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Today in Energy [More Today in Energy](/todayinenergy/ "More Today in Energy")
Posted March 6, 2025
### [U.S. butane exports reached a new record in 2024 ›](/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64684)
**Data source:** U.S. Energy Information Administration, [_Petroleum Supply Monthly_](https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/supply/monthly/)
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The United States is exporting record volumes of normal butane as global demand for [liquefied petroleum gases](https://www.eia.gov/tools/glossary/index.php?id=Liquefied%20petroleum%20gases%20%28LPG%29#:~:text=Liquefied%20petroleum%20gases%20\(LPG\)%3A,be%20marketed%20individually%20or%20mixed.) (LPG) surges. U.S. [normal butane](https://www.eia.gov/tools/glossary/index.php?id=N#:~:text=Normal%20butane%20\(C4H10\)%3A) exports averaged nearly 500,000 barrels per day (b/d) in 2024, a 12% increase from the previous year, and have increased every year since 2006.
[More ›](/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64684 "More")
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### Previously in Today in Energy
* [U.S. natural gas-directed rigs decreased for second consecutive year in 2024](/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64664)
* [Refinery closures and rising consumption will reduce U.S. petroleum inventories in 2026](/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64644)
* [Pipeline companies deliver most of the U.S. electric power sector's natural gas](/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64624)
* [More](/todayinenergy/ "More Today in Energy")
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* Mar 03, 2025
* [Monthly Densified Biomass Fuel Report](/biofuels/biomass/)
* Mar 03, 2025
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Data Highlights
* 3/6/2025
* Wind and solar combined share of generation
* 22.0
* %
* 5.4%
from year earlier
* 3/6/2025
* Daily electric power demand
* 11182
* GWh
* 3.5%
from year earlier
* 3/4/2025
* [Natural gas spot prices](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/ng_pri_fut_s1_d.htm)
* $4.39
* /million Btu
* $0.506 /million Btu
from week earlier
* $2.880 /million Btu
from year earlier
* 2/28/2025
* [Brent spot prices](https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/supply/weekly/pdf/table11.pdf)
* $74.76
* /barrel
* $0.12 /barrel
from week earlier
* $10.06 /barrel
from year earlier
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Press Room[More Press Room](/pressroom/ "More Press Room")
### [EIA revises forecast for 2025 U.S. natural gas prices, leaves other forecasts largely unchanged](/pressroom/releases/press565.php "EIA revises forecast for 2025 U.S. natural gas prices, leaves other forecasts largely unchanged")
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### [EIA expects higher natural gas prices, even with robust inventories through winter](/pressroom/releases/press563.php "EIA expects higher natural gas prices, even with robust inventories through winter")
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### [EIA expects decreasing refining capacity to slow the decline of U.S. refining margins](/pressroom/releases/press562.php "EIA expects decreasing refining capacity to slow the decline of U.S. refining margins")
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