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New Topic


What does Brainstorm mean?

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What does « The color of truth is gray. » mean?

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How do you say this in English (US)? Как сказать на английском "Девушка испытывает удивление".

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I’m still learning. Is this rpg text grammatically correct and understandable? (They are in a ca...

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How you say "medicine" 1. meh-duh-sihn 2. meh-dih-sihn Second Q, that "meh-" rhyme with the ...

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Could you help me to transcribe this sentence? What did he say?

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What's the sound difference between these "what'd you" "what d'you" when you say em?

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What does this mean? Last night and night before, there was three women walking down the street ...

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Does this dialogue sound natural? A: He’s always searching for a scandal, and as soon as he find...

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Does this dialogue sound natural? W: My mother back home sent me some hassaku from her garden. I...

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[Show more](/explore/questions/newest?language_id=22)

New Topic


I’m still learning. Is this rpg text grammatically correct and understandable? (They are in a ca...

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How do you say this in English (US)? 「I want to make it a year when I can grow both physically an...

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I’m still learning. Is this rpg text grammatically correct and understandable? Man: “I got fireb...

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How do you say this in English (US)? Ты учишься в школе?

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Do you use 'which' or where for this sentence?

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I’m still learning. Is this rpg text grammatically correct and understandable? Woman: “We have t...

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What does the matrix culture. what's matrix mean?

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What does Crazy song mean?

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How do you say this in English (US)? La profesora me bajó puntos

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1:Today is on 13th March. 2:Today is 13th March. Is there a mistake? If They are OK. Which sent...

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[Show more](/explore/questions/most_answered?language_id=22)

Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


What does 「ゆうべうなされておったな。」の「おった」どいう意味ですか?漢字はありますか? mean?

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Q. あなたは中国人? A. いや! このとき「いや」という答えが自然ですか? 韓国語で、いや! という否定の答えをしたいと思います。 ところでいつも「いや」と答える度に日本人が「いや?」と言...

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How do you say this in Japanese? 이 문장은 직역한 것 같았어요

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子供だろうが手加減なしだからな。 そんな生意気な悪ガキの性根を 叩き直してやってるつもりなのさ。 たったこれだけ書いてありました。 気になるのが二つあります。 1. 子供を叩き直すの...

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What is the difference between 旅 and 旅行 ?

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What is the difference between 誰も and みんな ?

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What does 夢見る少女じゃいられない mean?

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How do you say this in Japanese? 那覇

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アイキャッチ この「アイ」は 愛 / eye どっちですか?

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What does スレ・ヨレ・背ヤケ mean?

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[Show more](/explore/questions/newest?language_id=45)

Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


How do you say this in Korean? 뭐예요, sounds more like an 에 instead of 예, am I crazy? Is it sometim...

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Is it right and natural? 바나나만 있으면 금방 만들 수 있어 과정도 쉽고 필요한 재료도 일반 가정 주방에서 대부분은 이미 가지고 있는 재료다. 쉽다고 생각...

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What does he say? from the audio, I couldn’t hear him; I only heard “\_\_\_\_\_ 고마워요“. what did he say...

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How do you say this in Korean? りんご

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Please show me example sentences with 처박히다.

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Can ‘싫어’ be used to say ‘no’? I heard a native saying 싫어 in that context.

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What does 그저 또 괜찮은 하루가 시작된 거야 mean?

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술 잘 못 마셔요お酒はあまり飲めません 술 잘 안 마셔요 お酒はあまり飲みません 合ってますか?

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韓国語 分かる方 教えてください 네! 대면레슨 긴장했지만 정말 도움이 되었습니다! 다시 참가해서 성장할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다! そして、 그저께도 참가하지 못해서 미...

*   1



Did I write all the sentences correctly? Could you please correct mistakes if there are any ( ㅜ ...

*   9


[Show more](/explore/questions/newest?language_id=51)

Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


What does Brainstorm mean?

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What does « The color of truth is gray. » mean?

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How do you say this in English (US)? Как сказать на английском "Девушка испытывает удивление".

*   1



I’m still learning. Is this rpg text grammatically correct and understandable? (They are in a ca...

*   3



How you say "medicine" 1. meh-duh-sihn 2. meh-dih-sihn Second Q, that "meh-" rhyme with the ...

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Could you help me to transcribe this sentence? What did he say?

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What's the sound difference between these "what'd you" "what d'you" when you say em?

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What does this mean? Last night and night before, there was three women walking down the street ...

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Does this dialogue sound natural? A: He’s always searching for a scandal, and as soon as he find...

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Does this dialogue sound natural? W: My mother back home sent me some hassaku from her garden. I...

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[Show more](/explore/questions/newest?language_id=22)

Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


What does 「我还在犹豫去日本交换的事情,难以抉择呢」什么意思 mean?

