🏳️Cybersecurity expert Graham Cluley - keynote speaker • Cybersecurity expert & keynote speaker

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Computer security keynote speaker Graham Cluley offers cybersecurity news, advice, and opinion.

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Hire Graham Cluley to speak at your event or webinar


International speaker

Award-winning keynote speaker, who has given 300+ talks across Europe, America, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia.


Recipient of [many awards](https://grahamcluley.com/about-this-site/awards/), including Cybersecurity Educator of the Year, one of the World’s Top IT Security Influencers, and inducted into the Infosecurity Hall of Fame. Winner of the best and most entertaining cybersecurity podcast awards in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024.


Delivered talks at RSA, Black Hat, WebSummit, Infosec, Ecrime Congress, NISC, Campus Party, Microsoft Future Decoded, DTX Expo, Oxford University, Cambridge University, amongst many others, and awareness training in some of the world’s largest organisations.

Claim to fame

Programmer of one of the world’s first Windows anti-virus products. Inventor of the phrase [“The cloud is just someone else’s computer”](https://grahamcluley.com/cloud-someone-elses-computer/).

[Send details of your event to Graham](#form)

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### Testimonials

### Annabel Berry

“Graham’s industry knowledge second to none, and he is one of the most relaxed and professional chairmen I have had the pleasure of working with.”

“With an acute attention to detail, and a fantastic sense of humour, Graham is a chairman I would wholly recommend.”

#### Annabel Berry

CEO, Sapphire

### Bryan Glick

“Graham is the most-quoted man in IT security history!”

#### Bryan Glick

Editor-in-chief "Computer Weekly"

### Maik Morgenstern

“Graham’s unique blend of humor, expertise, and professionalism makes him a standout choice for any speaking or hosting engagement.”

#### Maik Morgenstern


### Alex Eckelberry

“Graham is a brilliant writer, security researcher, speaker and all-around cool guy. His knowledge of security is deep, but his style is highly accessible.”

#### Alex Eckelberry

Technology CEO and investor

### Dominic Eaves

“Graham’s keynote was slick, well informed, superbly delivered and among the best I’ve ever seen. His knowledge, insight and ability means he is, quite rightly, hugely in demand and simply cannot be recommended highly enough.”

#### Dominic Eaves


### Kevin Rooney

“Graham’s presentation went down a treat with our audience. I would highly recommend Graham for any event that needs a humourous and knowledgeable cybersecurity expert.”

#### Kevin Rooney

MJ Flood

### Sarah Himmel

“Graham is the best! Professional and knowledgeable — but best of all, a pleasure to work with and always willing to collaborate. If you’re looking for an industry thought leader to positively impact your event, Graham is your guy!”

#### Sarah Himmel

### Paula Bangle

“Thanks for such a brilliant, funny and thought-provoking presentation.”

#### Paula Bangle


### Darren Armstrong

“Graham was always my first choice of chairperson and his knowledge, humour and charm did not let me down. Graham is without doubt on the most knowledgeable experts in the world of IT Security and he comes with my full recommendation.”

#### Darren Armstrong

NetLaw Media

### NIgel Townley

“Over a month later members of my team are still talking about Graham and his talk… My main challenge now is how to top this for next year’s event. Graham, you will be a tough act to follow.”

#### Nigel Townley


### Jade Hill

“Our audience loves to hear from Graham, both for his expert cybersecurity insights, and for his witty humor and fun demeanor. His webinars are consistently among our most high-performing, and highly recommend his work to others!”

#### Jade Hill

Abnormal Security

### Connie Gougler

“Graham’s keynote that was both educational and full of his trademark wit and humor, and his session received the highest scores. You would be hard pressed to find a more informed and entertaining speaker to feature at your event. Thanks again Graham!”

#### Connie Gougler


### Annabel Berry

“Graham’s industry knowledge second to none, and he is one of the most relaxed and professional chairmen I have had the pleasure of working with.”

“With an acute attention to detail, and a fantastic sense of humour, Graham is a chairman I would wholly recommend.”

#### Annabel Berry

CEO, Sapphire

### Bryan Glick

“Graham is the most-quoted man in IT security history!”

