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This mobile app design cost $1500 USD and took 20 days
This radiation shield design for NASA cost $500 USD and took 15 days
This architectural design cost $500 USD and took 15 days
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NIST got a First Responder Dashboard for $1,000,000 USD
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Poster design \- done for $250 USD
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This cryptocurrency exchange dashboard was designed for $540 USD
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This landing page was designed for 100 EUR
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Package designs for this beverage brand - done for 200 EUR
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Creation of 3D animation and video \- done for $5000 USD
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These 3D product visualisations were created for 400 EUR
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UX/UI designs for a video editing app \- delivered for $500 USD
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Innovative furniture solutions were conceptualized for 220 EUR
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Freelancer powers Laptop Repairs globally for $30/job
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