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### [How to determine the satellite image colour of a world where plants grow other colours than green?](/questions/166969/how-to-determine-the-satellite-image-colour-of-a-world-where-plants-grow-other-c)

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*   1

[asked 46 mins ago](/questions/166969/how-to-determine-the-satellite-image-colour-of-a-world-where-plants-grow-other-c)

0 votes

1 answer


### [Creating a convex hull object that covers disjoint objects in Illustrator](/questions/161426/creating-a-convex-hull-object-that-covers-disjoint-objects-in-illustrator)

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*   1

[modified 2 hours ago](/questions/161426/creating-a-convex-hull-object-that-covers-disjoint-objects-in-illustrator?lastactivity)

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1 answer


### [Going from analog to digital, emulating a pencil in GIMP](/questions/166963/going-from-analog-to-digital-emulating-a-pencil-in-gimp)

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*   18k

[answered 3 hours ago](/questions/166963/going-from-analog-to-digital-emulating-a-pencil-in-gimp?lastactivity)

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### [Creating an interactive, 1-10 rating box](/questions/166967/creating-an-interactive-1-10-rating-box)

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*   1

[asked 6 hours ago](/questions/166967/creating-an-interactive-1-10-rating-box)

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### [Illustrator: Merging lines that run parallel within a given distance](/questions/145316/illustrator-merging-lines-that-run-parallel-within-a-given-distance)

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*   1

[modified 8 hours ago](/questions/145316/illustrator-merging-lines-that-run-parallel-within-a-given-distance?lastactivity)

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### [How do I re-size and place multiple images into a frame template Photoshop](/questions/121460/how-do-i-re-size-and-place-multiple-images-into-a-frame-template-photoshop)

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*   1

[modified 9 hours ago](/questions/121460/how-do-i-re-size-and-place-multiple-images-into-a-frame-template-photoshop?lastactivity)

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### [Create white object silhouette on black background in GIMP](/questions/166958/create-white-object-silhouette-on-black-background-in-gimp)

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*   156

[modified 9 hours ago](/questions/166958/create-white-object-silhouette-on-black-background-in-gimp?lastactivity)

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### [How can I downsize charts to fit inside a laptop screen without losing resolution?](/questions/166209/how-can-i-downsize-charts-to-fit-inside-a-laptop-screen-without-losing-resolutio)

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*   1

[modified 10 hours ago](/questions/166209/how-can-i-downsize-charts-to-fit-inside-a-laptop-screen-without-losing-resolutio?lastactivity)

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### [Is there any way to expand images in Figma when its a component instance?](/questions/166966/is-there-any-way-to-expand-images-in-figma-when-its-a-component-instance)

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[Sumit Yadav](/users/169000/sumit-yadav)

*   469

[asked 10 hours ago](/questions/166966/is-there-any-way-to-expand-images-in-figma-when-its-a-component-instance)

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3 answers


### [Centered grid with GIMP](/questions/131048/centered-grid-with-gimp)

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*   1

[modified 12 hours ago](/questions/131048/centered-grid-with-gimp?lastactivity)

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### [Provide some ideas for placing the four logos](/questions/166965/provide-some-ideas-for-placing-the-four-logos)

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[Gb Hari](/users/222005/gb-hari)

*   1

[asked 14 hours ago](/questions/166965/provide-some-ideas-for-placing-the-four-logos)

1 vote

1 answer


### [Best practise/programme to use for "in situ" design i.e van wrap, shop decals](/questions/158947/best-practise-programme-to-use-for-in-situ-design-i-e-van-wrap-shop-decals)

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*   1

[modified 14 hours ago](/questions/158947/best-practise-programme-to-use-for-in-situ-design-i-e-van-wrap-shop-decals?lastactivity)

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1 answer


### [Inconsistent length of divider line on footnotes imported from Word to InDesign](/questions/156785/inconsistent-length-of-divider-line-on-footnotes-imported-from-word-to-indesign)

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*   1

[modified 15 hours ago](/questions/156785/inconsistent-length-of-divider-line-on-footnotes-imported-from-word-to-indesign?lastactivity)

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### [How do i fix the device status on it on Gimp 2.10.18 that says only Core Pointer?](/questions/134518/how-do-i-fix-the-device-status-on-it-on-gimp-2-10-18-that-says-only-core-pointer)

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*   1

[modified 17 hours ago](/questions/134518/how-do-i-fix-the-device-status-on-it-on-gimp-2-10-18-that-says-only-core-pointer?lastactivity)

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