🏳️Gather | Virtual HQ for Remote Teams

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Work remotely side-by-side in digital Spaces that make virtual interactions more human.

We're building a brand new version of Gather, redesigned from the ground up.

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Your Virtual HQ


Gather brings the best of in-person collaboration to distributed teams.

[Get started](https://app.gather.town/get-started)[

Or take a tour


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The in-person moments you’ve been missing



### Bring your remote team closer together

Communicate, collaborate, and feel more connected in a persistent space that reflects your unique team culture.


### Talk naturally throughout your day

Stop by someone's desk, say hi in the hallway, and bring back water cooler chats. No scheduling required.


### Meet in the moment

Collaborate in the moment or schedule team meetings to keep everyone aligned and work moving forward.

Everything remote teams need to get work done


Share multiple screens at the same time

Slack integration


Virtual backgrounds and background blur

Premium support  

(Premium Office plans only)

Google Integration

Outlook integration

See when meetings happen in your office

Collaborate on shared whiteboards

And more!

Why distributed teams love Gather



Billy Luedtke

CEO of Intuition Systems

It’s not just about being connected; it’s about fostering that same shared momentum, urgency, and camaraderie that drives great teams to achieve extraordinary results, no matter where they are.

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Gabe Middleton

CEO & Co-Founder at Human-I-T

Gather is the cornerstone of our communication and collaboration at Human-I-T now. It’s hard to think of a situation or a world where we're not using Gather.

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Morgan Soley

Director of Engineering at Beatport

Thanks to Gather, we communicate better. There are fewer meetings on the calendar. And we’re pushing forward faster. It’s been transformative to our remote culture.

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Carolina Kia

CEO at weme

It’s not only about having fun. It’s about people feeling that they belong somewhere. And when people are happy, they stay at their company and deliver better results.

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Mike Mengell

CTO and Co-Founder of CTO Labs

Team culture happens in the moments between meetings and we were hungry to get back into that norm. When we found Gather we instantly fell in love with it.

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Daniel Tobon

Founder & Tchnololgy Strategist at Tsquared Technologies

One of the things we miss about being in an actual office is the casual chats—those quick "Hey, can I ask you something?" moments. Gather lets us do that virtually!

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Noé Horowitz

Director of Engineering at Guidance Analytics

Moving away from Zoom, where interactions were confined to scheduled sessions, has revolutionized our daily connections. Now, it’s like walking through a real office.

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Build a culture your remote team loves[](mailto:[email protected])


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