🏳️Home - Archive ouverte HAL

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Open and share the knowledge



An international scope


Your publications are easy to find, well referenced by search engines and interconnected with other services (ORCID, preprint servers)

A common good for research


The largest research organizations and the majority of French universities have chosen and support HAL, a public, sustainable and responsible infrastructure.

A large collaborative community


From the researchers to the specialists of the scientific information, HAL federates multiple skills to support the opening of the publications

An archive, some services


HAL guarantees the long-term preservation of your publications. A set of services (CV, institutional portals, collections, documentary watch, APIs, identifiers) contribute to their valorisation.

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1 475 935 scientific papers, 3 966 213 references


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[Chemical Sciences](/search/index/?q=domain_t:chim) [Statistics](/search/index/?q=domain_t:stat) [Physics](/search/index/?q=domain_t:phys) [Humanities and Social Sciences](/search/index/?q=domain_t:shs) [Sciences of the Universe](/search/index/?q=domain_t:sdu) [Computer Science](/search/index/?q=domain_t:info) [Engineering Sciences](/search/index/?q=domain_t:spi) [Mathematics](/search/index/?q=domain_t:math) [Nonlinear Sciences](/search/index/?q=domain_t:nlin) [Life Sciences](/search/index/?q=domain_t:sdv) [Environmental Sciences](/search/index/?q=domain_t:sde) [Quantitative Finance](/search/index/?q=domain_t:qfin) [Cognitive science](/search/index/?q=domain_t:scco)



### Discover the last issue of UsuHAL, the tool box dedicated to HAL users (2/20/25)

[Lire](https://doc.hal.science/ressources/usuhal/CCSD-usuhal-10.pdf) [Share](https://twitter.com/share?url=https://doc.hal.science/ressources/usuhal/CCSD-usuhal-10.pdf)

### Publication of the 2024 French Open Science Monitor (4/2/25)

According to the 2024 edition of the French Open Science Monitor (BSO), 67% of the 160,000 French research publications published in 2023 with a Crossref DOI are open access in December 2024, a slight increase (+1.5 points) compared to the previous year.  

[Continuer la lecture](https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/publication-de-ledition-2024-du-barometre-de-la-science-ouverte-progression-du-partage-des-donnees-mais-moins-de-communication-des-resultats-des-essais-cliniques/) [Share](https://twitter.com/share?url=https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/publication-de-ledition-2024-du-barometre-de-la-science-ouverte-progression-du-partage-des-donnees-mais-moins-de-communication-des-resultats-des-essais-cliniques/)

### ActuHAL : the last issue is available ! (3/2/25)

[Lire](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/ActuHAL-Newsletter-n%C2%B022.pdf) [Share](https://twitter.com/share?url=https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/ActuHAL-Newsletter-n%C2%B022.pdf)

### Discover HAL Monitor to visualise your data in real time (1/29/25)

With this new interface, HAL offers a dashboard designed to be intuitive and easy to use.  

[Continuer la lecture](https://monitor.hal.science/) [Share](https://twitter.com/share?url=https://monitor.hal.science/)





### Intelligence artificielle, publications scientifiques et science ouverte (2025-03-13)

Lire l'article [Intelligence artificielle, publications scientifiques et science ouverte](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/2025/03/intelligence-artificielle-publications-scientifiques-et-science-ouverte/) sur le blog du [CCSD](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr)

[Continuer la lecture](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/2025/03/intelligence-artificielle-publications-scientifiques-et-science-ouverte/) [Partager](https://twitter.com/share?url=https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/2025/03/intelligence-artificielle-publications-scientifiques-et-science-ouverte/)

### HAL obtient la certification CoreTrustSeal : une reconnaissance internationale de sa fiabilité (2025-02-20)

Lire l'article [HAL obtient la certification CoreTrustSeal : une reconnaissance internationale de sa fiabilité](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/2025/02/hal-obtient-la-certification-coretrustseal-une-reconnaissance-internationale-de-sa-fiabilite/) sur le blog du [CCSD](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr)

[Continuer la lecture](https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/2025/02/hal-obtient-la-certification-coretrustseal-une-reconnaissance-internationale-de-sa-fiabilite/) [Partager](https://twitter.com/share?url=https://www.ccsd.cnrs.fr/2025/02/hal-obtient-la-certification-coretrustseal-une-reconnaissance-internationale-de-sa-fiabilite/)

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