#### Bryan Glick

Editor-in-chief "Computer Weekly"

[Read more testimonials…](https://grahamcluley.com/testimonials/)

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### Recent and upcoming keynote speeches and public talks

*   **3 June 2025**: “Calling BS on AI – Strategies to defeat Deepfake and other AI attacks”, [Infosecurity Europe 2025](https://www.infosecurityeurope.com/en-gb.html), London.

*   **25 Mar 2025**: Webinar, Vanta.

*   **18 Mar 2025**: [Webinar: “Credential Security in the Age of AI: Insights for IT Leaders”](https://go.dashlane.com/credential-security-age-of-ai.html?utm_medium=partner&utm_source=graham-cluley&utm_campaign=wb_credential-security-ai), Dashlane.

*   **7 Mar 2025**: Keynote, “How to make a billion dollars through cybercrime”, TCS BaNCS Annual Customer Forum, Barcelona.

*   **20 Feb 2025**: [Keynote: “The Crazy World of Ransomware”](https://ztw.com/), Zero Trust World, Orlando, Florida.

*   **15 Jan 2025**: [Dark Reading Fireside Chat: “Known and Unknown Risks of AI Adoption in 2025”](https://grahamcluley.com/go/rubrikai/), sponsored by Rubrik.

*   **4 December 2024**: Webinar: [“SaaS Security Nightmares: Real Stories and How to Stop Them”](https://www.auvik.com/franklyit/webinars/asm-live-demo-2/), Auvik.

*   **7 November 2024**: Keynote: “From deepfakes to LLM-jacking: How AI is (and isn’t) being used by cybercriminals”, [NetNordic Technology University 2024](https://netnordic.se/events/technology-university-2024/), Uppsala, Sweden.

*   **5 November 2024**: Webinar: [“AI hijacked this webinar”](https://go.sysdig.com/InfluencerNov2024_RegPage.html), Sysdig.

*   **31 October 2024**: Webinar: [“Ghosts in the Machine: Detecting Threats in Your Cloud”](https://go.sysdig.com/Ghosts-in-the-Machine-with-Graham-Cluley), Sysdig.

*   **30 October 2024**: Webinar: [“The Weakest Link: The Rise of Supply Chain Attacks”](https://www.zayo.com/webinars/the-weakest-link-the-rise-of-supply-chain-attacks/), Zayo.

*   **16 October 2024**: Keynote: “Stealing the Crown Jewels”, [SHIELDCON 2024](https://promon.co/shieldcon2024), Oslo Opera House, Norway.

*   **10 October 2024**: Keynote: “Stealing the Crown Jewels”, [Rochester Security Summit 2024](https://www.rochestersecurity.org/), Rochester Riverside Convention Center, Rochester NY.

*   **25 September 2024**: Webinar: [Cyber resilience in 2024: A conversation with Graham Cluley](https://www.cohesity.com/forms/webinar/global-cyber-resilience-survey-september-2024/), Cohesity.

*   **19 September 2024**: Keynote: “30 years of cybercrime in 30 minutes”, [ManageEngine Cyber Secure event](https://grahamcluley.com/cybersecure), London.

*   **17 September 2024**: Keynote: “30 years of cybercrime in 30 minutes”, [ManageEngine Cyber Secure event](https://grahamcluley.com/cybersecure), Manchester.

*   **31 July 2024**: Moderator: [“Qualys Cyber Risk Series: To be, or not to be? Patch is the question”](https://qualys.brighttalk.com/?utm_source=infpost1&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_campaign=6343), Qualys.

*   **25 July 2024**: [“Off-Track or On-Target: Paris Olympics, Global Elections, and Cyberattacks”](https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/16287/621395?bt_tok=%7B%7Blead.Id%7D%7D&utm_source=Sysdig&utm_medium=brighttalk&utm_campaign=621395), Sysdig.

*   **18 July 2024**: Webinar: [“Preparing for Tomorrow’s Threats: Future-Proofing Enterprise Cybersecurity Against AI, Vulnerabilities, and Business Risks”](https://drata.com/resources/webinars/preparing-for-tomorrows-threats), Drata.

*   **17 June 2024**: Moderator, Hack The Box roundtable: [“Increased risks: how cybersecurity burnout is impacting business”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tARonBOH4oM).

