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ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has been America’s resource for saving energy and protecting the environment.

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The simple choice for saving energy.


ENERGY STAR certified products help you save energy.



Room Air Conditioners












Electric Cooking Products



Heat Pump Water Heaters



Commercial Dishwashers



Air-Source Heat Pumps


[See All Products Arrow Right Icon](/products)

Efficient Home Upgrades Tax Credits & Rebates


Explore incentives, eligible products, and installers in your zip code.

[Find Savings](/productfinder/homesavings)

### Rebate Finder

Find rebates and special offers near you on ENERGY STAR certified products.

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Tax credits for residential energy efficiency


[See Eligibility](/about/federal-tax-credits)

We make it easy for consumers and businesses  

to save money and protect the environment.

Ways to Save Energy at Home


Lower energy bills, improve comfort, and reduce emissions with ENERGY STAR.

[Find Ways to Save](/saveathome)

New Homes & Apartments


Certified to save energy and deliver better comfort, quality, and durability.

[See Features and Benefits](/newhomes)

Strategies for Buildings & Plants


Good energy management is good business. ENERGY STAR can help.

[See What You Can Save](/buildings)

ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade


6 High Impact Improvements to Save You Thousands

[Start Here](/products/energy_star_home_upgrade)