🏳️New York State Department of Health

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Home page for the New York State Department of Health

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An official website of New York State.

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An official website of New York State.

Here's how you know

Here's how you know

Official websites use ny.gov

A ny.gov website belongs to an official New York State government organization.

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[Department of Health](/)


*   [Individuals/Families](#)

    *   [COVID-19 Vaccine](https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/)

    *   [Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records](/vital_records/)

    *   [Health Insurance Programs](/health_care/)

    *   [Consumer Health Care Information](/health_care/consumer_information/)

    *   [Community Health](/community/)

    *   [Healthy Lifestyles](/prevention/)

    *   [Health & Safety in the Home, Workplace & Outdoors](/environmental/)

    *   [Diseases & Conditions](/diseases/)

    *   [Data & Reports](/statistics/)

    *   [Health Topics A to Z](/healthaz/)

*   [Providers/Professionals](#)

    *   [Novel Coronavirus](https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/information-providers)

    *   [Narcotic Enforcement](/professionals/narcotic/)

    *   [EMS](/professionals/ems/)

    *   [Health Initiatives](/professionals/health_initiatives.htm)

    *   [Data & Reports](/statistics/)

    *   [Diseases & Conditions](/diseases/)

    *   [Patient Resources](/professionals/patient_resources.htm)

    *   [Disease Reporting](/professionals/reporting.htm)

    *   [Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care](/professionals/protocols_and_guidelines/)

    *   [Permits, Licenses & Certification](/permits/)

    *   [All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety](/professionals/)

    *   [Health Topics A to Z](/healthaz/)

*   [Health Facilities](#)

    *   [Compare Health Care Providers](https://profiles.health.ny.gov/)

    *   [Adult Care Facilities/Assisted Living](/facilities/adult_care/)

    *   [Home Care & Hospice](/facilities/home_care/)

    *   [Hospitals & Clinics](/facilities/hospital/)

    *   [New York State Veterans Homes](https://apps.health.ny.gov/nysvets/web/)

    *   [Nursing Homes](/facilities/nursing/)

    *   [School Based Health Centers](/facilities/school_based_health_centers/)

    *   [All Health Care Facilities](/facilities/)

    *   [Health Topics A to Z](/healthaz/)

*   [Health Data](#)

    *   [Open Health Data](https://health.data.ny.gov/)

    *   [NYS Health Connector](https://nyshc.health.ny.gov/web/nyapd/home)

    *   [Data & Reports](/statistics/)

*   [About Us](#)

    *   [About the Department](/about/)

    *   [Related Sites](/related/)

    *   [Health Topics A to Z](/healthaz/)

*   [Search](#)

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*   [Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)](/health_care/medicaid/program/longterm/cdpap/)

*   [Bird Flu (Avian Influenza)](/diseases/communicable/influenza/avian/)

*   [Flu (Influenza)](/diseases/communicable/influenza/seasonal/)

*   [Cold Weather Tips](/environmental/emergency/weather/cold/)

*   [Reproductive Health](/community/reproductive_health/)


[Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)](/health_care/medicaid/program/longterm/cdpap/)



[Bird Flu (Avian Influenza)](/diseases/communicable/influenza/avian/)




[Cold Weather Tips](/environmental/emergency/weather/cold/)



[Reproductive Health](/community/reproductive_health/)




*   [March 13, 2025: North Country Region Update: State Department of Health Announces Over 70 Percent of Consumers in North Country Have Started or Completed CDPAP Transition](/press/releases/2025/2025-03-13_cdpap_north_country_region.htm)

*   [March 13, 2025: CDPAP Southern Tier Region Update: State Department of Health Announces Nearly 70 Percent of Consumers in Southern Tier Have Started or Completed CDPAP Transition](/press/releases/2025/2025-03-13_cdpap_southern_tier.htm)

*   [March 13, 2025: CDPAP Capital Region Update: State Department of Health Announces Nearly 70 Percent of Consumers in Capital Region Have Started or Completed Cdpap Transition](/press/releases/2025/2025-03-13_cdpap.htm)

*   [March 11, 2025: New York State Department of Health Announces First Case of Measles in New York State Outside of New York City in 2025](/press/releases/2025/2025-03-11_measles.htm)

*   [March 11, 2025: New York State Department of Health Issues Cease and Desist Letter to Certain Fiscal Intermediaries and Licensed Home Care Service Agencies for Misleading CDPAP Consumers and Personal Assistants](/press/releases/2025/2025-03-11_cdpap.htm)

*   [March 10, 2025: Governor Hochul Announces $30 Million is Now Available for Efficient Electrification Upgrades at Hospitals Across New York State](https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-announces-30-million-now-available-efficient-electrification-upgrades)

### Archives

*   [All press releases](/press/releases/)

Local Health Departments


Local health departments (LHD) are leading the community response to COVID-19. They provide vaccinations, boosters, testing, and guidance on quarantine and isolation. They can tell you how to best care for yourself and your family if you test positive for COVID-19.

