🏳️GDAL — GDAL documentation

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*   [GDAL documentation](#)

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GDAL[](#gdal "Link to this heading")


GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an MIT style Open Source [License](license.html#license) by the [Open Source Geospatial Foundation](http://www.osgeo.org/). As a library, it presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and processing. The [NEWS](https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.10.2/NEWS.md) page describes the February 2025 GDAL/OGR 3.10.2 "Gulf Of Mexico" release.

This documentation is also available as a [PDF](/_/downloads/en/stable/pdf/) or a [ZIP of individual HTML pages](/_/downloads/en/stable/htmlzip/) for offline browsing.


See [Software using GDAL](software_using_gdal.html#software-using-gdal)

You may quote GDAL in publications by using the following Digital Object Identifier:[](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5884351)

*   [Download](download.html)

    *   [Source Code](download.html#source-code)

    *   [Binaries](download.html#binaries)

    *   [Containers](download.html#containers)

    *   [Documentation](download.html#documentation)

*   [Programs](programs/index.html)

    *   [General](programs/index.html#general)

    *   [Raster programs](programs/index.html#raster-programs)

    *   [Multidimensional Raster programs](programs/index.html#multidimensional-raster-programs)

    *   [Vector programs](programs/index.html#vector-programs)

    *   [Geographic network programs](programs/index.html#geographic-network-programs)

    *   [Other utilities](programs/index.html#other-utilities)

*   [Raster drivers](drivers/raster/index.html)

    *   [AAIGrid -- Arc/Info ASCII Grid](drivers/raster/aaigrid.html)

    *   [ACE2 -- ACE2](drivers/raster/ace2.html)

    *   [ADRG -- ADRG/ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (.gen/.thf)](drivers/raster/adrg.html)

    *   [AIG -- Arc/Info Binary Grid](drivers/raster/aig.html)

    *   [AIRSAR -- AIRSAR Polarimetric Format](drivers/raster/airsar.html)

    *   [AVIF -- AV1 Image File Format](drivers/raster/avif.html)

    *   [BAG -- Bathymetry Attributed Grid](drivers/raster/bag.html)

    *   [BASISU -- Basis Universal](drivers/raster/basisu.html)

    *   [BLX -- Magellan BLX Topo File Format](drivers/raster/blx.html)

    *   [BMP -- Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap](drivers/raster/bmp.html)

    *   [BSB -- Maptech/NOAA BSB Nautical Chart Format](drivers/raster/bsb.html)

    *   [BT -- VTP .bt Binary Terrain Format](drivers/raster/bt.html)

    *   [BYN - Natural Resources Canada's Geoid file format (.byn)](drivers/raster/byn.html)

    *   [CAD -- AutoCAD DWG raster layer](drivers/raster/cad.html)

    *   [CALS -- CALS Type 1](drivers/raster/cals.html)

    *   [CEOS -- CEOS Image](drivers/raster/ceos.html)

    *   [COASP -- DRDC COASP SAR Processor Raster](drivers/raster/coasp.html)

    *   [COG -- Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF generator](drivers/raster/cog.html)

    *   [COSAR -- TerraSAR-X Complex SAR Data Product](drivers/raster/cosar.html)

    *   [CPG -- Convair PolGASP data](drivers/raster/cpg.html)

    *   [CTable2 -- CTable2 Datum Grid Shift](drivers/raster/ctable2.html)

    *   [CTG -- USGS LULC Composite Theme Grid](drivers/raster/ctg.html)

    *   [DAAS (Airbus DS Intelligence Data As A Service driver)](drivers/raster/daas.html)

    *   [DDS -- DirectDraw Surface](drivers/raster/dds.html)

    *   [DERIVED -- Derived subdatasets driver](drivers/raster/derived.html)

    *   [DIMAP -- Spot DIMAP](drivers/raster/dimap.html)

    *   [DIPEx -- ELAS DIPEx](drivers/raster/dipex.html)

