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#### [EARTHDAY.ORG’s](http://earthday.org/) founders created and organized the very first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Since then, [Earth Day Network also known as EARTHDAY.ORG](http://earthday.org/) has been mobilizing over 1 billion people annually on Earth Day, and every other day, to protect the planet.
[Our Work](https://www.earthday.org/our-work/)
[Donate Today](https://donate.earthday.org/)
#### [EARTH DAY 2025](http://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2025)
#### [EARTH ACTION DAY](http://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2025)
The theme for Earth Day 2025 is **[OUR POWER, OUR PLANET](https://www.earthday.org/our-power-our-planet/)**, inviting everyone around the globe to unite behind renewable energy, and to triple the global generation of clean electricity by 2030. **How?** By joining us in **[Earth Action Day](https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2025/#action)**, encouraging all to take action—educate, advocate, and mobilize. Pledge an Earth Action on social media. Attend/plan/register a local event. Integrate Earth Day lessons into your curricula. Donate to support our efforts. Below you’ll find resources (plus quizzes, fact sheets, articles and more) to help you take action this **Earth Day, April 22nd**, and every day.
[Our Power, Our Planet](https://www.earthday.org/our-power-our-planet/)
[Take Action](http://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2025/#action)
[PLEDGE YOUR EARTH DAY ACTION](http://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2025/#social)
[Make a difference today
#### [The Power Of Collective Action](https://www.earthday.org/myfirstearthday/)
Our environmental legacy is a testament to the power of collective action, and it calls upon individuals, businesses, governments, and the private sector to join hands in safeguarding our planet. Now, more than ever, we must step up our efforts to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, and preserve our ecosystems. Join us and the Earth Day Network of supporters as we fight for a sustainable and thriving future
#### [My First Earth Day](https://www.earthday.org/myfirstearthday/)
Inspire a lifetime of action. From the first Earth Day in 1970 to today, we’ve brought millions into the environmental movement. Help us expand the movement and empower new advocates to protect our planet, today and every day.
[Read More](https://www.earthday.org/myfirstearthday/)
#### [NDC Tracker](https://www.earthday.org/ndc-tracker/)
At EARTHDAY.ORG, we recognize the critical role education plays in empowering communities to tackle the climate crisis. To support global efforts for climate action, we’ve developed Earth Day’s Climate Education NDCs Tracker.
[Read More](https://www.earthday.org/ndc-tracker/)
#### Earth Day News and Stories
With microplastics in our bodies and rising waste costs, cutting plastic by 60% by 2040 is essential.
[Michael Karapetian](https://www.earthday.org/author/karapetianearthday-org/ "Posts by Michael Karapetian")March 12, 2025
Basura Bash's 30th anniversary cleanup tackled Texas trash and demonstrated the dedication of volunteers fighting for cleaner waterways.
[Michael Karapetian](https://www.earthday.org/author/karapetianearthday-org/ "Posts by Michael Karapetian")March 11, 2025
Lent is more than sacrifice — it’s a call to serve.
[Libby Bunch](https://www.earthday.org/author/bunchearthday-org/ "Posts by Libby Bunch")March 11, 2025
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[More Stories](https://www.earthday.org/news-and-stories/)
Please make a donation to Earth Day to fund our advocacy and educational work across the world, so we can keep fighting for the health of planet Earth and the creatures that call it home. THANK YOU.
[Donate Today](https://donate.earthday.org/)
#### [Featured Work](https://www.earthday.org/our-work/)
#### [The Canopy Project](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/the-canopy-project/)
Join us in making a lasting impact with The Canopy Project! Since 2010, we’ve planted millions of trees globally, restoring forests in areas hit hardest by environmental challenges. By donating as little as 1$, you can help reforest communities, fight climate change, and protect biodiversity. Click to learn more and contribute to a greener future!
[Donate Today](https://donate.earthday.org/donate_to_the_canopy_project)
[Learn More](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/the-canopy-project/)
#### [Climate Education vs. The Climate Crisis](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Climate-Education-vs-The-Climate-Crisis.pdf)
Climate and environmental literacy, coupled with strong civic education, will create jobs, build a green consumer market and allow citizens to engage with their governments in a meaningful way to address the climate crisis.
[Climate Education](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/climate-environmental-literacy/)
[Curriculum Packets](https://www.earthday.org/curriculums/)
#### [The Great Global Cleanup](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/cleanup)
Get involved and help us create a waste-free world.
[Find a cleanup near you](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/cleanup/#map)
[Register your upcoming cleanup](https://www.earthday.org/actions/register-a-cleanup/)
#### [Fashion For The Earth](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/sustainable-fashion/)
Fast fashion has completely revolutionized the apparel industry, but not for the better.
[Find Out More](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/sustainable-fashion/)
#### Get Inspired!
Test your knowledge on environmental issues and sustainable solutions by taking one of our informative Earth Day quizzes, and don’t forget to explore our comprehensive toolkits and fact sheets for further resources and insights on the best ways to proactively protect our shared home.
[](https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-quizzes/ "Try now")
[Try now](https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-quizzes/ "Try now")
[](https://www.earthday.org/our-toolkits/ "Read More")
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[](https://www.earthday.org/factsheets/ "Read More")
Fact Sheets
[Read More](https://www.earthday.org/factsheets/ "Read More")
#### Earth Day Network in the NEWS
[](https://goodnewsplanet.com/go-fund-me-good-news-corporation-emergency-donations-for-april-22-2025/ "Read More")
Good News Planet | Go Fund Me Good News Corporation EMERGENCY DONATIONS for April 22, 2025
Good News Corporation (GNC), established 2002 as a 501 C3 Non-Profit, produces the Humanitarian Earth Day Concert and Exhibition in Times Square on April 22, 2025...
[Read More](https://goodnewsplanet.com/go-fund-me-good-news-corporation-emergency-donations-for-april-22-2025/ "Read More")
[](https://www.wellandgood.com/food/how-much-microplastic-in-food "Read More")
Well and Good | Yep, Microplastics Are in Food Now—How Worried Should You Be?
From seafood to tea bags, a surprising list of foods now contain microplastics.
[Read More](https://www.wellandgood.com/food/how-much-microplastic-in-food "Read More")
[](https://laodong.vn/the-gioi/nhiet-do-ky-luc-day-nhieu-dia-phuong-thanh-noi-kho-song-1474236.ldo "Read More")
Lao Dong | Nhiệt độ kỷ lục đẩy nhiều địa phương thành nơi khó sống
Tháng 1.2025 là tháng 1 nóng nhất trong lịch sử dù nhiệt độ toàn cầu đang chịu ảnh hưởng của La Nina. Nhiệt độ kỷ lục của tháng 1 nối dài chuỗi nóng bất thường, với 18 trong số 19 tháng liên tiếp nhiệt độ...