LHDs promote healthy behaviors and protect the public from health problems and hazards.

Do you:

*   Need a rabies vaccine for your pet?

*   Feel sick after eating at a restaurant?

*   Need to report a potential health violation?

*   Have questions about health or sanitary regulations?

*   Want to attend a clinic to learn about child safety seats, Lyme disease, radon, or other health topics?

[Contact your local health department](/contact/contact_information/) for more information.

Visit your LHD's website: Select a County Albany County Allegany County Bronx Broome County Cattaraugus County Cayuga County Chautauqua County Chemung County Chenango County Clinton County Columbia County Cortland County Delaware County Dutchess County Erie County Essex County Franklin County Fulton County Genesee County Greene County Hamilton County Herkimer County Jefferson County Kings Lewis County Livingston County Madison County Monroe County Montgomery County Nassau County New York City Niagara County Oneida County Onondaga County Ontario County Orange County Orleans County Oswego County Otsego County Putnam County Queens Rensselaer County Richmond Rockland County Saratoga County Schenectady County Schoharie County Schuyler County Seneca County St. Lawrence County Steuben County Suffolk County Sullivan County Tioga County Tompkins County Ulster County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Westchester County Wyoming County Yates County

What You Need to Know


*   [Measles](/diseases/communicable/measles/)

*   [Employment Opportunities](/employment/)

*   [Data & Reports](/statistics/)

*   [Global Health Update Report](https://globalhealthreports.health.ny.gov/)

*   [New York Public Health Now](/commissioner/podcasts/)

  [Back to top](#home)

Revised: March 2025

### Department of Health

#### General Information

*   [James V. McDonald, M.D., M.P.H., Commissioner](/commissioner/)

*   [About the Department of Health](/about/)

*   [Meetings & Webcasts](/events/)

*   [Employment Opportunities](/employment/)

*   [Wadsworth Center](https://www.wadsworth.org/)

*   [AIDS Institute](/diseases/aids/)

*   [New York State Veterans Homes](https://apps.health.ny.gov/nysvets/web/)

*   [Helen Hayes Hospital](https://helenhayeshospital.org/)

*   [NY State of Health (Health Plan Marketplace)](https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/)

*   [New York State Physician Profile](https://www.nydoctorprofile.com/)

*   [New York State Public Health Corps](https://www.ny.gov/programs/new-york-state-public-health-corps)

*   [Contact](/contact/)

*   [Councils and Boards](/councils/)

*   [Grants & Funding Opportunities](/funding/)

*   [Laws & Regulations](/regulations/)

*   [Press Releases, Reports & Publications](/press/)

*   [Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)](/regulations/foil/)

*   [Forms](/forms/)

#### Current Issues/Info

*   [Abortion in NYS: Know Your Rights](https://www.ny.gov/programs/abortion-new-york-state-know-your-rights)

*   [Climate Change and Health](/environmental/weather/)

*   [COVID](https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/)

*   [Donate Life - Enroll Today!](https://donatelife.ny.gov/)

*   [Drinking Water Protection Program](/environmental/water/drinking/)

*   [Ending the Epidemic](/diseases/aids/ending_the_epidemic/)

*   [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health](/community/lgbt/)

*   [Long COVID](/diseases/long_covid/)

*   [Maternal Mortality](/community/adults/women/maternal_mortality/)

*   [Master Plan for Aging](/community/aging/master_plan/)

*   [Medicaid in New York State](/health_care/medicaid/)

*   [Office of Drug User Health](/diseases/aids/consumers/prevention/oduh/)

*   [Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)](/diseases/communicable/respiratory_syncytial_virus/)

*   [School Vaccination Fraud](/prevention/immunization/schools/fraud.htm)

*   [Vaping and E-Cigarettes](/prevention/tobacco_control/campaign/e-cigarettes/)

*   [Wastewater Surveillance](/environmental/wastewater.htm)

*   [WIC Program](/prevention/nutrition/wic/)

#### Help

*   [Help Increasing the Text Size in Your Web Browser](/help/text_size.htm)

*   [File Formats Used on this Web Site](/help/file_types.htm)

*   [Disclaimer](/about/disclaim.htm)

*   [Privacy Policy](/about/privacy.htm)

*   [Accessibility](/contact/accessibility.htm)

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*   [English](/contact/translate.htm#english)

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*   [Website Language Translations](https://www.ny.gov/website-language-translations)


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*   [THREADS](https://threads.net/nysdoh)

### [Translation Services](https://www.ny.gov/web-translation-services)

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