*   **21 March 2024**: [“The Convergence of AI and Cybersecurity”](https://www.linkedin.com/events/theconvergenceofai-cybersecurit7165776651941851136/about/) – webinar with Abnormal Security.

*   **20 March 2024**: Host: AV-TEST Security Summit Awards 2024, Magdeburg, Germany.

*   **20 March 2024**: Keynote at AV-TEST Security Summit 2024, Magdeburg, Germany.

*   **11-15 March 2024**: Speaker at “Week of IT Resilience”, with Unitrends.

*   **29 February 2024**: Webinar with Metomic: [“Fortifying Financial Services: Mastering Data Security in the Digital Age”](https://metomic.io/events/fortifying-financial-services-mastering-data-security-in-the-digital-age).

*   **27 February 2024**: Keynote at internal event for HydroOne.

*   **25 January 2024**: Keynote at internal event for Outpost24.

*   **13 December 2023**: Webinar with Skybox Security: [“Future-Proofing Enterprise Cybersecurity for AI, Vulnerabilities, and Business Risks”](https://grahamcluley.com/go/skyboxwebinar/).

*   **5 December 2023**: Webinar with JFrog: [“Revamping Software Supply Chain Security in 2024”](https://leap.jfrog.com/WN-Sec-2023-12-Revamping-Software-Supply-Chain-Security-EMEA_LP.html).

*   **29 November 2023**: Keynote: “The Most Horrific Email Attacks in History”, Abnormal Security event, HMS Belfast, London.

*   **22 November 2023**: Keynote: “Cyber Threats Faced By Organisations”, [TLT Disputes Conference](https://www.tlt.com/insights-and-events/webinars/tlt-disputes-conference-2023/).

*   **15-16 November 2023**: Keynote: “The Crazy World of Ransomware”, [Ransomware Detection & Response Virtual Showcase](https://www.trellix.com/about/events/2023/ransomware-showcase/) – Trellix.

*   **14-16 November 2023**: Chair: [Black Hat MEA Executive Summit](https://blackhatmea.com/), Saudi Arabia.

*   **9 November 2023**: Webinar: [“Decoding Cyberattacks – The Vulnerability Connection”](https://grahamcluley.com/go/secpodwebinar/)– SecPod.

*   **1-2 November 2023**: Chair: [National Information Security Conference (NISC)](https://www.sapphire.net/nisc/), Radisson Blu Hotel, Manchester Airport, UK.

*   **4 October 2023**: After dinner speech, [UKRI](https://www.ukri.org/), University of Warwick, UK.

*   **29 August 2023**: Keynote: [Nordic Software Summit](https://www.nordicsoftwaresummit.com/), Stockholm, Sweden.

*   **14 August 2023**: Webinar: [“Gone Phishing? Catching the Phish Before Your Employees Bite”](https://abnormalsecurity.com/resources/gone-phishing-protecting-employees) – Abnormal Security.

*   **18 May 2023**: Keynote: “30 years of cybercrime in 30 minutes”, [Channel-Sec](https://channel-sec.com/), Royal Lancaster Hotel, London.

*   **10 May 2023**: Webinar: [“The Big Gamble: Identifying and Mitigating Cyber Risk”](https://info.kaseya.com/Big-Gamble-Identifying-and-Mitigating-Cyber-Risk_Registration_LP.html), Unitrends / Spanning.

*   **27 April 2023**: Keynote: “Cyber security – mitigating your firm’s greatest risk”, [Alternative Accountancy Strategic IT Conference 2023](https://www.alternativeevents.co.uk/accountancy-strategic-it), Marlow, Bucks, UK.

*   **11 April 2023**: Webinar: [“How 4 Cybersecurity Companies Protect Against Cloud Vulnerabilities”](https://grahamcluley.com/go/abnormal-webinar/), Abnormal Software.

*   **4 April 2023**: Keynote: [UK Cyber Week](https://www.ukcyberweek.co.uk/), Business Design Centre, London.

*   **24 March 2023**: Keynote: [“Cyber Security Lunch”](https://www.mjf.ie/cyberlunch) event for MJ Flood Technology, Dublin, Ireland.