[Read More](https://laodong.vn/the-gioi/nhiet-do-ky-luc-day-nhieu-dia-phuong-thanh-noi-kho-song-1474236.ldo "Read More")
[](https://www.inkl.com/news/5-non-toxic-pest-control-essentials-proven-to-prevent-pests-humanely-and-why-avoiding-harsh-chemicals-is-a-must-to-keep-your-family-healthy "Read More")
inkl | 5 non-toxic pest control essentials proven to prevent pests humanely – and why avoiding harsh chemicals is a must to keep your family healthy
5 non-toxic pest control essentials proven to prevent pests humanely – and why avoiding harsh chemicals is a must to keep your family healthy
[Read More](https://www.inkl.com/news/5-non-toxic-pest-control-essentials-proven-to-prevent-pests-humanely-and-why-avoiding-harsh-chemicals-is-a-must-to-keep-your-family-healthy "Read More")
[](https://www.yahoo.com/news/maryland-officials-support-gas-plants-172232099.html "Read More")
Yahoo!News | Maryland Officials Support Gas Plants Among Cleaner Forms of Generation
Maryland lawmakers have introduced a bill in the state legislature that sponsors say would provide an easier path to build...
[Read More](https://www.yahoo.com/news/maryland-officials-support-gas-plants-172232099.html "Read More")
[](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/protect-home-live-climate-abandonment-153356728.html "Read More")
Yahoo!Life | How To Protect Your Home If You Live in a ‘Climate Abandonment’ Zone
In the past five months alone, extreme weather has caused billions of dollars in damage to property.
[Read More](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/protect-home-live-climate-abandonment-153356728.html "Read More")
[](https://goodnewsplanet.com/earthday-org-the-founders-of-earth-day-in-1970-creative-team-shares-their-good-news-join-them-in-times-square-on-april-22-2025-for-the-earth-day-concert-exhibition-celebration/ "Read More")
Good News Broadcast | EarthDay.org (The Founders of Earth Day in 1970) Creative Team shares their Good News, Join them...
ARTHDAY.ORG (EDO), the global leader in Earth Day advocacy, observed by over one billion people worldwide every April 2...
[Read More](https://goodnewsplanet.com/earthday-org-the-founders-of-earth-day-in-1970-creative-team-shares-their-good-news-join-them-in-times-square-on-april-22-2025-for-the-earth-day-concert-exhibition-celebration/ "Read More")
[](https://www.mygreenpod.com/magazine/my-green-pod-magazine-march-2025/ "Read More")
My Green Pod Magazine | My Green Pod Magazine
Celebrate International Women’s Day 2025 with our ‘Accelerate Action’ issue. Explore the fight...
[Read More](https://www.mygreenpod.com/magazine/my-green-pod-magazine-march-2025/ "Read More")
[](https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2025/03/04/urban-outfitters-record-revenue-nuuly-profitable/ "Read More")
DigitalCommerce360 | Urban Outfitters reports record revenue, Nuuly becomes profitable
Nuuly, Urban Outfitters' rental business, recorded $13 million in operating profit for the year, according to the company.
[Read More](https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2025/03/04/urban-outfitters-record-revenue-nuuly-profitable/ "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/art-leisure/20250302/parker-shabala-how-art-inspires-action-our-planet "Read More")
Jamaica Gleaner | How art inspires action for our planet
Art has the power to change the way we see ourselves and our place in the world. It can ignite movements...
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/art-leisure/20250302/parker-shabala-how-art-inspires-action-our-planet "Read More")
[](https://goodnewsplanet.com/goodnewsletter-tears-and-the-sea-gibranhow-much-of-life-is-compared-to-the-nature-of-mother-earth-our-power-our-planet-discount-tickets-for-my-first-ex-husband/ "Read More")
Good News Planet | GoodNewsLetter: Tears and the Sea, Gibran…How Much of Life is compared to THE NATURE OF MOTHER EARTH: OUR POWER, OUR PLANET.
OUR POWER, OUR PLANET is a Slogan created by WWW.EARTHDAY.ORG We are sharing...
[Read More](https://goodnewsplanet.com/goodnewsletter-tears-and-the-sea-gibranhow-much-of-life-is-compared-to-the-nature-of-mother-earth-our-power-our-planet-discount-tickets-for-my-first-ex-husband/ "Read More")
[](https://www.wellandgood.com/food/how-much-microplastic-in-food "Read More")
Well and Good | Yep, Microplastics Are in Your Food—How Worried Should You Be?
From seafood to tea bags, a surprising list of foods now contain microplastics.
[Read More](https://www.wellandgood.com/food/how-much-microplastic-in-food "Read More")
[](https://www.homesandgardens.com/solved/prepare-house-extreme-weather "Read More")
Homes and Gardens | 10 home upgrades to prepare a house for extreme weather
While spending all your time worrying about bad things that could happen in the future is not helpful or healthy, being prepared for bad weather will be time well spent...
[Read More](https://www.homesandgardens.com/solved/prepare-house-extreme-weather "Read More")
[](https://www.homesandgardens.com/solved/prepare-house-extreme-weather "Read More")
Homes and Gardens | 5 non-toxic pest control essentials proven to prevent pests humanely – and why avoiding harsh chemicals is a must to keep your family healthy
Spotting pests in your home can be alarming, often leading us to reach for the strongest deterrents available ...
[Read More](https://www.homesandgardens.com/solved/prepare-house-extreme-weather "Read More")
[](https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2025/03/a-history-of-everything-leftist-unionism-labor-and-the-new-left-3715752.html "Read More")
Before It’s News | A History of Everything Leftist Unionism: Labor and the New Left
The collapse of American Communism was not the end of American leftist radicalism, and the labor union movement would negotiate a complex dance with the “New Left”...
[Read More](https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2025/03/a-history-of-everything-leftist-unionism-labor-and-the-new-left-3715752.html "Read More")
[](https://www.yahoo.com/news/thrift-store-shopping-reselling-continues-013100039.html "Read More")
Yahoo!News | Thrift store shopping and reselling continues to trend upwards
ALTOONA, Pa. (WTAJ) — In recent years, thrifting has become a global trend, and it only continues to grow. It’s a way to save money and it’s sustainable because it keeps clothes in use.
[Read More](https://www.yahoo.com/news/thrift-store-shopping-reselling-continues-013100039.html "Read More")
[](https://www.thecooldown.com/outdoors/surkanda-devi-temple-trash-littering/ "Read More")
The Cool Down | Visitor distraught over appalling scene discovered at sacred temple: 'Really saddened'
Visiting a temple is supposed to be a sacred and enlightening experience, but one visitor was faced with trash and disrespect during their trip to a holy site.