    *   [DOQ1 -- First Generation USGS DOQ](drivers/raster/doq1.html)

    *   [DOQ2 -- New Labelled USGS DOQ](drivers/raster/doq2.html)

    *   [DTED -- Military Elevation Data](drivers/raster/dted.html)

    *   [ECRGTOC -- ECRG Table Of Contents (TOC.xml)](drivers/raster/ecrgtoc.html)

    *   [ECW -- Enhanced Compressed Wavelets (.ecw)](drivers/raster/ecw.html)

    *   [EEDAI - Google Earth Engine Data API Image](drivers/raster/eedai.html)

    *   [EHdr -- ESRI .hdr Labelled](drivers/raster/ehdr.html)

    *   [EIR -- Erdas Imagine Raw](drivers/raster/eir.html)

    *   [ELAS - Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software](drivers/raster/elas.html)

    *   [ENVI -- ENVI .hdr Labelled Raster](drivers/raster/envi.html)

    *   [ESAT -- Envisat Image Product](drivers/raster/esat.html)

    *   [ESRIC -- Esri Compact Cache](drivers/raster/esric.html)

    *   [ERS -- ERMapper .ERS](drivers/raster/ers.html)

    *   [EXR -- Extended Dynamic Range Image File Format](drivers/raster/exr.html)

    *   [FAST -- EOSAT FAST Format](drivers/raster/fast.html)

    *   [FIT -- FIT](drivers/raster/fit.html)

    *   [FITS -- Flexible Image Transport System](drivers/raster/fits.html)

    *   [GenBin -- Generic Binary (.hdr labelled)](drivers/raster/genbin.html)

    *   [Oracle Spatial GeoRaster](drivers/raster/georaster.html)

    *   [GFF -- Sandia National Laboratories GSAT File Format](drivers/raster/gff.html)

    *   [GIF -- Graphics Interchange Format](drivers/raster/gif.html)

    *   [GPKG -- GeoPackage raster](drivers/raster/gpkg.html)

    *   [GRASS Raster Format](drivers/raster/grass.html)

    *   [GRASSASCIIGrid -- GRASS ASCII Grid](drivers/raster/grassasciigrid.html)

    *   [GRIB -- WMO General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form](drivers/raster/grib.html)

    *   [GS7BG -- Golden Software Surfer 7 Binary Grid File Format](drivers/raster/gs7bg.html)

    *   [GSAG -- Golden Software ASCII Grid File Format](drivers/raster/gsag.html)

    *   [GSBG -- Golden Software Binary Grid File Format](drivers/raster/gsbg.html)

    *   [GSC -- GSC Geogrid](drivers/raster/gsc.html)

    *   [GTA - Generic Tagged Arrays](drivers/raster/gta.html)

    *   [GTI -- GDAL Raster Tile Index](drivers/raster/gti.html)

    *   [GTiff -- GeoTIFF File Format](drivers/raster/gtiff.html)

    *   [GXF -- Grid eXchange File](drivers/raster/gxf.html)

    *   [HDF4 -- Hierarchical Data Format Release 4 (HDF4)](drivers/raster/hdf4.html)

    *   [HDF5 -- Hierarchical Data Format Release 5 (HDF5)](drivers/raster/hdf5.html)

    *   [HEIF / HEIC -- ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 High Efficiency Image File Format](drivers/raster/heif.html)

    *   [HF2 -- HF2/HFZ heightfield raster](drivers/raster/hf2.html)

    *   [HFA -- Erdas Imagine .img](drivers/raster/hfa.html)

    *   [RST -- Idrisi Raster Format](drivers/raster/Idrisi.html)

    *   [ILWIS -- Raster Map](drivers/raster/ilwis.html)

    *   [IRIS -- Vaisala's weather radar software format](drivers/raster/iris.html)

    *   [ISCE -- ISCE](drivers/raster/isce.html)

    *   [ISG -- International Service for the Geoid](drivers/raster/isg.html)