*   **16 March 2023**: [Webinar: “Mastering enterprise security: Expert tips, best practices & real-world examples for businesses”](https://mnge.it/enterprise), ManageEngine.

Speaking engagements pre-2023

*   **17 November 2022**: Keynote: [2022 .eu Web Awards](https://webawards.eurid.eu/), Mechelen, Belgium.

*   **19-21 October 2022**: Keynote: [Health-ISAC European Summit](https://h-isac.org/summits/2022-european-summit/), Algarve, Portugal.

*   **5-7 October 2022**: Chair: [National Information Security Conference (NISC)](https://www.sapphire.net/nisc/), Carden Park, Nr Chester.

*   **29 September 2022**: [“Forget hackers in hoodies: skills YOU need to work in cybersecurity”](https://twitter.com/cisco), @Cisco Twitter space chat.

*   **24 May 2022**: [“Gone Phishing? Don’t Let Your Employees Bite”](https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3751321/B51D3B81AFE99CAF764868D187527B58), Webinar with Abnormal Software.

*   **13 May 2022**: Keynote: [Cyber Security Nordic](https://cybersecuritynordic.messukeskus.com/), Helsinki, Finland.

*   **28 April 2022**: Keynote: [DTX](https://dtxevents.io/manchester/en/page/dtx-manchester), Manchester, UK.

*   **27 April 2022**: Keynote: [DigiCert Security Summit](https://www.digicert.com/about/events).

*   **24 March 2022**: Chair: [BlueFort.Live/Labs](https://bluefort.live).

*   **17 March 2022**: “Epic Security Fails”, Lloyds Bank Cyber Live.

*   **27 January 2022**: Talk: King’s College, University of Cambridge, UK.

*   **1 December 2021**: Chair: [“Driving transatlantic public sector cybersecurity through collaboration”](https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:6867554068508807168/), Cisco online event.

*   **28-29 November 2021**: Chair: [@Hack Executive Summit](https://athack.com/executive-summit), Riyadh Front Exhibition Centre, Saudi Arabia.

*   **15 October 2021**: Chair: [BlueFort Live](http://www.bluefort.live/), London.

*   **5 October 2021**: Keynote: [e-Crime & Cybersecurity Middle East Summit](https://akjassociates.com/event/middleeast).

*   **11 August 2021**: Keynote at internal event for AllState Canada.

*   **16 September 2021**: Keynote: [Ransomware on the Rise: How to Protect Your Organization](https://go.zixcorp.com/2021.09.16_Webinar_RiseofRansomware_RegPage.html), Zix webinar.

*   **16 September 2021**: Panelist: [Endpoint Management and Security Conference](https://mnge.it/yNa), ManageEngine webinar.

*   **30 June 2021**: Keynote: [PCI London](https://akjassociates.com/event/pcilondon).

*   **17 June 2021**: Webinar: [The future of antivirus](https://www.deep-secure.com/future-of-anti-virus.php), Deep Secure.

*   **16 June 2021**: [SMB Cyber Protection Conference](https://go.acronis.com/tw/virtualconf/emea/smb-ransomware), Acronis.

*   **9 June 2021**: [SMB Cyber Protection Conference](https://go.acronis.com/tw/virtualconf/nam/smb-ransomware), Acronis.

*   **7 June 2021**: Keynote: [Thames Valley Chapter of (ISC)2](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/isc2-tvc-not-all-cybercriminals-are-evil-geniuses-or-are-they-tickets-157815952763).

*   **28 May 2021**: Keynote: [NATO International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon)](https://cycon2021.org/).

*   **27 May 2021**: [“Designing security for a hybrid workforce”](https://www.linkedin.com/events/designingsecurityforahybridwork6801271851009007616/), Cisco.

*   **13 May 2021**: [“Because Click Happens…”](https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3119407/A2EF8C8BB2F1F6CCAB5A5820898B8D04), HP.

*   **26 April 2021**: [“Preparing for Cybersecurity Threats in a Permanently Hybrid World”](https://www.linkedin.com/events/preparingforcybersecuritythreat6788763150457069569/), Cisco.