[Read More](https://www.thecooldown.com/outdoors/surkanda-devi-temple-trash-littering/ "Read More")
[](https://www.thecooldown.com/green-home/reddit-cigarette-butt-litter-snow/ "Read More")
The Cool Down | Photos lay bare neighbor's shocking behavior as snow melts: 'So gross'
A Redditor has shared their frustration after the melting snow revealed that their neighbors had been stubbing their cigarettes out in the snow — and they had left the butts behind.
[Read More](https://www.thecooldown.com/green-home/reddit-cigarette-butt-litter-snow/ "Read More")
[](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/planet-inhabitable-hot-weather-climate-change-163207037.html?guccounter=1 "Read More")
Yahoo!Xtra | The major cities that are becoming too hot for humans to live in
With record-breaking temperatures being recorded seemingly every month, experts are now warning large areas of the Earth could become completely inhospitable to humans due to the scorching heat.
[Read More](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/planet-inhabitable-hot-weather-climate-change-163207037.html?guccounter=1 "Read More")
[](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/how-often-you-should-wash-34627551 "Read More")
Daily Star | How often you should wash your jeans as Daily Star rows over 'every time' or 'not for years’
Jeans, we all wear 'em, but the trouble with things we see every day is we start to forget they exist...
[Read More](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/how-often-you-should-wash-34627551 "Read More")
[](https://www.thecooldown.com/green-business/trendy-fashion-sneakers-tiktok/ "Read More")
The Cool Down | Shopper goes viral over rant calling out harmful fashion influencers: 'Absolutely horrible'
In a viral video post that has acquired more than 3,000 comments, TikToker Gabe Sautter...
[Read More](https://www.thecooldown.com/green-business/trendy-fashion-sneakers-tiktok/ "Read More")
[](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whats-the-difference-between-50-jeans-and-500-jeans_l_67b751f8e4b05145b9c4c2f3 "Read More")
HuffPost | What’s The Difference Between $50 Jeans And $500 Jeans?
When it’s time to buy a new pair of jeans, your head may start spinning. Some jeans cost $50, while others cost $500...
[Read More](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whats-the-difference-between-50-jeans-and-500-jeans_l_67b751f8e4b05145b9c4c2f3 "Read More")
[](https://www.newsweek.com/doctor-one-thing-would-never-buy-grocery-store-2033124 "Read More")
Newsweek | Doctor Reveals One Thing She Would Never Buy in a Grocery Store
A doctor's warning about a popular grocery store item has gone viral on Instagram.
[Read More](https://www.newsweek.com/doctor-one-thing-would-never-buy-grocery-store-2033124 "Read More")
[](https://edgedavao.net/environment/2025/02/environment-waste-to-energy-the-answer-to-the-garbage-problem/ "Read More")
Edge Davao | Environment: Waste-to-energy: The answer to the garbage problem?
Thousands of years ago, the disciples were astonished to witness Jesus Christ walking on water, a miracle documented by Matthew (14:22-23). However...
[Read More](https://edgedavao.net/environment/2025/02/environment-waste-to-energy-the-answer-to-the-garbage-problem/ "Read More")
[](https://lasvegassun.com/news/2025/feb/19/executive-order-on-straws-misses-the-larger-crisis/ "Read More")
Las Vegas Sun | Executive order on straws misses the larger crisis of plastic’s impact on human health
A recent executive order from President Donald Trump reverses the push for paper straws in favor of plastic ones based...
[Read More](https://lasvegassun.com/news/2025/feb/19/executive-order-on-straws-misses-the-larger-crisis/ "Read More")
[](https://www.msn.com/it-it/money/storie-principali/moda-sostenibile-tra-legislazione-e-responsabilit%C3%A0-un-report-fotografa-le-nuove-sfide-del-settore/ar-AA1zmooC?ocid=Peregrine "Read More")
MSN | Moda sostenibile: tra legislazione e responsabilità, un report fotografa le nuove sfide del settore
Earthday.org, attraverso il suo report Broken Threads & Twisted Yarns: Legislating the Reform of Fashion...
[Read More](https://www.msn.com/it-it/money/storie-principali/moda-sostenibile-tra-legislazione-e-responsabilit%C3%A0-un-report-fotografa-le-nuove-sfide-del-settore/ar-AA1zmooC?ocid=Peregrine "Read More")
[](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/trump-eo-plastic-straws "Read More")
Common Dreams | Trump’s Embrace of Plastic Straws Won’t Make America Healthy Again
The harmful effects of plastics on human health should be a primary concern for any administration that claims to value human life.
[Read More](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/trump-eo-plastic-straws "Read More")
[](https://www.realsimple.com/food-scraps-for-garden-11681943 "Read More")
Real Simple | 5 Food Scraps You Should Toss in the Garden—Instead of the Trash
Give your garden a boost with these common kitchen leftovers.
[Read More](https://www.realsimple.com/food-scraps-for-garden-11681943 "Read More")
[](https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-man-shocked-plastic-levels-body-results-2012918 "Read More")
Newsweek | Gen Z Man Left 'Shocked' by Plastic Levels in His Body
The phrase "you are what you eat" has never been more relevant—and it also extends to where your food is stored. With increasing studies shedding light on the concerns...
[Read More](https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-man-shocked-plastic-levels-body-results-2012918 "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20250212/dennis-nolasco-how-do-i-use-ai-and-protect-environment "Read More")
Jamaica Gleaner | How do I use AI and protect the environment?
These are just some of the queries that I’ve entered into Chat GPT. Since it debuted in late 2022, over 100 million...
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20250212/dennis-nolasco-how-do-i-use-ai-and-protect-environment "Read More")
[](https://www.homesandgardens.com/gardens/best-eco-friendly-houseplant-tools "Read More")
Homes & Gardens | Best eco-friendly houseplant tools – 9 ways to protect your indoor plants from microplastics
Keep microplastics away from beloved houseplants with these metal and wood options
[Read More](https://www.homesandgardens.com/gardens/best-eco-friendly-houseplant-tools "Read More")
[](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/trump-eo-plastic-straws "Read More")
Common Dreams | Trump’s Embrace of Plastic Straws Won’t Make America Healthy Again
U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent executive order, which reverses the push for paper straws in favor of plastic ones...
[Read More](https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/trump-eo-plastic-straws "Read More")
[](https://adventuremagazine.co.nz/how-do-i-use-ai-and-protect-the-environment/ "Read More")
New Zealand Adventure Magazine | How Do I Use AI and Protect the Environment?
Since it debuted in late 2022, over 100 million active users have used the website that is partly owned by...