    *   [ISIS2 -- USGS Astrogeology ISIS Cube (Version 2)](drivers/raster/isis2.html)

    *   [ISIS3 -- USGS Astrogeology ISIS Cube (Version 3)](drivers/raster/isis3.html)

    *   [JDEM -- Japanese DEM (.mem)](drivers/raster/jdem.html)

    *   [JP2ECW -- ERDAS JPEG2000 (.jp2)](drivers/raster/jp2ecw.html)

    *   [JP2KAK -- JPEG 2000 (based on Kakadu SDK)](drivers/raster/jp2kak.html)

    *   [JP2Lura -- JPEG2000 driver based on Lurawave library](drivers/raster/jp2lura.html)

    *   [JP2MrSID -- JPEG2000 via MrSID SDK](drivers/raster/jp2mrsid.html)

    *   [JP2OpenJPEG -- JPEG2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library](drivers/raster/jp2openjpeg.html)

    *   [JPEG -- JPEG JFIF File Format](drivers/raster/jpeg.html)

    *   [JPEGXL -- JPEG-XL File Format](drivers/raster/jpegxl.html)

    *   [JPIPKAK - JPIP Streaming](drivers/raster/jpipkak.html)

    *   [KEA](drivers/raster/kea.html)

    *   [KMLSuperoverlay -- KMLSuperoverlay](drivers/raster/kmlsuperoverlay.html)

    *   [KRO -- KOLOR Raw format](drivers/raster/kro.html)

    *   [KTX2](drivers/raster/ktx2.html)

    *   [LAN -- Erdas 7.x .LAN and .GIS](drivers/raster/lan.html)

    *   [L1B -- NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set (AVHRR)](drivers/raster/l1b.html)

    *   [LCP -- FARSITE v.4 LCP Format](drivers/raster/lcp.html)

    *   [Leveller -- Daylon Leveller Heightfield](drivers/raster/leveller.html)

    *   [LOSLAS -- NADCON .los/.las Datum Grid Shift](drivers/raster/loslas.html)

    *   [MAP -- OziExplorer .MAP](drivers/raster/map.html)

    *   [MRF -- Meta Raster Format](drivers/raster/marfa.html)

    *   [MBTiles](drivers/raster/mbtiles.html)

    *   [MEM -- In Memory Raster](drivers/raster/mem.html)

    *   [MFF -- Vexcel MFF Raster](drivers/raster/mff.html)

    *   [MFF2 -- Vexcel MFF2 Image](drivers/raster/mff2.html)

    *   [MrSID -- Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database](drivers/raster/mrsid.html)

    *   [MSG -- Meteosat Second Generation](drivers/raster/msg.html)

    *   [MSGN -- Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Native Archive Format (.nat)](drivers/raster/msgn.html)

    *   [NDF -- NLAPS Data Format](drivers/raster/ndf.html)

    *   [NetCDF: Network Common Data Form](drivers/raster/netcdf.html)

    *   [NGSGEOID - NOAA NGS Geoid Height Grids](drivers/raster/ngsgeoid.html)

    *   [NGW -- NextGIS Web](drivers/raster/ngw.html)

    *   [NITF -- National Imagery Transmission Format](drivers/raster/nitf.html)

    *   [NOAA\_B -- NOAA GEOCON/NADCON5 .b format](drivers/raster/noaa_b.html)

    *   [NSIDCbin -- National Snow and Ice Data Centre Sea Ice Concentrations](drivers/raster/nsidcbin.html)

    *   [NTv2 -- NTv2 Datum Grid Shift](drivers/raster/ntv2.html)

    *   [NWT\_GRD/NWT\_GRC -- Northwood/Vertical Mapper File Format](drivers/raster/nwtgrd.html)

    *   [OGCAPI -- OGC API Tiles / Maps / Coverage](drivers/raster/ogcapi.html)

    *   [ESRI File Geodatabase raster (OpenFileGDB)](drivers/raster/openfilegdb.html)