*   **14 April 2021**: Host: [Trust 2021 Email Security Awards Celebration: Industry Innovation](https://trust.events/), Agari.

*   **13 April 2021**: Keynote: [Trust 2021: The Next-Generation Email Security Conference](https://trust.events/), Agari.

*   **12 January 2021**: Webinar: [Ransomware Today: What’s New and How to Protect Your Organization](https://www.techrepublic.com/resource-library/webcasts/webcast-ransomware-today-what-s-new-and-how-to-protect-your-organization/), Cloudian.

*   **17 November 2020**: Keynote: [(ISC)2 Security Congress](https://securitycongress.brighttalk.live/).

*   **3 November 2020**: Keynote: [Strategic IT Security 2020](https://itsecurity2020.com/).

*   **28 October 2020**: Keynote: UBS internal event.

*   **9 September 2020**: Keynote: [HP Latin America Customer Forum](https://hplacfvirtual20.studio.design/bienvenida).

*   **5 March 2020**: Keynote: 100th NHS Scotland National Information Security Meeting, Glasgow.

*   **25-26 February 2020**: Veracode booth #5553, North Expo, RSA Conference, San Francisco.

*   **18 February 2020**: Keynote: [Cisco CISO Event 2020 “Security Everywhere”](https://www.eventtouch.eu/ciscoBE/secure/#nav4788=29580), Brussels, Belgium.

*   **21 November 2019**: [IRISSCON](http://www.iriss.ie/IRISSCON.html), Dublin, Ireland.

*   **6-8 November 2019**: Chair: [National Information Security Conference (NISC)](https://www.sapphire.net/nisc/), Carden Park, Cheshire.

*   **17 October 2019**: Keynote: [CyberCrime Symposium](http://www.sagedatasecurity.com/cybercrime-symposium), Portland, Maine, USA.

*   **10 October 2019**: Keynote: [Digital Transformation EXPO](https://dt-x.io/europe/en/node/agendasession-session14), ExCeL, London, UK.

*   **2 October 2019**: Keynote: CRN’s MSP Channel Conference, London, UK.

*   **19 September 2019**: Keynote: [“Conversations from the vault”](https://lp.logmeininc.com/LP_EMEA_EN_ADH_Multi_2019-09-19_Event_In_A-Box_RegistrationLP.html?source=grahamc), LastPass event, London, UK.

*   **19 September 2019**: Keynote: Security awareness event, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

*   **6 June 2019**: Keynote: Slovenian Insurance Association, Portoroz, Slovenia.

*   **4 June 2019**: Keynote: [“Conversations from the vault”](https://lp.logmeininc.com/2019-05-15_Event_In_A-Box_Registration-LP.html), LastPass event, London, UK.

*   **29 May 2019**: Keynote: [ITWeb Security Summit](https://v2.itweb.co.za/event/itweb/security-summit-2019/), Johannesburg, South Africa.

*   **23 May 2019**: Keynote: [Big Data is the New Currency](https://www.ravenpack.com/event/big-data-currency/), RavenPack Research Symposium, London.

*   **3 April 2019**: [IP EXPO](https://ipexpoeurope.com), Manchester, UK.

*   **2 April 2019**: Keynote: FLIGHT 2019, Kimpton Fitzroy, London, UK.

*   **2 April 2019**: Keynote: Kaspersky partner event, London Stock Exchange, UK.

*   **16 October 2018**: Richardson Capital, Worcestershire, UK.

*   **10-12 October 2018**: Chair: [National Information Security Conference (NISC)](http://www.sapphire.net/nisc/), Glasgow.

*   **9 October 2018**: UBS Cybersecurity event, London, UK.

*   **3 October 2018**: [IP EXPO](https://ipexpoeurope.com), London, UK.

*   **25 September 2018**: Beazley Cyber Summit, Seville, Spain.

*   **20 September 2018**: [Secure Computing Forum](https://www.securecomputingforum.ie/), Dublin, Ireland.

*   **30 August 2018**: HP Wolf 3 event, London, UK.

*   **4 July 2018**: UKFast, London, UK.

*   **3 July 2018**: UKFast, Manchester, UK.

*   **27 June 2018**: SecureTour 18, Edinburgh, UK.