[Read More](https://adventuremagazine.co.nz/how-do-i-use-ai-and-protect-the-environment/ "Read More")
[](https://www.powermag.com/u-s-coal-plants-get-reprieve-as-market-and-policies-change/ "Read More")
Power Magazine | U.S. Coal Plants Get Reprieve as Market and Policies Change
Several U.S. utilities in recent months have said they plan to keep coal-fired units in their generation...
[Read More](https://www.powermag.com/u-s-coal-plants-get-reprieve-as-market-and-policies-change/ "Read More")
[](https://www.realsimple.com/bird-feeder-mistakes-8783844 "Read More")
Real Simple | 8 Mistakes You Might Be Making with Your Bird Feeder (and How to Fix Them)
If your bird feeder isn't a bird magnet, these snafus could be why.
[Read More](https://www.realsimple.com/bird-feeder-mistakes-8783844 "Read More")
[](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/insurance-screws-over-thousands-of-la-homeowners-before-the-palisades-fire-states-could-face-full-scale-financial-crisis/ar-AA1xXTRq?ocid=finance-verthp-feeds "Read More")
MSN | Insurance screws over thousands of LA homeowners before the Palisades Fire — states could face 'full-scale financial crisis
January wildfires in Southern California have created significant property damage and destruction that few could have predicted — except for insurance companies...
[Read More](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/insurance-screws-over-thousands-of-la-homeowners-before-the-palisades-fire-states-could-face-full-scale-financial-crisis/ar-AA1xXTRq?ocid=finance-verthp-feeds "Read More")
[](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/best-nontoxic-tea-infusers-152414548.html "Read More")
Yahoo! Lifestyle | Concerned about microplastics in your tea? Trade in plastic-containing tea bags for nontoxic tea infusers
Nothing beats unwinding with a soothing cup of tea, but the peace of mind your warm drink brings may be a little less pronounced given new research that suggests...
[Read More](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/best-nontoxic-tea-infusers-152414548.html "Read More")
[](https://dcjournal.com/does-jesus-want-christians-to-be-environmentalists/ "Read More")
DC Journal | Does Jesus Want Christians to Be Environmentalists?
As Christmas approaches, I know that my Christian friends will ask me why I chose to work for the environmental nonprofit Earthday.org instead of engaging in hands-on field ministry.
[Read More](https://dcjournal.com/does-jesus-want-christians-to-be-environmentalists/ "Read More")
[](https://turfmagazine.com/earth-day-update-join-the-initiative-to-reduce-plastic-plant-pots-2/ "Read More")
Turf | Earth Day: Join The Initiative To Reduce Plastic Plant Pots
An astounding 95-98% of plastic horticultural pots end up in landfills. The Healthy Pots, Healthy Plants initiative is trying to change that.
[Read More](https://turfmagazine.com/earth-day-update-join-the-initiative-to-reduce-plastic-plant-pots-2/ "Read More")
[](https://talkofthecities.iclei.org/global-sustainability-agendas-10-things-were-watching-for-in-2025/ "Read More")
ICLEI | Global sustainability agendas: 10 things we’re watching for in 2025
As we begin a pivotal year, many global north countries are facing elections and leadership changes, testing the world’s commitment to sustainable development.
[Read More](https://talkofthecities.iclei.org/global-sustainability-agendas-10-things-were-watching-for-in-2025/ "Read More")
[](https://www.homesandgardens.com/solved/ways-to-re-purpose-old-pillows "Read More")
Homes & Gardens | 8 helpful ways to re-purpose old pillows – from making handy garden kneelers and draft excluders, to cozy pet beds
Sustainability experts say these bulky items don't have to go to waste
[Read More](https://www.homesandgardens.com/solved/ways-to-re-purpose-old-pillows "Read More")
[](https://www.thecooldown.com/green-business/shein-fast-fashion-return-india-relaunch/ "Read More")
The Cool Down | Controversial fashion giant is returning to one of the world's largest markets after nearly five-year ban — here's why it's concerning
[Read More](https://www.thecooldown.com/green-business/shein-fast-fashion-return-india-relaunch/ "Read More")
[](https://news.pchome.com.tw/internation/earthday/20250124/index-73770065667504313011.html "Read More")
PC Homes | 7 個你可能不知道的有趣再生能源事實
[Read More](https://news.pchome.com.tw/internation/earthday/20250124/index-73770065667504313011.html "Read More")
[](https://killthedj.com/genz-future-of-streaming/ "Read More")
Kill The DJ | To Stream or Not To Stream: How Gen Z’s Are Shaping the Future of Content
We are in 2025 and one thing is for sure: climate change is reshaping the global workforce.
[Read More](https://killthedj.com/genz-future-of-streaming/ "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20250113/ryan-taylor-changing-climate-workforce-climate-jobs-everywhere-you-look "Read More")
The Gleaner | Changing climate of the workforce: climate jobs everywhere you look
We are in 2025 and one thing is for sure: climate change is reshaping the global workforce.
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20250113/ryan-taylor-changing-climate-workforce-climate-jobs-everywhere-you-look "Read More")
[](https://iucn.org/story/202501/education-unfccc-cop29 "Read More")
IUCN | Education at UNFCCC COP29
Education was a central theme at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, highlighting its critical role in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and combat climate change.
[Read More](https://iucn.org/story/202501/education-unfccc-cop29 "Read More")
[](https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-man-shocked-plastic-levels-body-results-2012918 "Read More")
Newsweek | Gen Z Man Left 'Shocked' by Plastic Levels in His Body
The phrase "you are what you eat" has never been more relevant—and it also extends to where your food is stored...
[Read More](https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-man-shocked-plastic-levels-body-results-2012918 "Read More")
[](https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2110257/climate-change-explain-to-kids/ "Read More")
She Knows | How To Talk to Your Kids About Scary Environmental Disasters
There’s no doubt about it: We’re in the midst of an environmental emergency. As of today, wildfires in Los Angeles have...
[Read More](https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2110257/climate-change-explain-to-kids/ "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20241230/kim-kraska-harvesting-sun-how-solar-energy-revolutionising-farming#google_vignette "Read More")
Jamaica Gleaner | Harvesting the sun: How solar energy is revolutionising farming
Solar is most famous for being a planet-saving addition to the roof of your home. But it can help us meet...
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20241230/kim-kraska-harvesting-sun-how-solar-energy-revolutionising-farming#google_vignette "Read More")
[](https://www.newsweek.com/experts-share-five-things-get-rid-reduce-plastic-consumption-2010857 "Read More")
Newsweek | Five Items You Should Ditch to Reduce Microplastics, According to Experts
Microplastics are everywhere—lurking in the water we drink, the air we breathe and even the clothes we wear...
