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GPO Strategic Plan FY2023-2027
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GPO Named Best Place for Vets
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GPO Named Best Employer in America for New Graduates
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GPO Named America's Best Employer Three Years in a Row
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Our Customers Explain the Advantages of Partnering with GPO
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Four Libraries in the Midwest Partner with GPO to Preserve Government Information
03/13/25 Jerome Hall Library, Indiana State Library, and State Library of Ohio have expanded upon their Preservation Steward collections with the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), and Allen County Public Library signed a Memorandum of Agreement with GPO to become a Preservation Steward.
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GPO Partners with Yale University Library to Preserve Government Information
03/06/25 Yale University’s Lillian Goldman Law Library signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) to become a Preservation Steward. To help libraries meet the needs of efficient Government document stewardship in the digital era, GPO has established Preservation Stewards to support continued public access to U.S. Government documents in print format.
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GPO Lands Spot on Forbes America's Best Employer List for Fourth Year in a Row
02/12/25 The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has been named one of the best employers in America by Forbes for the fourth year in a row. GPO ranked in the top 20 amongst mid-sized agencies in Government Services. GPO joined the Library of Congress and Federal Communications Commission in the category for best Government agencies.
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GPO Joins Digital Preservation Coalition
01/30/25 The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), an international charitable foundation that supports digital preservation. GPO is joining a growing DPC community with 170 members in 24 countries worldwide.
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GPO Updates Business Unit Names
01/23/25 The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has launched new names for its various business units. The Agency standardized department names to distinguish units that service GPO customers such as Congress, the White House, and Federal agencies from those that service GPO as an Agency.
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GPO Produces Materials for President Trump's Inauguration
01/21/25 The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) worked with the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) to produce printed materials for the 60th Presidential Inauguration.
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Events and Training
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G-Invoicing (GINV) Info Session
**Dates:** March 13
**Location:** Online
**Cost:** Free
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Storyline 3 / Storyline 360 Introduction
**Dates:** March 17 – 18
**Location:** Online
**Cost:** $775
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