*   **21 June 2018**: Lock it down, London, UK.

*   **20 June 2018**: Keynote: [Cloud Security Summit](https://go.alertlogic.com/Summit_London_18.html?utm_medium=partner&utm_source=Cluley&utm_campaign=CSS_UK_London_2018&utm_content=LP), London, UK.

*   **19 June 2018**: SecureTour 18, Manchester, UK.

*   **15 June 2018**: SecureTour 18, London, UK.

*   **13 June 2018**: SecureTour 18, Cambridge, UK.

*   **6 June 2018**: [Sunny Side Up Security](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/sunny-side-up-security-infosec-event/?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=social&utm_term=sunny-side-up-security-infosec-event&utm_campaign=gra), InfoSecurity 2018, London, UK.

*   **2 May 2018**: Keynote: Lock it down, Birmingham, UK.

*   **28 February 2018**: Keynote: [Elevate](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/elevate-tickets-40783382194), Nuremberg, Germany.

*   **27 November 2017**: [SWIFT Premium Services Forum](https://www.swift.com/news-events/events/swift-premium-services-forum-europe-2017), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

*   **23 November 2017**: [BSI Standards Forum](https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/our-services/events/2017/standards-forums-2017/23-november-london/), London.

*   **2 November 2017**: Keynote: [secureCISO London](https://www.secureciso.com/london/).

*   **25 October 2017**: Euromoney Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.

*   **19 October 2017**: [PwC Cybersecurity Day](http://www.cybersecurityday.lu/), Luxembourg.

*   **13 October 2017**: Keynote: [Charity IT Leaders Conference](http://www.charityitleaders.org.uk/events/annual-conference-2017-diverseit/), Whittlebury Hall, Milton Keynes.

*   **12 October 2017**: Keynote: [Misco Expo](http://www.misco.co.uk/expo), London

*   **10 October 2017**: Chairman and speaker: [European Legal Security Forum 2017](https://legalsecurityforum.com/), Old Billingsgate, London.

*   **4 October 2017**: Keynote: [IP EXPO Europe](http://www.ipexpoeurope.com/), ExCel, London.

*   **26 September 2017**: Keynote: [Fraud Force](http://www.fraudforcesummit.com/new-york), New York City.

*   **21 September 2017**: Keynote: SW WARP, Buckfast Abbey, Devon.

*   **20 September 2017**: Keynote: AIT Annual Conference, Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire

*   **25 July 2017**: [Codenomi-Con](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/codenomi-con-usa-tickets-33281146806), Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas.

*   **6 July 2017**: Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 17](https://securetour.foursys.co.uk/), Manchester.

*   **15 June 2017**: Keynote: Institutional Investor Summit, Hilton Syon Park, London

*   **14 June 2017**: Keynote: [Unlocked London](http://www.ukfast.co.uk/blog/2017/05/09/unlocked-london/), The Shard, London.

*   **6 June 2017**: Keynote: [IFoA’s Joint Risk, Investment, Pensions Conference 2017](https://www.actuaries.org.uk/learn-and-develop/events-calendar/ifoa-s-joint-risk-investment-pensions-conference-2017), Celtic Manor, Newport.

*   **5 June 2017**: Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 17](https://securetour.foursys.co.uk/), Cambridge.

*   **23 May 2017**: Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 17](https://securetour.foursys.co.uk/), Edinburgh.

*   **19 May 2017**: Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 17](https://securetour.foursys.co.uk/), London.

*   **16 May 2017**: Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 17](https://securetour.foursys.co.uk/), Belfast.

*   **12 May 2017**: [Wandera mobile security event](https://www.wandera.com/level/), London.

*   **5 May 2017**: Keynote: [UCISA Cyber Security Survival Guide](https://www.ucisa.ac.uk/groups/ig/Events/2017/cyber), Birmingham.

*   **4 May 2017**: [Citywire South East 2017](http://www.cvent.com/events/citywire-south-east-retreat-2017/agenda-cde8d758ae164bf18e13eed4dd62a6ee.aspx), Hampshire.

*   **26 April 2017** – Keynote: [Capita One National User Group](http://www.capita-one.co.uk/resources/blog/shape-future-us-at-our-2017-national-user-group), Warwickshire.