[Read More](https://www.newsweek.com/experts-share-five-things-get-rid-reduce-plastic-consumption-2010857 "Read More")
[](https://dcjournal.com/does-jesus-want-christians-to-be-environmentalists/ "Read More")
DC Journal | Does Jesus Want Christians to Be Environmentalists?
As Christmas approaches, I know that my Christian friends will ask me why I chose to work for the environmental nonprofit Earthday.org instead of engaging in hands-on field ministry.
[Read More](https://dcjournal.com/does-jesus-want-christians-to-be-environmentalists/ "Read More")
[](https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/home-insurance-deserts/ "Read More")
Realtor.com | Millions of Americans Live in 'Insurance Deserts'—but There Are Ways To Protect Your Home
Homeowners insurance has doubled for some Americans. For others, it’s out of reach due to climate risks, leaving millions living in “insurance deserts.”
[Read More](https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/home-insurance-deserts/ "Read More")
[](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2025/01/02/oil-pipeline-santa-barbara-offshore-drilling/ "Read More")
The Washington Post | Drilling could resume where a 1969 oil spill inspired Earth Day
A Plan by Sable Offshore to restart an oil pipeline that burst in 2015 has outraged Santa Barbara environmentalists.
[Read More](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2025/01/02/oil-pipeline-santa-barbara-offshore-drilling/ "Read More")
[](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/11-creative-ways-repurpose-old-123000081.html?guccounter=2 "Read More")
Yahoo Lifestyle | 11 Creative Ways To Repurpose Old T-Shirts
Old t-shirts are excellent for DIY projects, great for lint-free cleaning, and all sorts of arts and crafts. We spoke to some home decor, craft, and DIY experts for ideas for what to do with old t-shirts to give them an extra life.
[Read More](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/11-creative-ways-repurpose-old-123000081.html?guccounter=2 "Read More")
[](https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/heat-and-changing-temperatures-increase-postpartum-depression-risk-5770866?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=marinazhang "Read More")
Epoch Health | Heat and Changing Temperatures Increase Postpartum Depression Risk
Women who have recently given birth and are exposed to heat and fluctuating ambient temperatures face a significantly higher risk of developing postpartum depression (PPD), according to a recent study.
[Read More](https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/heat-and-changing-temperatures-increase-postpartum-depression-risk-5770866?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=marinazhang "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20241209/kim-kraska-greenwashed-gas-fossil-fuel-industry-cover "Read More")
The Gleaner | Greenwashed gas: A fossil fuel industry cover-up
In a world that is steadily transitioning away from fossil fuels, gas and oil companies are pulling out their dirtiest tricks to maintain power over the energy market.
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20241209/kim-kraska-greenwashed-gas-fossil-fuel-industry-cover "Read More")
[](https://dailyiowan.com/2024/12/04/opinion-time-is-almost-up-how-the-next-four-years-will-shape-earths-future/ "Read More")
The Daily Iowan | Time is almost up: how the next four years will shape Earth’s future
The four years left on the climate clock align with a Trump presidency. What does this mean for our planet?
[Read More](https://dailyiowan.com/2024/12/04/opinion-time-is-almost-up-how-the-next-four-years-will-shape-earths-future/ "Read More")
[](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-about-plastics-a-lifesaving-innovation-or/id1757613888?i=1000679070093 "Listen")
Fossil vs Future - What about plastics? A lifesaving innovation or a threat to our planet and health?
Plastics have revolutionized modern life with their versatility and usefulness, but their overwhelming abundance has led to a mounting crisis.
[Listen](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-about-plastics-a-lifesaving-innovation-or/id1757613888?i=1000679070093 "Listen")
[](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Plastic-Production-Caps-Needed-to-Combat-Crisis-Say-Democrats.pdf "Read More")
Bloomberg Government - Plastic Production Caps Needed to Combat Crisis, Say Democrats
The US should push hard for a global agreement at an upcoming conference to reduce...
[Read More](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Plastic-Production-Caps-Needed-to-Combat-Crisis-Say-Democrats.pdf "Read More")
[](https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-fmcmj-174367d?utm_campaign=w_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=w_share "Listen")
EV Geek - Renewable Energy Revolution with Earthday.org
Joel and Sebastian chat with Aidan Charron, Associate Director of Global Earth Day/earthday.org about climate change and the future of renewable energy!
[Listen](https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-fmcmj-174367d?utm_campaign=w_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=w_share "Listen")
[](https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/hidden-in-plain-sight-how-everyday-items-fill-our-bodies-with-microplastics-5759666?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=marinazhang "Read More")
Epoch Times - Hidden in Plain Sight: HOw Everyday Items Fill Our Bodies with Microplastics
Microplastics easily enter and accumulate in the human body, but their health impacts remain elusive.
[Read More](https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/hidden-in-plain-sight-how-everyday-items-fill-our-bodies-with-microplastics-5759666?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=marinazhang "Read More")
[](https://www.mygreenpod.com/magazine/ "Read More")
My Green Pod Magazine, November 2024 - COP 29 SPECIAL ISSUE
This special COP 29 issue includes some of the incredible people presenting real solutions to the problems we face...
[Read More](https://www.mygreenpod.com/magazine/ "Read More")
[](https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/future-climate-innovators/resources/grassroots-climate-action-asia-role-community-led-initiatives "Read More")
Karuna Singh | Grassroots climate action in Asia: the role of community-led initiatives
Karuna was on the steering committee for India of the Global Environment Facility, UNDP, the Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and...
[Read More](https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/future-climate-innovators/resources/grassroots-climate-action-asia-role-community-led-initiatives "Read More")
[](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/earthsciweek_earthscienceweek-plasticfreefuture-circulareconomy-activity-7249468991864193028-mN3j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android "Read More")
Earth Science Week | How are plastics changing our world?
Join us as experts delve into the widespread impact of plastics, from microplastics in our ecosystems to their influence on geological dynamics.
[Read More](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/earthsciweek_earthscienceweek-plasticfreefuture-circulareconomy-activity-7249468991864193028-mN3j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android "Read More")
[](https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/why-climate-literacy-matters-for-business-growing-the-green-workforce "Read More")
S&P Global | Why climate literacy matters for business, growing the green workforce
At Climate Week NYC 2024, many conversations focused on improving public understanding of...
[Read More](https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/why-climate-literacy-matters-for-business-growing-the-green-workforce "Read More")
[](https://www.redem.org/la-importancia-de-incluir-la-educacion-climatica-en-las-ndcs/ "Read More")
Redem | La importancia de incluir la Educación Climática en las NDCs
Los proyectos de Educación Climática que se alinean con las Contribuciones Determinadas a Nivel Nacional (NDCs)...
