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The GitHub Blog



### [Four steps toward building an open source community](https://github.blog/open-source/maintainers/four-steps-toward-building-an-open-source-community/)

Three maintainers talk about how they fostered their open source communities.

[Developer skills](https://github.blog/developer-skills/)

### [Video: How to run dependency audits with GitHub Copilot](https://github.blog/developer-skills/github/video-how-to-run-dependency-audits-with-github-copilot/)

Learn to automate dependency management using GitHub Copilot, GitHub Actions, and Dependabot to eliminate manual checks, improve security, and save time for what really matters.

[AI & ML](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/)

### [Not just for developers: How product and security teams can use GitHub Copilot](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/github-copilot/not-just-for-developers-how-product-and-security-teams-can-use-github-copilot/)

GitHub Copilot isn’t just for developers! Discover how product managers, security professionals, scrum masters, and more use GitHub Copilot to streamline tasks, automate workflows, and boost productivity across teams.


### [Finding leaked passwords with AI: How we built Copilot secret scanning](https://github.blog/engineering/platform-security/finding-leaked-passwords-with-ai-how-we-built-copilot-secret-scanning/)

Passwords are notoriously difficult to detect with conventional programming approaches. AI can help us find passwords better because it understands context. This blog post will explore the technical challenges we faced with building the feature and the novel and creative ways we solved them.

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[AI & ML](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/)

### [GitHub for Beginners: How to get started with GitHub Copilot](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/github-copilot/github-for-beginners-how-to-get-started-with-github-copilot/)

Get started with GitHub Copilot and navigate features like Copilot Chat in this installment of the GitHub for Beginners series.

[Open Source](https://github.blog/open-source/)

### [Community managers in action: Leading a developer community for good](https://github.blog/open-source/social-impact/community-managers-in-action-leading-a-developer-community-for-good/)

GitHub’s Digital Public Goods Open Source Community Manager Program just wrapped up a second successful year, helping Community Managers gain experience in using open source for good.

[AI & ML](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/)

### [How to debug code with GitHub Copilot](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/github-copilot/how-to-debug-code-with-github-copilot/)

GitHub Copilot can streamline your debugging process by troubleshooting in your IDE, analyzing pull requests, and more, helping you tackle issues faster and more robustly.

[View all](https://github.blog/latest/)

Showing popular posts from: All categories

[News & insights](https://github.blog/news-insights/)

### [GitHub Copilot: The agent awakens](https://github.blog/news-insights/product-news/github-copilot-the-agent-awakens/)

Introducing agent mode for GitHub Copilot in VS Code, announcing the general availability of Copilot Edits, and providing a first look at our SWE agent.

[Developer skills](https://github.blog/developer-skills/)

### [Video: How to run dependency audits with GitHub Copilot](https://github.blog/developer-skills/github/video-how-to-run-dependency-audits-with-github-copilot/)

Learn to automate dependency management using GitHub Copilot, GitHub Actions, and Dependabot to eliminate manual checks, improve security, and save time for what really matters.

[AI & ML](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/)

### [Not just for developers: How product and security teams can use GitHub Copilot](https://github.blog/ai-and-ml/github-copilot/not-just-for-developers-how-product-and-security-teams-can-use-github-copilot/)

GitHub Copilot isn’t just for developers! Discover how product managers, security professionals, scrum masters, and more use GitHub Copilot to streamline tasks, automate workflows, and boost productivity across teams.



[View all changes](https://github.blog/changelog/)

### [Onboarding additional model providers with GitHub Copilot for Claude Sonnet models in public preview](https://github.blog/changelog/2025-03-06-onboarding-additional-model-providers-with-github-copilot-for-claude-sonnet-models-in-public-preview)

March 6, 2025

### [GitHub Issues & Projects: API support for issues advanced search and more!](https://github.blog/changelog/2025-03-06-github-issues-projects-api-support-for-issues-advanced-search-and-more)

March 6, 2025

### [GPT-4o Copilot March flight is ready for takeoff](https://github.blog/changelog/2025-03-06-gpt-4o-copilot-march-flight-is-ready-for-takeoff)

March 6, 2025

### [Personal custom instructions for Copilot are now generally available on github.com](https://github.blog/changelog/2025-03-06-personal-custom-instructions-for-copilot-are-now-generally-available-on-github-com)

March 6, 2025

[View all changes](https://github.blog/changelog/)

### [How GitHub uses CodeQL to secure GitHub](https://github.blog/engineering/how-github-uses-codeql-to-secure-github/)

How GitHub’s Product Security Engineering team manages our CodeQL implementation at scale and how you can, too.