    *   [OZI -- OZF2/OZFX3 raster](drivers/raster/ozi.html)

    *   [JAXA PALSAR Processed Products](drivers/raster/palsar.html)

    *   [PAux -- PCI .aux Labelled Raw Format](drivers/raster/paux.html)

    *   [PCIDSK -- PCI Geomatics Database File](drivers/raster/pcidsk.html)

    *   [PCRaster -- PCRaster raster file format](drivers/raster/pcraster.html)

    *   [PDF -- Geospatial PDF](drivers/raster/pdf.html)

    *   [PDS -- Planetary Data System v3](drivers/raster/pds.html)

    *   [PDS4 -- NASA Planetary Data System (Version 4)](drivers/raster/pds4.html)

    *   [PLMosaic (Planet Labs Mosaics API)](drivers/raster/plmosaic.html)

    *   [PNG -- Portable Network Graphics](drivers/raster/png.html)

    *   [PNM -- Netpbm (.pgm, .ppm)](drivers/raster/pnm.html)

    *   [PostGISRaster -- PostGIS Raster driver](drivers/raster/postgisraster.html)

    *   [PHOTOMOD Raster File](drivers/raster/prf.html)

    *   [Rasterlite - Rasters in SQLite DB](drivers/raster/rasterlite.html)

    *   [RasterLite2 - Rasters in SQLite DB](drivers/raster/rasterlite2.html)

    *   [R -- R Object Data Store](drivers/raster/r.html)

    *   [RDB - _RIEGL_ Database](drivers/raster/rdb.html)

    *   [RIK -- Swedish Grid Maps](drivers/raster/rik.html)

    *   [RMF -- Raster Matrix Format](drivers/raster/rmf.html)

    *   [ROI\_PAC -- ROI\_PAC](drivers/raster/roi_pac.html)

    *   [RPFTOC -- Raster Product Format/RPF (a.toc)](drivers/raster/rpftoc.html)

    *   [RRASTER -- R Raster](drivers/raster/rraster.html)

    *   [RS2 -- RadarSat 2 XML Product](drivers/raster/rs2.html)

    *   [S102 -- S-102 Bathymetric Surface Product](drivers/raster/s102.html)

    *   [S104 -- S-104 Water Level Information for Surface Navigation Product](drivers/raster/s104.html)

    *   [S111 -- S-111 Surface Currents Product](drivers/raster/s111.html)

    *   [SAFE -- Sentinel-1 SAFE XML Product](drivers/raster/safe.html)

    *   [SAR\_CEOS -- CEOS SAR Image](drivers/raster/sar_ceos.html)

    *   [SAGA -- SAGA GIS Binary Grid File Format](drivers/raster/sdat.html)

    *   [SDTS -- USGS SDTS DEM](drivers/raster/sdts.html)

    *   [SENTINEL2 -- Sentinel-2 Products](drivers/raster/sentinel2.html)

    *   [SGI -- SGI Image Format](drivers/raster/sgi.html)

    *   [SIGDEM -- Scaled Integer Gridded DEM](drivers/raster/sigdem.html)

    *   [SNAP\_TIFF -- Sentinel Application Processing GeoTIFF](drivers/raster/snap_tiff.html)

    *   [SNODAS -- Snow Data Assimilation System](drivers/raster/snodas.html)

    *   [SRP -- Standard Product Format (ASRP/USRP) (.gen)](drivers/raster/srp.html)

    *   [SRTMHGT -- SRTM HGT Format](drivers/raster/srtmhgt.html)

    *   [STACIT - Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog Items](drivers/raster/stacit.html)

    *   [STACTA - Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog Tiled Assets](drivers/raster/stacta.html)

    *   [Terragen -- Terragen™ Terrain File](drivers/raster/terragen.html)

    *   [TGA -- TARGA Image File Format](drivers/raster/tga.html)

    *   [TIL -- EarthWatch/DigitalGlobe .TIL](drivers/raster/til.html)

