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Utah State University Extension
It’s Gardening Season!
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News & Highlights
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It’s almost spring, and it’s time to start thinking about gardening season! Consider these tips to help you prepare. Included are links from the Utah State University Extension Gardeners Almanac.
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The Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) at Utah State University released the fourth of six white papers analyzing financial literacy, higher education, and K-12 initiatives for women in Utah, highlighting key challenges and progress. Findings emphasiz...
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](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63lGqcEN3Jk)[Watch Video](# "Watch Video")
Brian Schnee is joined by USU's Brad Washa, and assistant professor in wildland fire science, discussing the importance of wildfire safety all year round and reflecting on how devastating fires like in Palisades, California can happen in Utah at any time....
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What is Extension?
Utah State University Extension provides research-based programs and resources with the goal of improving the lives of individuals, families and communities throughout Utah. USU Extension operates through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture, Utah State University, and county governments.
Founded in 1914 as part of the Smith-Lever Act, USU Extension plays a primary role in helping Utah State University fulfill its land-grant mission. Though more than 100 years old, USU Extension is as vital as ever, and perhaps even more so, due to the increased diversity and complexity of the issues people encounter today. The integration of teaching, research, and public service enables USU Extension to respond to critical and emerging issues with research-based, unbiased information.
Take an Online Class
To better serve the people of Utah, USU Extension is pleased to offer affordable online courses. We offer courses in many different topic areas, including:
* Climate Essentials
* Food Safety
* Health
* Homebuyer Education
* How-to Essentials
* Certified Remote Work Professional
* Utah Master Naturalist
* Utah Pesticide CEUs
* Yard and Garden
[Browse Courses](https://extensioncourses.usu.edu/)
Statewide Locations
With [**locations**](/locations.php) throughout all of Utah, USU Extension is partnering with people in every county — providing information and expertise to help meet local challenges and help every Utahn thrive.
### County Offices
* [Beaver](/beaver/)
* [Box Elder](/boxelder/)
* [Cache](/cache/)
* [Carbon](/carbon/)
* [Davis](/davis/)
* [Duchesne](/duchesne/)
* [Emery](/emery/)
* [Garfield](/garfield/)
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* [Iron](/iron/)
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* [Rich](/rich/)
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* [Summit](/summit/)
* [Tooele](/tooele/)
* [Uintah](/uintah/)
* [Utah](/utah/)
* [Wasatch](/wasatch/)
* [Washington](/washington/)
* [Wayne](/wayne/)
* [Weber](/weber/)
### Gardens & Centers
* [Bastian Agricultural Center](/bastianagriculturalcenter/index.php)
* [Davis Agricultural Heritage Center](/agriculturalheritagecenter/index.php)
* [Ogden Botanical Gardens](http://ogdenbotanicalgardens.org)
* [Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter](http://www.swanerecocenter.org)
* [USU Botanical Center](http://usubotanicalcenter.org/)
Upcoming Events
[Full Calendar](/calendar.php)
Our Impact
We partner with communities across Utah to tackle complex problems that require Utah State University's world-leading expertise. With an established and trusted presence in every county, we provide access to research, expertise and relationships essential for Utah's social, economic and environmental needs.
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Improving Relationships – Hidden Gems Adventure Guides; Outcomes and Impacts of the Virtual Utah Marriage Celebration; Assessing the Short-Term Outcomes of Erase and Replace: A Series of Health & Wellness Activities; Assessing the Impact of the SNAP-Ed So...
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Innovative Food Security Program: NourishTank; Assessing Community Needs and Concerns in Iron County; Educational Series for Latino Entrepreneurs in Utah; Evaluating the “What's Up Down South” Economic Summit: Transforming Feedback into Value and Relevanc...
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A Process Evaluation of Utah’s Food Security Council; Mental Health Awareness Among Agricultural Workers; The Utah Urban and Small Farms Conference: A Model for Small Acreage Producer Extension Programming; Evaluating Collaborative Range Livestock Educati...
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Balancing Agriculture and Wildlife: The Impact of Elk and Deer Grazing on Farm and Ranch Lands; Providing Pest Management Education for Home Gardeners in Utah; Assessing Parent and Guardian Outcomes for the Be Epic, Escape the Vape Program in Rural Southe...
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