### [Considerations for making a tree view component accessible](https://github.blog/engineering/user-experience/considerations-for-making-a-tree-view-component-accessible/)

A deep dive on the work that went into making the component that powers repository and pull request file trees.

### [Breaking down CPU speed: How utilization impacts performance](https://github.blog/engineering/architecture-optimization/breaking-down-cpu-speed-how-utilization-impacts-performance/)

The Performance Engineering team at GitHub assessed how CPU performance degrades as utilization increases and how this relates to capacity.

### [How to make Storybook Interactions respect user motion preferences](https://github.blog/engineering/user-experience/how-to-make-storybook-interactions-respect-user-motion-preferences/)

With this custom addon, you can ensure your workplace remains accessible to users with motion sensitivities while benefiting from Storybook’s Interactions.

### [GitHub Enterprise Cloud with data residency: How we built the next evolution of GitHub Enterprise using GitHub](https://github.blog/engineering/engineering-principles/github-enterprise-cloud-with-data-residency/)

How we used GitHub to build GitHub Enterprise Cloud with data residency.

[More Engineering articles](https://github.blog/engineering/)

### [Using GitHub Copilot Free: What to know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR7svLAPY7w)

Find out what you can do with the free tier of GitHub Copilot, the AI editor for everyone, and start building what’s next today.

### [Inside GitHub: A sneak peak into the world of GitHub stickers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o04e5Vz3ujg)

Go behind the scenes with Christina Warren (@filmgirl) as she uncovers the fascinating story of our beloved Octocat stickers. 🎉

### [Octoverse 2024: The rise of Python and AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5Ho2_Si6hY)

Find out how AI and a rapidly growing global developer community defined this past year on GitHub across public and open source projects.

[View GitHub on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/github)

### [Step inside GitHub Universe 2024](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0lo9MOBetEF_de7yKAWpnMkTsKH6aJ4P&feature=shared)

### [Learn about GitHub Copilot](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0lo9MOBetEHEHi9h0k_lPn0XZdEeYZDS)

### [Stay informed with The Download](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0lo9MOBetEE0goMLEl97vO7slruNVj43)

### [Explore GitHub for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0lo9MOBetEFcp4SCWinBdpml9B2U25-f)

[View all playlists](https://www.youtube.com/@GitHub/playlists)

### [Engaging with the developer community on our approach to content moderation](https://github.blog/news-insights/policy-news-and-insights/engaging-with-the-developer-community-on-our-approach-to-content-moderation/)

We share the full year 2024 data update on our Transparency Center and highlight how developers can engage with us on our site policies and content moderation.

### [GitHub Availability Report: January 2025](https://github.blog/news-insights/company-news/github-availability-report-january-2025/)

In January, we experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services.

### [That’s a wrap: GitHub Innovation Graph in 2024](https://github.blog/news-insights/policy-news-and-insights/thats-a-wrap-github-innovation-graph-in-2024/)

Discover the latest trends and insights on public software development activity on GitHub with the release of Q2 & Q3 2024 data for the Innovation Graph.

### [Seven years of open source: A more secure and diverse ecosystem](https://github.blog/news-insights/seven-years-of-open-source-a-more-secure-and-diverse-ecosystem/)

Explore insights into open source community growth, innovation, and inclusivity with an updated survey dataset.

### [GitHub Availability Report: December 2024](https://github.blog/news-insights/company-news/github-availability-report-december-2024/)

In December, we experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services.

### [Inside the research: How GitHub Copilot impacts the nature of work for open source maintainers](https://github.blog/news-insights/policy-news-and-insights/inside-the-research-github-copilot/)

An interview with economic researchers analyzing the causal effect of GitHub Copilot on how open source maintainers work.

[More News & insights articles](https://github.blog/news-insights/)

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