    *   [TileDB - TileDB raster](drivers/raster/tiledb.html)

    *   [TSX -- TerraSAR-X Product](drivers/raster/tsx.html)

    *   [USGSDEM -- USGS ASCII DEM (and CDED)](drivers/raster/usgsdem.html)

    *   [VICAR -- VICAR](drivers/raster/vicar.html)

    *   [VRT -- GDAL Virtual Format](drivers/raster/vrt.html)

    *   [WCS -- OGC Web Coverage Service](drivers/raster/wcs.html)

    *   [WEBP - WEBP](drivers/raster/webp.html)

    *   [WMS -- Web Map Services](drivers/raster/wms.html)

    *   [WMTS -- OGC Web Map Tile Service](drivers/raster/wmts.html)

    *   [XPM -- X11 Pixmap](drivers/raster/xpm.html)

    *   [XYZ -- ASCII Gridded XYZ](drivers/raster/xyz.html)

    *   [Zarr](drivers/raster/zarr.html)

    *   [ZMap -- ZMap Plus Grid](drivers/raster/zmap.html)

*   [Vector drivers](drivers/vector/index.html)

    *   [AmigoCloud](drivers/vector/amigocloud.html)

    *   [(Geo)Arrow IPC File Format / Stream](drivers/vector/arrow.html)

    *   [Arc/Info Binary Coverage](drivers/vector/avcbin.html)

    *   [Arc/Info E00 (ASCII) Coverage](drivers/vector/avce00.html)

    *   [CAD -- AutoCAD DWG](drivers/vector/cad.html)

    *   [Carto](drivers/vector/carto.html)

    *   [Comma Separated Value (.csv)](drivers/vector/csv.html)

    *   [CSW - OGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web)](drivers/vector/csw.html)

    *   [Microstation DGN](drivers/vector/dgn.html)

    *   [Microstation DGN v8](drivers/vector/dgnv8.html)

    *   [AutoCAD DWG](drivers/vector/dwg.html)

    *   [AutoCAD DXF](drivers/vector/dxf.html)

    *   [Google Earth Engine Data API](drivers/vector/eeda.html)

    *   [EDIGEO](drivers/vector/edigeo.html)

    *   [Elasticsearch: Geographically Encoded Objects for Elasticsearch](drivers/vector/elasticsearch.html)

    *   [ESRIJSON / FeatureService driver](drivers/vector/esrijson.html)

    *   [ESRI File Geodatabase (FileGDB)](drivers/vector/filegdb.html)

    *   [FlatGeobuf](drivers/vector/flatgeobuf.html)

    *   [GeoConcept text export](drivers/vector/geoconcept.html)

    *   [GeoJSON](drivers/vector/geojson.html)

    *   [GeoJSONSeq: sequence of GeoJSON features](drivers/vector/geojsonseq.html)

    *   [GeoRSS : Geographically Encoded Objects for RSS feeds](drivers/vector/georss.html)

    *   [GML - Geography Markup Language](drivers/vector/gml.html)

    *   [GMLAS - Geography Markup Language (GML) driven by application schemas](drivers/vector/gmlas.html)

    *   [GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt)](drivers/vector/gmt.html)

    *   [GPKG -- GeoPackage vector](drivers/vector/gpkg.html)

    *   [GPSBabel](drivers/vector/gpsbabel.html)

    *   [GPX - GPS Exchange Format](drivers/vector/gpx.html)

    *   [GRASS Vector Format](drivers/vector/grass.html)

    *   [GTFS - General Transit Feed Specification](drivers/vector/gtfs.html)

    *   [SAP HANA](drivers/vector/hana.html)

    *   [IDB](drivers/vector/idb.html)

    *   [Idrisi Vector (.VCT)](drivers/vector/idrisi.html)

    *   ["INTERLIS 1" and "INTERLIS 2" drivers](drivers/vector/ili.html)

    *   [JML: OpenJUMP JML format](drivers/vector/jml.html)