[Read More](https://www.redem.org/la-importancia-de-incluir-la-educacion-climatica-en-las-ndcs/ "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20241006/emily-walker-cell-phones-versus-classrooms "Read More")
The Gleaner | Emily Walker | Cell phones versus classrooms
As we recognised World Teacher Day on October 5, there can be....
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20241006/emily-walker-cell-phones-versus-classrooms "Read More")
[](https://www.teleambiente.it/microplastiche-studio-rischi-animali-domestici/ "Read More")
Tele Ambiante | Microplastiche, ftalati e bisfenoli, uno studio svela i rischi per gli animali domestici
Uno studio di Earthday.org ha rivelato l’impatto di microplastiche, bisfenoli e ftalati...
[Read More](https://www.teleambiente.it/microplastiche-studio-rischi-animali-domestici/ "Read More")
[](https://www.greenme.it/animali/la-plastica-e-pericolosa-anche-per-gli-animali-domestici-i-rischi-invisibili-per-cani-e-gatti-in-un-nuovo-report/ "Read More")
Green Me | La plastica è pericolosa anche per gli animali domestici, i rischi “invisibili” per cani e gatti in un nuovo report
Un nuovo rapporto rivela l'impatto della plastica sulla salute degli animali...
[Read More](https://www.greenme.it/animali/la-plastica-e-pericolosa-anche-per-gli-animali-domestici-i-rischi-invisibili-per-cani-e-gatti-in-un-nuovo-report/ "Read More")
[](https://ilsalvagente.it/2024/09/24/lo-studio-i-pericoli-della-plastica-sui-nostri-animali-domestici/ "Read More")
Il Salvagente | Lo studio: i pericoli della plastica sui nostri animali domestici
Bisfenoli, ftalati, microplastiche sono notoriamente un rischio per l’uomo. Ora una ricerca di Earthday.org...
[Read More](https://ilsalvagente.it/2024/09/24/lo-studio-i-pericoli-della-plastica-sui-nostri-animali-domestici/ "Read More")
[](https://beingjellybeans.com/2024/09/06/our-power-our-planet-earth-day-2025-calls-for-a-renewable-energy-revolution/ "Read More")
Jellybeans in the City | Our Power, Our Planet: Earth Day 2025 Calls for a Renewable Energy Revolution
As Earth Day 2025 approaches, it’s not just another day to celebrate our planet. This year, it’s a rallying cry for a...
[Read More](https://beingjellybeans.com/2024/09/06/our-power-our-planet-earth-day-2025-calls-for-a-renewable-energy-revolution/ "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20240930/allen-huang-five-illuminating-facts-you-should-know-about-solar-energy "Read More")
The Gleaner | Five illuminating facts you should know about solar energy
Imagine a world where your home is powered by the same force that lights up the sky every day. No more hefty...
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20240930/allen-huang-five-illuminating-facts-you-should-know-about-solar-energy "Read More")
[](https://x.com/GreeningAfrica_/status/1831659201921253419 "Read More")
X | Nominate trailblazers for EARTHDAY.ORG’s Earthshot Prize.
[Read More](https://x.com/GreeningAfrica_/status/1831659201921253419 "Read More")
[](https://x.com/LiveNewsWVoice/status/1831660189826871367 "Read More")
[Read More](https://x.com/LiveNewsWVoice/status/1831660189826871367 "Read More")
[](https://www.theinternationalschoolspodcast.com/ "Read More")
The International Schools Podcast | A conversation with Emily, Dennis, and Bryce from EarthDay.org
Join us for a conversation with Emily, Dennis, and Bryce from Earth Day as we explore the impact of climate....
[Read More](https://www.theinternationalschoolspodcast.com/ "Read More")
[](https://news.bgov.com/bloomberg-government-news/sarah-duchess-of-york-gives-youth-a-boost-on-climate-change "Read More")
Bloomberg | Sarah, Duchess of York, Gives Youth a Boost on Climate Change
Young environmental activists shut out of high-level climate policy discussions in the US and abroad have an unusual patron these days: Sarah, Duchess of York.
[Read More](https://news.bgov.com/bloomberg-government-news/sarah-duchess-of-york-gives-youth-a-boost-on-climate-change "Read More")
[](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/IMC-Journal-July-August-2024.pdf "Read More")
Volume 116 | Issue 1 | July - August 2024
[Read More](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/IMC-Journal-July-August-2024.pdf "Read More")
[](https://woofrepublic.com/blog/earthdayorg-research-shows-plastics-could-be-harming-our-pets-heres-what-you-can-do-to-protect-your-dog?rq=aidan%20charron "Read More")
Woof Republic | EARTHDAY.ORG Research Shows Plastics Could Be Harming Pets -- Here's What You Can Do to Protect Your Beloved Animal
Here at Woof Republic, we want to do everything possible to keep...
[Read More](https://woofrepublic.com/blog/earthdayorg-research-shows-plastics-could-be-harming-our-pets-heres-what-you-can-do-to-protect-your-dog?rq=aidan%20charron "Read More")
[](https://rss.tribunecontentagency.com/websvc-bin/rss_story_read.cgi?resid=202408192003TMS_____ANDRMCMS_ctnam_202408192003_adr240901_20240901 "Read More")
Tribune Content Agency | Animal Doctor: Plastic Risks for Pets
The group Earthday.org has released a new report regarding the effects of exposure to plastics on our pets.
[Read More](https://rss.tribunecontentagency.com/websvc-bin/rss_story_read.cgi?resid=202408192003TMS_____ANDRMCMS_ctnam_202408192003_adr240901_20240901 "Read More")
[](https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/741814410/national-cleanup-day-returns-for-its-eighth-year-mobilizing-millions-nationwide-on-september-21 "Read More")
News Wires | National CleanUp Day Returns for Its Eighth Year, Mobilizing Millions Nationwide on September 21
The annual event will attract droves of volunteers to help clean their communities
[Read More](https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/741814410/national-cleanup-day-returns-for-its-eighth-year-mobilizing-millions-nationwide-on-september-21 "Read More")
[](https://hechingerreport.org/theater-economics-and-psychology-climate-class-is-now-in-session/ "Read More")
Hechinger Report | Theater, economics and psychology: Climate class is now in session
How colleges are trying to make a dent in climate change
[Read More](https://hechingerreport.org/theater-economics-and-psychology-climate-class-is-now-in-session/ "Read More")
[](https://beingjellybeans.com/2024/09/06/our-power-our-planet-earth-day-2025-calls-for-a-renewable-energy-revolution/ "Read More")
Our Power, Our Planet: Earth Day 2025 Calls for a Renewable Energy Revolution
As Earth Day 2025 approaches, it’s not just another day to celebrate our planet. This year...
