committees, leadership, and officers of the House.

Life at the House



Congressional App Challenge

](/educators-and-students/congressional-app-challenge "Congressional App Challenge")

This competition engages students' creativity and encourages their participation in science, technology, engineering, and math education fields.


Student Artist Program

](/educators-and-students/congressional-art-competition "Student Artist Program")

Each year, young artists from around the country compete to have their artwork displayed at the Capitol.


Capitol Visitor Center

](https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/ "Capitol Visitor Center (opens in a new window)")

A welcoming and educational environment for visitors to learn about the House and the Senate.


Kids in the House

](https://kids-clerk.house.gov/ "Kids in the House (opens in a new window)")

An educational and entertaining website about the House for students of all age levels.


Botanic Garden

](https://www.usbg.gov/ "Botanic Garden (opens in a new window)")

Steeped in history, rich with tradition, the United States Botanic Garden (USBG) is one of the oldest botanic gardens in North America.


Historical Highlights

](http://history.house.gov/HistoricalHighlight/Search/ "Historical Highlights (opens in a new window)")

Weekly historical highlights from History, Art & Archives.


Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program

](https://house.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/11/home?c=house&source[0]=USAJobs?c=house&source[1]=USAJobs "Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program (opens in a new window)")

Employment opportunities for Veterans and Gold Star Family Members within the House of Representatives.


Biographical Directory

](http://bioguide.congress.gov/biosearch/biosearch.asp "Biographical Directory (opens in a new window)")

Biographical sketches of former and current members of the House and Senate.


Black Americans in Congress

](http://history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/BAIC/Black-Americans-in-Congress/ "Black Americans in Congress (opens in a new window)")

Profiles, artifacts, images, historical essays, data, and educational resources related to African-American members of Congress.


Hispanic American Members

](http://history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/HAIC/Hispanic-Americans-in-Congress/ "Hispanic American Members (opens in a new window)")

Profiles, artifacts, images, historical essays, data, and educational resources related to Hispanic American members of Congress.


Women in Congress

](http://history.house.gov/Exhibition-and-Publications/WIC/Women-in-Congress/ "Women in Congress (opens in a new window)")

Profiles, artifacts, images, historical essays, data, and educational resources related to women members of Congress.