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How do you say this in Simplified Chinese (China)? 子供がこれをあなたに渡したら、助けてあげてください。日本語がわかる人にこれを渡してください。

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How do you say this in Simplified Chinese (China)? がんばります

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(小宝)今天也玩得尽情了。 荡秋千、滑滑梯、玩跷跷板、滑滑板, 全玩过在小区里的玩具。 ~~》 可以这么表达吗?

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How do you say this in Simplified Chinese (China)? How can my sister be this pretty

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What does 他看了 .... 那本书,还是觉得很有意思 what's correct? 次次/偏偏? mean?

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How do you say this in Simplified Chinese (China)? このままずっと夕日が沈まなければ良いのに

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How do you say this in Simplified Chinese (China)? この瞬間が終わらないでほしい

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What does 学习汉语对我来说有帮助:why is this sentence wrong? 学习汉语对我有帮助:why is this sentence correct? mean?

*   2



在早春光下带着小狗沿着小溪散散步,挺好。 ~~》 可以这么表达吗?

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Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


Usted y Tú I wanna see if I’m using the sentences right, por favor -¿Quieres corres ahora ? -¿U...

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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? i am a Christian

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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? how do you say see you later In spanish

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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? we don't have

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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? i will beat their asses

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What does Carola, Raul Alejandro says my pistol is from Barcelona, but it’s in Carola … this is h...

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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? We are leaving at the perfect time

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How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? Imbecile

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Está bien decir "tal de que" en vez de "con tal de que"? Sonaría mas casual?

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Que dice el muchacho en 3:18 y en 5:00? https://youtu.be/hBhS3Pqqaho?si=WQy\_KAaJ-AQpgpOu

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Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


Que dice?! …. Pelo?!

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What does Jakie znaczenie ma słowo Humidle na przykład ,, Esta ropa es muy humilde" mean?

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Me enseñaron almuerzo… porque utiliza “comida”? Gracias!!!

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How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? Hi

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\_\_\_\_ alguna novela interesante últimamente? A has leído B leíste

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How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? hello hi

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¿Qué significa “Soy una rayada”?

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¿En este contexto se puede usar ambos verbos? Él exprimió / escurrió el trapo.

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How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? hello

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How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? where is my phone

*   1


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Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


Hallo alle zusammen! Gerade lerne ich intensiv das Verb "stellen" und kann einen Moment (eins) ni...

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Wie stellt man eigentlich Wörter im Satz? "Ich gehe da hin". oder "Ich gehe dahin". Welcher Sa...

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What does Keine andere Wahl haben mean?

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What is the difference between Verband and Verein ?

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What does Das Volk entscheidet! mean?

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What does habeor mean?

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What is the difference between mussen and müssen ?

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Wenn der Chef zum Abschied mir die Hand gibt und sagt alles gute, schön das du da warst, schön wa...

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What does Profitieren mean?

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What does Schaden zufügen mean?

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[Show more](/explore/questions/newest?language_id=32)

Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


In the military, I know you guys use the term Commissioned officer (CO) and Non Commissioned Offi...

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Which statement is correct ? 1. Carol and I are old friends. I know her since I have been a fr...

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When you hear \[hɑt\] from Americans without context which your head thinks: 1. heart 2. hot

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How do you say this in English (UK)? 破解

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Hi, can anybody explain to me, what the rule for using the articles in the sentence below is? Th...

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Does this sound natural? I underestimated her resolution of diet.

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What does For Christ’s sake mean?

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What does So, it is high time people are informed about the ways of surviving a heat wave. mean?

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How do you say this in English (UK)? I go away very often. Do you English people often say “go a...

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Could you please tell me how to distinguish the time period "week" refers to? This word can mean ...

*   3


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Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


какая разница между 1- уйти из дома 1- уйти из дому 2- звонить из дома 2- звонить из дому ???

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Please show me example sentences with приветливый .

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can someone list of bad/ curse words ?

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is there someone plays valorant and at same the time willing to teach me Russian ?

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What does ими нарадоваться mean?

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слово "полчаса" с прилагательными используется множественное число, как я могу знать об этой грам...

*   2



Ты подписан на меня @nosirovvv.l7🫀

*   3



Какое значение глагольной приставки "раз-" повлияло на формирование значения МЕНЯТЬ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ у...

*   2



What is the difference between до сих пор она не верила ему and до сих пор она не поверила ему ?

*   1



What is the difference between на небе and в небе ?

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Japanese Korean English Simplified Chinese Spanish Spanish German English Russian Arabic


What does حلبة mean?

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What does حتة mean?

*   1



أَنَا امْرَأَةٌ عَادِيَّةٌ فَقَطْ I'm just an ordinary woman Is this correct?

*   2



What does بيكون mean?

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What does فايت mean?

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What does نقدر نكمل mean?

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What does باقي mean?

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What does سايف mean?

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What does عسل mean?

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What does زي mean?

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