[Read More](https://beingjellybeans.com/2024/09/06/our-power-our-planet-earth-day-2025-calls-for-a-renewable-energy-revolution/ "Read More")
[](https://livelightly.eco/episodes/pets-vs-plastic-pet-food-to-pet-toys-an-a-z-guide-to-protecting-the-health-of-your-pets-with-associate-director-of-global-earth-day-aiden-charron "Read More")
Pets vs Plastic | Pet Food to Pet Toys, Protecting the Health of Your Pets
If you're a pet owner, this episode is a MUST listen! In my discussion with Aiden, we cover why exposure...
[Read More](https://livelightly.eco/episodes/pets-vs-plastic-pet-food-to-pet-toys-an-a-z-guide-to-protecting-the-health-of-your-pets-with-associate-director-of-global-earth-day-aiden-charron "Read More")
[](https://www.thetimes-tribune.com/news/business/plastics-pose-hidden-dangers-to-pets/article_260ff910-597b-11ef-8da8-d75b2ccf4cb1.html "Read More")
The Times Tribune - Plastics pose hidden dangers to pets
As more people bring pets into their homes and the prevalence of plastics creates hidden dangers for animals, Rebecca Martino offered some suggestions to keep furry friends safe...
[Read More](https://www.thetimes-tribune.com/news/business/plastics-pose-hidden-dangers-to-pets/article_260ff910-597b-11ef-8da8-d75b2ccf4cb1.html "Read More")
[](https://www.petguide.com/pets/dog-health/general-health/new-study-sheds-light-on-the-harmful-effect-of-plastics-on-pets-44630830 "Read More")
New Study Sheds Light On The Harmful Effect of Plastics On Pets
We all know how harmful microplastics are – both for the environment and for our health. However, it seems that the effects of plastics...
[Read More](https://www.petguide.com/pets/dog-health/general-health/new-study-sheds-light-on-the-harmful-effect-of-plastics-on-pets-44630830 "Read More")
[](https://wasterecyclingmag.ca/plastics/environmental-group-raises-alarm-about-plastics-and-pets/1003290909/ "Read More")
Environmental group raises alarm about plastics and pets
Environmental advocacy group Earthday.org (EDO) is warning pet owners about exposure to toxic plastics...
[Read More](https://wasterecyclingmag.ca/plastics/environmental-group-raises-alarm-about-plastics-and-pets/1003290909/ "Read More")
[](https://townlift.com/2024/08/pets-vs-plastics/ "Read More")
Report exposes lack of regulation on pet toys and microplastic risks
A new report was just released by Earthday.org, which discusses the current state of research and regulation around the globe with...
[Read More](https://townlift.com/2024/08/pets-vs-plastics/ "Read More")
[](https://www.progressive-charlestown.com/2024/08/five-ways-plastic-is-sneaking-into-your.html "Read More")
Five Ways Plastic is Sneaking into Your Pet’s Life
In the morning when I wake up, I pop out my plastic retainers and brush my teeth using my plastic toothbrush. I take a shower...
[Read More](https://www.progressive-charlestown.com/2024/08/five-ways-plastic-is-sneaking-into-your.html "Read More")
[](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Appropriations-Bills-to-Get-Floor-Panel-Votes_-Energy-Brief_removed.pdf "Read More")
Bloomberg - Biden Seeks 2035 Ban on Single-Use Plastic in Federal Government
The House is back and immediately diving back into work on the fiscal 2025 appropriations bills, setting up floor votes this week...
[Read More](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Appropriations-Bills-to-Get-Floor-Panel-Votes_-Energy-Brief_removed.pdf "Read More")
[](https://www.thenewlede.org/2024/07/the-perils-of-plastics-extend-to-our-pets/ "Read More")
The New Lede -The perils of plastics extend to our pets
By now, you’d practically have to be living on Mars not to have heard about the health risks associated with plastics and the...
[Read More](https://www.thenewlede.org/2024/07/the-perils-of-plastics-extend-to-our-pets/ "Read More")
[](https://www.mygreenpod.com/articles/pets-vs-plastics/ "Read More")
My Green Pod - EARTHDAY.ORG releases new report highlighting the impact of plastics on our pets
EARTHDAY.ORG (EDO) has released a shocking new report exploring the exposure of pets to microplastics and toxic plastic chemicals...
[Read More](https://www.mygreenpod.com/articles/pets-vs-plastics/ "Read More")
[](https://thesnout.in/2024/07/19/your-pet-is-at-far-greater-risk-from-plastic-than-you-think/ "Read More")
The Snout - Your pet is at far greater risk from plastic than you think
Anew report released by Earthday.org, a leader in advocacy for Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22 since 1970, reveals...
[Read More](https://thesnout.in/2024/07/19/your-pet-is-at-far-greater-risk-from-plastic-than-you-think/ "Read More")
[](https://truthaboutpetfood.com/new-report-pets-vs-plastics/#:~:text=and%20animal%20feeds.-,The%20Pets%20VS.,foods%3B%20both%20BPA%20and%20Phthalates. "Read More")
Truth About Pet Food - New Report: Pets Vs. Plastics
The organization Earthday.org has released a new report regarding the exposure of plastics on our pets...
[Read More](https://truthaboutpetfood.com/new-report-pets-vs-plastics/#:~:text=and%20animal%20feeds.-,The%20Pets%20VS.,foods%3B%20both%20BPA%20and%20Phthalates. "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20240721/kathleen-rogers-plastics-its-personal#google_vignette "Read More")
The Gleaner - Kathleen Rogers | Plastics: It’s personal
The battle against plastics began decades ago. In the early days, the focus was on the proliferation of plastic pollution and...
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20240721/kathleen-rogers-plastics-its-personal#google_vignette "Read More")
[](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/earthday-org-spotlights-impact-plastic-093622944.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAG3EjfUJaUymFp4fe7q8hUvrYYFXdXNMIKcvyUoU60mw-uRwnAXbqvbkHhhW_tk3cGQRf3126VTITHWzp-9PthcOT9qQHJbFxmg0EtSrDa94wEH2llzoR9j7qjINZY0UjvqYZ15NFspR67ZNTKJFpPBvzHDaL-0_591mhDVR3_Ab&guccounter=2 "Read More")
Yahoo! Finance - Earthday.org spotlights impact of plastic chemicals on pets
The report focuses first on bisphenol A (BPA). This controversial chemical is used to line pet food cans to prevent...
