
Website favicongeocaching.com

There are millions of geocaches hidden around the world—there are probably some near you right now. Get the free Official Geocaching app and start finding them.

[Sign up](/account/join)

Join the world's largest treasure hunt.


Video: what is geocaching (75 seconds)

There are 5,774 geocaches around Mountain View.


To get started, create a free geocaching account and download the official Geocaching® app or use a GPS device.

*   [](https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id329541503?pt=61076&ct=Q1-2018-update-logged-out-home-page&mt=8)

*   [](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.groundspeak.geocaching.intro&referrer=utm_source%3Dgeocaching-website%26utm_campaign%3DQ1-2018-update-logged-out-home-page)

3 steps to begin your adventure


1.  ### 1\. Create an account

    Create an account online or through the Geocaching® app to view a map of geocaches near you.

2.  ### 2\. Find a geocache

    Use the app to navigate to a geocache nearby. Don’t forget to bring a pen!

3.  ### 3\. Share your experience

    Once you find the geocache, sign and date the logbook. Place the geocache back where you found it and log your experience online.

Get started


[](https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2017/05/ten-tips-for-newbies-looking-for-their-first-geocache/ "Get started")

Geocaching 101


[](https://www.geocaching.com/sites/education/en "Geocaching 101")

*   [Shop for trackables](https://shop.geocaching.com/default/trackable-items)

*   [Shop for containers](https://shop.geocaching.com/default/geocaching-supplies/cache-containers)

*   [Shop for gear](https://shop.geocaching.com/default/clothes/shirts)

*   [Shop for gifts](https://shop.geocaching.com/default/gifts/gift-ideas)

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