*   **24 April 2017**: PwC International Tax Academy, Paris.

*   **28 March 2017**: Keynote: [Unlocked Manchester](https://www.ukfast.co.uk/ukfast-events/2017-03-28-unlocked-manchester.html), UKFast Campus, Manchester.

*   **14 March 2017** – Keynote: [KIACS Cyber Security Conference](http://www.kiacs.org/), Kuwait.

*   **9 March 2017**: [Ignition Technology security event](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ignition-partner-update-9th-march-2017-the-shard-registration-31352566370), The Shard, London.

*   **26 January 2017** – Keynote: [StormCloud 2017](https://itcsecure.com/events/stormcloud2017/), London.

*   **7 December 2016** – Keynote: Computer Science in Action, University of Warwick.

*   **3 November 2016** – Keynote: [Life Conference 2016](https://www.actuaries.org.uk/learn-and-develop/current-and-past-events/life-conference-2016), Edinburgh.

*   **2 November 2016** – Keynote: [Heatwave 2016](http://www.heatwaveconference.co.uk/), London.

*   **26 October 2016** – Keynote: [Nordic IT Security](http://www.nordicitsecurity.com/), Stockholm, Sweden.

*   **20 October 2016** – Keynote: Cyber security awareness event, Richmond, Virginia.

*   **11-12 October 2016** – Keynote: [Navigate ’16](https://navigate.sailpoint.com/), Berlin.

*   **4 October 2016** – Keynote: [Payments Knowledge Forum](http://www.thepkf.org/), London.

*   **12 September 2016** – Keynote: Pension Protection Fund, Croydon.

*   **12 July 2016** – Event chairperson and keynote: [European Legal Security Forum](http://legalsecurityforum.com/), Bishopsgate, London.

*   **15 June 2016** – Keynote: [Data Security in the Cloud summit](http://biztechevents.co.uk/supply-fest/), London.

*   **26 May 2016** – Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 16, London](https://www.foursys.co.uk/Pages/Event/securetour16-london-free-cybersecurity-conference).

*   **25 May 2016** – Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 16, Cambridge](https://www.foursys.co.uk/Pages/Event/securetour16-cambridge-free-cybersecurity-conference).

*   **19 May 2016** – Dell security event, BriForum, London.

*   **10 May 2016** – Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 16, Belfast](https://www.foursys.co.uk/Pages/Event/securetour16-belfast-free-cybersecurity-conference).

*   **5 May 2016** – Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 16, Loch Lomond](https://www.foursys.co.uk/Pages/Event/securetour16-loch-lomond-free-cybersecurity-conference-vip-event).

*   **4 May 2016** – Keynote: [Foursys SecureTour 16, Manchester](https://www.foursys.co.uk/Pages/Event/securetour16-manchester).

*   **28 April 2016** – [Executive Exchange: Empowering Digital Transformation](http://cbronline.info/vmware/index.php), Edinburgh.

*   **26 April 2016** – [Executive Exchange: Empowering Digital Transformation](http://cbronline.info/vmware/index.php), London.

*   **7 April 2016** – Keynote: [ERA Regional Conference](http://www.eraa.org/events/era-regional-airline-conference-2016), Prague.

*   **31 March 2016** – JLA Speakers Breakfast, London.

*   **22 March 2016** – Keynote: [CSO Perspectives Roadshow 2016, Melbourne](http://www.cso.com.au/perspectivesroadshow2016/melbourne/), Australia.

*   **15 March 2016** – Keynote: [CSO Perspectives Roadshow 2016, Sydney](http://www.cso.com.au/perspectivesroadshow2016/sydney/), Australia.

*   **16 February 2016** – Keynote: [TUG Connects 2016](http://www.theusergroup.org/tug-connects.html), San Antonio, Texas.

*   **26-28 January 2016** – Keynote: Bourne Leisure Safety Conference, Thoresby Park, Nottinghamshire.

*   **17 November 2015** – Keynote: Insight Technology Show, Manchester.

*   **11 November 2015** – Keynote: Microsoft Future Decoded, ExCeL, London.

*   **4 November 2015** – Keynote: HEATwave 2015, London.

