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An official EU website
An official website of the European Union
How do you know? All official European Union website addresses are in the <b>europa.eu</b> domain
Latest news
[​​Bacteria resistant to key antimicrobials still routinely found in humans and animals​](/en/news/bacteria-resistant-key-antimicrobials-still-routinely-found-humans-and-animals)
[Resistance to commonly used antimicrobials remains persistently high in both humans and animals for _Salmonella_ and _Campylobacter_, according to the latest EFSA and ECDC report on AMR.](/en/news/bacteria-resistant-key-antimicrobials-still-routinely-found-humans-and-animals)Â
[EFSA updates _Xylella_ host plant database](/en/news/efsa-updates-xylella-host-plant-database)
EFSA has released an update of its _Xylella_ species host plant database, which tracks plant species affected by the plant pathogen__Xylella_ fastidiosa_.
[One Health: EU agencies unite to tackle azole fungicide resistance in _Aspergillus_ fungi](/en/news/one-health-eu-agencies-unite-tackle-azole-fungicide-resistance-aspergillus-fungi)
[For the first time, the five EU health and environment agencies – EFSA, ECDC, ECHA, EEA and EMA](/en/news/one-health-eu-agencies-unite-tackle-azole-fungicide-resistance-aspergillus-fungi)[\[1\]](#footnotes)– supported by the JRC, reviewed how the use of azole substances outside human medicine affects public health.
Azole medicines are...
[Veterinary drug residues in food – non-compliance stays low in 2023](/en/news/veterinary-drug-residues-food-non-compliance-stays-low-2023)
In EFSA’s yearly report on residues of veterinary medicinal products in live animals and animal products, the trend continued for high compliance with official limits.
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[A communication toolkit for public consultations](https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/infographics/communication-toolkit-public-consultations)
The toolkit provides info on public consultations, making participation and staying informed easy and clear.
[Episode 26 - Women in science: In their words](/en/podcast/episode-26-women-science-their-words)
Podcast episode
What is the reality of being a female scientist? How far have we come in ensuring women’s voices are the norm? Join us...
[Have your say on EFSA’s performance – deadline 1 April 2025](/en/news/have-your-say-efsas-performance-deadline-1-april-2025)
Following the implementation of the Transparency Regulation in 2021, which also amended EFSA's Founding Regulation, the...
Safe food and sustainable food systems through transparent, independent and trustworthy scientific advice [**Our topics**](/en/topics "Topics")
Our other platforms
### [OpenEFSA](https://open.efsa.europa.eu)
All you need to know about our risk assessments
Dedicated portal hosting comprehensive information on our risk assessments, from receipt of a mandate or dossier to adoption of an output. Go here to check the status of assessments, and to browse data and studies, meeting agendas and minutes, and details about experts.
### [EFSA Journal](https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)
Our open-access scientific journal
EFSA’s online journal, hosting all our published scientific outputs and supporting documents.
### [Connect](https://connect.efsa.europa.eu/RM/s)
Bringing together EFSA and its stakeholders
Need to ask us about pre-submission advice, public consultations, public access to documents, notification of studies or other similar issues? The Connect platform is where you will find the answers.
A glance at how EFSA works
[About EFSA](/en/about/about-efsa)
13 July 2021
[EFSA Strategy 2027 – Science, safe food, sustainability](/en/corporate-pubs/efsa-strategy-2027-science-safe-food-sustainability)
Our Strategy sets out how EFSA intends to respond to its changing environment, describing the added value it proposes to customers, partners, stakeholders, and the public.
[EFSA at your fingertips](https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/multimedia/efsa-at-a-glance)
Check out our new interactive scroller to explore what EFSA does, how we work and with whom!
Open meetings
[Full calendar](/en/events/advanced-search)
[6th Plenary meeting of the Panel on Food Contact Materials (FCM) - Open for Observers](/en/events/6th-plenary-meeting-panel-food-contact-materials-fcm-open-observers)
18 March 2025
19 March 2025
20 March 2025
Parma, Italy
Register here as an observer online: registration closed
[Webinar on EFSA’s 2025 traineeship call](/en/events/webinar-efsas-2025-traineeship-call)
24 March 2025
[Register here](https://events.efsa.europa.eu/event/ar/817/webinar-on-efsas-2025-traineeship-call)
[Register to attend the 100th Management Board Web meeting](/en/events/register-attend-100th-management-board-web-meeting)
27 March 2025
[Register here as an observer online](mailto:[email protected]?subject=100th%20Management%20Board%20Web%20meeting%20-%20Registration%20form%20document%20in%20attachment)