    *   [JSONFG -- OGC Features and Geometries JSON](drivers/vector/jsonfg.html)

    *   [KML - Keyhole Markup Language](drivers/vector/kml.html)

    *   [LIBKML Driver (.kml .kmz)](drivers/vector/libkml.html)

    *   [Dutch Kadaster LV BAG 2.0 Extract](drivers/vector/lvbag.html)

    *   [MapML](drivers/vector/mapml.html)

    *   [Memory](drivers/vector/memory.html)

    *   [MiraMon Vector](drivers/vector/miramon.html)

    *   [MapInfo TAB and MIF/MID](drivers/vector/mitab.html)

    *   [MongoDBv3](drivers/vector/mongodbv3.html)

    *   [MSSQLSpatial - Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Database](drivers/vector/mssqlspatial.html)

    *   [MVT: Mapbox Vector Tiles](drivers/vector/mvt.html)

    *   [MySQL](drivers/vector/mysql.html)

    *   [NAS - ALKIS](drivers/vector/nas.html)

    *   [NetCDF: Network Common Data Form - Vector](drivers/vector/netcdf.html)

    *   [NGW -- NextGIS Web](drivers/vector/ngw.html)

    *   [UK .NTF](drivers/vector/ntf.html)

    *   [OGC API - Features](drivers/vector/oapif.html)

    *   [Oracle Spatial](drivers/vector/oci.html)

    *   [ODBC RDBMS](drivers/vector/odbc.html)

    *   [ODS - Open Document Spreadsheet](drivers/vector/ods.html)

    *   [OGDI Vectors](drivers/vector/ogdi.html)

    *   [ESRI File Geodatabase vector (OpenFileGDB)](drivers/vector/openfilegdb.html)

    *   [OSM - OpenStreetMap XML and PBF](drivers/vector/osm.html)

    *   [(Geo)Parquet](drivers/vector/parquet.html)

    *   [PDF -- Geospatial PDF](drivers/vector/pdf.html)

    *   [PDS - Planetary Data Systems TABLE](drivers/vector/pds.html)

    *   [PostgreSQL SQL Dump](drivers/vector/pgdump.html)

    *   [ESRI Personal GeoDatabase](drivers/vector/pgeo.html)

    *   [PostgreSQL / PostGIS](drivers/vector/pg.html)

    *   [PLScenes (Planet Labs Scenes/Catalog API)](drivers/vector/plscenes.html)

    *   [PMTiles -- ProtoMaps Tiles](drivers/vector/pmtiles.html)

    *   [IHO S-57 (ENC)](drivers/vector/s57.html)

    *   [SDTS](drivers/vector/sdts.html)

    *   [Selafin files](drivers/vector/selafin.html)

    *   [ESRI Shapefile / DBF](drivers/vector/shapefile.html)

    *   [Norwegian SOSI Standard](drivers/vector/sosi.html)

    *   [SQLite / Spatialite RDBMS](drivers/vector/sqlite.html)

    *   [SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics](drivers/vector/svg.html)

    *   [Storage and eXchange Format - SXF](drivers/vector/sxf.html)

    *   [U.S. Census TIGER/Line](drivers/vector/tiger.html)

    *   [TileDB -- TileDB vector](drivers/vector/tiledb.html)

    *   [TopoJSON driver](drivers/vector/topojson.html)

    *   [VDV - VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format](drivers/vector/vdv.html)

    *   [VFK - Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format](drivers/vector/vfk.html)

    *   [VRT -- Virtual Format](drivers/vector/vrt.html)

    *   [WAsP - WAsP .map format](drivers/vector/wasp.html)

    *   [WFS - OGC WFS service](drivers/vector/wfs.html)

    *   [XLS - MS Excel format](drivers/vector/xls.html)

    *   [XLSX - MS Office Open XML spreadsheet](drivers/vector/xlsx.html)

    *   [XODR -- OpenDRIVE Road Description Format](drivers/vector/xodr.html)