*   **3 November 2015** – Keynote: GSE UK Conference, Milton Keynes.

*   **14 September 2015** – Avecto security dinner and networking event, OXO Tower, London.

*   **29 July 2015** – Threats and data breaches web seminar, Intralinks.

*   **1 July 2015** – Secure Trading Cyber Security forum, Churchill War Rooms, London.

*   **30 June 2015** – Keynote: Trusted Digital Identity Symposium, Belgian Ambassador Residence, London.

*   **11 June 2015** – Keynote: Enabling Safe Business, Sunderland.

*   **3 June 2015** – Datacloud 2015 Global Congress, Monaco.

*   **30 April 2015** – Banking security event, McLaren Technology Centre.

*   **23 April 2015** – Keynote: ESET Partner Conference.

*   **10 March 2015** – Keynote: E-Crime and Information Security Congress, London.

*   **12 February 2015** – Insight Partner Forum, London.

*   **11 December 2014** – British Computer Society, Oxford.

*   **12-14 November 2014** – Keynote: AVAR 2014, Sydney, Australia.

*   **21 October 2014** – Keynote: Cyber Security Symposium 2014, Brussels.

*   **16 October 2014** – SecureTour 14, Manchester.

*   **14 October 2014** – SecureTour 14, London.

*   **14 October 2014** – Experian Identity and Fraud Forum, Watford.

*   **8 October 2014** – SecureTour 14, Cambridge.

*   **7 October 2014** – SecureTour 14, Bristol.

*   **3 October 2014** – Keynote at ISACA Ireland’s annual conference, Dublin, Ireland.

*   **26-27 June 2014** – FourSys Security Conference, Loch Lomond, Scotland.

*   **19-20 June 2014** – FourSys Security Conference, Belfast.

*   **12 June 2014** – RANT Conference, London.

*   **16-17 May 2014** – Keynote: EMVA Business Conference, Vienna, Austria.

*   **8 May 2014** – Keynote: ESET Partner Conference.

*   **29 April – 1 May 2014** – Infosecurity Europe, London.

*   **27 March 2014** – Keynote: Wraith Intelligence event.

*   **25 March 2014** – LawTech Futures 2014, London.

*   **14 March 2014** – Keynote: The Insight Technology Show, London.

*   **11 March 2014** – e-Crime and Information Security Congress, London.

*   **6 March 2014** – IT Leaders Forum, London Stock Exchange.

*   **28 November 2013** – Web Seminar: “Closing the IT security risk management gap: 3 Ways to connect IT & the Board”

*   **5 November 2013** – Keynote: Infosecurity Magazine Winter Virtual Conference

*   **31 October 2013** – Web Summit, Dublin.

*   **29 October 2013** – #SocialMediaWhatsTrending, BBC North, Salford.

*   **17 October 2013** – IP Expo, London.

*   **15 October 2013** – eCrime and Cyber Security Seminar 2013, London.

*   **4 October 2013** – Virus Bulletin, Berlin.

*   **3 September 2013** – Campus Party Europe, O2 Millennium Dome, London.

*   **1 March 2013** – “The Crossbill SpyEye Malware Investigation”, RSA Conference, San Francisco.

*   **28 February 2013** – “Will you ever be able to trust social networks?”, RSA Conference, San Francisco.

*   **6 October 2011** – “Operation ShadySHARE – towards better industry collaboration”, Virus Bulletin, Barcelona, Spain.

*   **1-4 March 2010** – “Web 2 Woe: Cybercrime on Social Networks”, RSA Conference, San Francisco.

*   **12 October 2008** – “The Need To Adopt Standards-Based Anti-Malware Testing Methodologies” – RSA Europe, London.

*   **26 September 2002** – “e-bugs: should anti-virus products detect them?”, Virus Bulletin, New Orleans, USA.

I am able to talk extensively and give carefully researched presentations that draw on my years of experience in the computer security industry. What’s more, I can specifically tailor my presentation for your audience – pitching it at just the right level to keep people entertained as well as informed.

So, whether you want to raise security awareness within your business or need a keynote speaker at your conference, I could be the right man for the job!

If you would like an independent expert to speak at your company’s event, give a keynote presentation at your conference or host a panel, please complete the form below.


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