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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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* Powering the Great American Comeback
This initiative will guide EPA’s work to protect public health and the environment while restoring the greatness of the American economy for the first 100 days and beyond.
[Read the news release](https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/icymi-administrator-zeldins-powering-great-american-comeback-unveiled-epa)
* Lee M. Zeldin Sworn in as 17th EPA Administrator
Administrator Zeldin will work closely with the dedicated career officials at the agency to fulfill the agency’s mission to protect human health and the environment.
[Learn more about Administrator Zeldin](/newsreleases/lee-m-zeldin-sworn-17th-epa-administrator)
* Powering the Great American Comeback
This initiative will guide EPA’s work to protect public health and the environment while restoring the greatness of the American economy for the first 100 days and beyond.
[Read the news release](https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/icymi-administrator-zeldins-powering-great-american-comeback-unveiled-epa)
* Lee M. Zeldin Sworn in as 17th EPA Administrator
Administrator Zeldin will work closely with the dedicated career officials at the agency to fulfill the agency’s mission to protect human health and the environment.
[Learn more about Administrator Zeldin](/newsreleases/lee-m-zeldin-sworn-17th-epa-administrator)
* From remediating contaminated sites to ensuring clean drinking water, what happens here improves human health and the environment for all Americans.
[Learn more about Careers at EPA](/careers)
* Discover EPA-hosted webinars to learn how to apply for, or manage an EPA grant.
[Register to attend an EPA grant webinar](/grants/epa-grants-webinars)
* Learn how water gets to your drinking water tap every day, the different types of public water systems, and other basic information about drinking water safety.
[Explore drinking water resources](/ground-water-and-drinking-water)
EPA News Releases
Read the latest news from EPA.
* ### [EPA Takes a Step Forward in Environmental Progress with Removal of Mercury Refining Superfund Site from Superfund National Priorities List](/newsreleases/epa-takes-step-forward-environmental-progress-removal-mercury-refining-superfund-site)
* ### [ICYMI: Administrator Zeldin: “The Golden Age of American Success is Upon Us”](/newsreleases/icymi-administrator-zeldin-golden-age-american-success-upon-us)
* ### [EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin Cancels 21 Additional Grants in 3rd Round of Cuts with DOGE, Saving Americans More than $116M](/newsreleases/epa-administrator-lee-zeldin-cancels-21-additional-grants-3rd-round-cuts-doge-saving)
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[Search all news releases](/newsreleases/search)
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Last updated on February 12, 2025
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