*   [User](user/index.html)

    *   [Raster Data Model](user/raster_data_model.html)

    *   [Multidimensional Raster Data Model](user/multidim_raster_data_model.html)

    *   [Vector Data Model](user/vector_data_model.html)

    *   [Geographic Networks Data Model](user/gnm_data_model.html)

    *   [Multi-threading](user/multithreading.html)

    *   [OGR SQL dialect and SQLITE SQL dialect](user/ogr_sql_sqlite_dialect.html)

    *   [GDAL Virtual File Systems](user/virtual_file_systems.html)

    *   [Feature Style Specification](user/ogr_feature_style.html)

    *   [Coordinate epoch support](user/coordinate_epoch.html)

    *   [Configuration options](user/configoptions.html)

    *   [GDAL Python Utilities](user/gdal_python_utilities.html)

    *   [Security considerations](user/security.html)

*   [API](api/index.html)

    *   [Full Doxygen output](api/index.html#id2)

    *   [C API](api/index.html#c-api)

    *   [C++ API](api/index.html#id3)

    *   [Python API](api/index.html#python-api)

    *   [Java API](api/index.html#id4)

    *   [GDAL/OGR In Other Languages](api/index.html#gdal-ogr-in-other-languages)

*   [Tutorials](tutorials/index.html)

    *   [Raster](tutorials/index.html#raster)

    *   [Multidimensional raster](tutorials/index.html#multidimensional-raster)

    *   [Vector](tutorials/index.html#vector)

    *   [Geographic Network Model](tutorials/index.html#geographic-network-model)

    *   [Projections and Spatial Reference Systems tutorial (OSR - OGRSpatialReference)](tutorials/index.html#projections-and-spatial-reference-systems-tutorial-osr-ogrspatialreference)

    *   [Workshops](tutorials/index.html#workshops)

    *   [External tutorials](tutorials/index.html#external-tutorials)

*   [Development](development/index.html)

    *   [Building GDAL from source](development/building_from_source.html)

    *   [Setting up a development environment](development/dev_environment.html)

    *   [Development practices](development/dev_practices.html)

    *   [Automated testing](development/testing.html)

    *   [Building documentation](development/dev_documentation.html)

    *   [Using GDAL in CMake projects](development/cmake.html)

    *   [RFC list](development/rfc/index.html)

*   [Community](community/index.html)

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    *   [What does GDAL stand for?](faq.html#what-does-gdal-stand-for)

    *   [What is this OGR stuff?](faq.html#what-is-this-ogr-stuff)

    *   [What does OGR stand for?](faq.html#what-does-ogr-stand-for)

    *   [What does CPL stand for?](faq.html#what-does-cpl-stand-for)

    *   [When was the GDAL project started?](faq.html#when-was-the-gdal-project-started)

    *   [Is GDAL/OGR proprietary software?](faq.html#is-gdal-ogr-proprietary-software)

    *   [What license does GDAL/OGR use?](faq.html#what-license-does-gdal-ogr-use)

    *   [What operating systems does GDAL-OGR run on?](faq.html#what-operating-systems-does-gdal-ogr-run-on)

    *   [Is there a graphical user interface to GDAL/OGR?](faq.html#is-there-a-graphical-user-interface-to-gdal-ogr)

    *   [What compiler can I use to build GDAL/OGR?](faq.html#what-compiler-can-i-use-to-build-gdal-ogr)

    *   [I have a question that's not answered here. Where can I get more information?](faq.html#i-have-a-question-that-s-not-answered-here-where-can-i-get-more-information)

    *   [How do I add support for a new format?](faq.html#how-do-i-add-support-for-a-new-format)

    *   [Is GDAL thread-safe ?](faq.html#is-gdal-thread-safe)

    *   [Does GDAL provide a Section 508 information?](faq.html#does-gdal-provide-a-section-508-information)

    *   [How do I cite GDAL ?](faq.html#how-do-i-cite-gdal)

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