[Read More](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/earthday-org-spotlights-impact-plastic-093622944.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAG3EjfUJaUymFp4fe7q8hUvrYYFXdXNMIKcvyUoU60mw-uRwnAXbqvbkHhhW_tk3cGQRf3126VTITHWzp-9PthcOT9qQHJbFxmg0EtSrDa94wEH2llzoR9j7qjINZY0UjvqYZ15NFspR67ZNTKJFpPBvzHDaL-0_591mhDVR3_Ab&guccounter=2 "Read More")
[](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20240623/emily-walker-storytelling-matters-now-more-ever "Read More")
The Gleaner - Emily Walker | Storytelling matters – now more than ever
Stories stick with us, shape us, and teach us. That is why stories are the most valuable resource we can give all students. Written stories are powerful...
[Read More](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/focus/20240623/emily-walker-storytelling-matters-now-more-ever "Read More")
[](https://www.globalsustainablesport.com/earth-day-seeking-sustainability-improvements-in-sport/ "Read More")
Global Sustainable Sport - Earth Day seeking sustainability improvements in sport
Earth Day has identified the sporting industry as a key area to target in the fight against the climate crisis, but why is this?
[Read More](https://www.globalsustainablesport.com/earth-day-seeking-sustainability-improvements-in-sport/ "Read More")
[](https://www.mygreenpod.com/magazine/ "Read More")
My Green Pod - World Environment Day
In this issue we look at some of the many ways you can do your bit to protect the environment and be part of what UNEP’s calling ‘generation restoration’.
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[](https://www.canadianinsider.com/earthday-org-releases-climate-education-vs-the-climate-crisis "Read More")
ASHINGTON, April 10, 2024 /CNW/ -- EARTHDAY.ORG is the global force behind Earth Day, which activates one billion people...
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[](https://esgnews.com/earthday-org-highlights-climate-education-as-key-to-combating-climate-crisis-in-new-report/ "Read More")
EARTHDAY.ORG Highlights Climate Education as Key to Combating Climate Crisis in New Report
EARTHDAY.ORG is the global force behind Earth Day, which activates one billion people around the world every April 22 to advocate for the health of our planet...
[Read More](https://esgnews.com/earthday-org-highlights-climate-education-as-key-to-combating-climate-crisis-in-new-report/ "Read More")
[](https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/22/earth-day-education-head-climate-education-for-kids-builds-green-muscle-memory/ "Read More")
Educator Voice: How teaching climate education affects students
Earth Day Director of Education and former Montgomery County Public Schools Education Head Bryce Coon wants to build even more climate awareness...
[Read More](https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/22/earth-day-education-head-climate-education-for-kids-builds-green-muscle-memory/ "Read More")
[](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/classroom-voices/educator-voices/2024/04/educator-voice-how-teaching-climate-education-affects-students-fears-about-climate-change "Read More")
Educator Voice: How teaching climate education affects students
It’s clear to me that students today are facing a barrage of exceptionally difficult news, including headlines about climate change and how it wreaks havoc on people...
[Read More](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/classroom-voices/educator-voices/2024/04/educator-voice-how-teaching-climate-education-affects-students-fears-about-climate-change "Read More")
[](https://www.the74million.org/article/this-earth-day-make-sure-every-child-learns-key-lessons-about-the-environment/ "Read More")
This Earth Day, Make Sure Every Child Learns Key Lessons About the Environment
Howard: Universal climate education can teach students how to preserve the planet today and train them for the green jobs of tomorrow
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[](https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/05/07/climate-education-a-necessity/ "Read More")
Climate education, indoors and out, is a necessity
It was heartening to see the positive letter to the editor about Gov. Wes Moore’s new executive order to establish the Maryland Outdoor Learning Partnership, but..
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[](https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/4610461-the-harms-of-plastics-are-getting-personal/ "Read More")
The harms of plastics are getting personal
The battle against plastics began decades ago. Early on, the focus was on the proliferation of plastic pollution and its impact on land use. In the 1980s...
[Read More](https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/4610461-the-harms-of-plastics-are-getting-personal/ "Read More")
[](https://grist.org/looking-forward/on-the-agenda-this-earth-day-a-global-treaty-to-end-plastic-pollution/ "Read More")
On the agenda this Earth Day: A global treaty to end plastic pollution
Hey there, Looking Forward fam. Happy Earth Day (and Earth Week, and Earth Month) — a time of year when sustainability is...
[Read More](https://grist.org/looking-forward/on-the-agenda-this-earth-day-a-global-treaty-to-end-plastic-pollution/ "Read More")
[](https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/OP-ED-EARTH-DAY.pdf "Read More")
That's A Wrap For Plastic
GREEN campaigners have insisted recycling is not the answer – instead we have to drastically cut our use of plastic....
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[](https://theconversation.com/earth-day-green-muscle-memory-and-climate-education-promote-behaviour-change-227211 "Read More")
Earth Day: ‘Green muscle memory’ and climate education promote behaviour change
This year, organizers of Earth Day are calling for widespread climate education as a critical step in the fight against climate change...
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[](https://forcesfornature.com/podcast/climate-education/ "Read More")
Shaping the Future of Climate Education and Empowerment with Bryce Coon, Ep. 74
Hello Earthlings! This week we’re celebrating Earth Day by delving deep into the pervasive issue of plastic pollution, a subject that touches on the health of our planet and ourselves. Our guest, Aidan Charron...
[Read More](https://forcesfornature.com/podcast/climate-education/ "Read More")
[](https://earthlingspodcast.com/episodes/s4e16-earth-day-end-plastic-pollution/ "Read More")
S4:E16 – Earth Day’s Mission to End Plastic Pollution
Hello Earthlings! This week we’re celebrating Earth Day by delving deep into the pervasive issue of plastic pollution, a subject that touches on the health of our planet and ourselves. Our guest, Aidan Charron...
[Read More](https://earthlingspodcast.com/episodes/s4e16-earth-day-end-plastic-pollution/ "Read More")
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Celebrate Earth Day's legacy with nostalgic 70s and 90s designs reimagined for today. Every purchase fuels environmental advocacy and supports a sustainable future.
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#### Earth Day Network Supporters
[](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/the-canopy-project "Show More")
Kimberly H - Canopy Project Donor
"If we each donate a little and do our part, it will add up to make a better world for all living things."
[](https://www.earthday.org/campaign/the-canopy-project "Show More")
Patricia M - Canopy Project Donor
"It supports the fight against climate change which aids at risk wildlife.."
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Caroll K - Donor
"The public must be educated re climate change."
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Fawaz B - Donor
"Investing in Earthday can promote sustainability, address environmental challenges, and contribute to a better future."
Jill N - Member
" We all need to do our part to protect our planet and everything that resides in it."
Elina H - Member
"I care about the future of the planet and life on it beyond my own generation."
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Colleen M - Volunteer
" I want to leave a little part of the world better than it was when I arrived."
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Luiza A - Volunteer
" We must keep this beautiful planet for future generations of all species. We cannot destroy such a gift !"
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Madelyn V - Volunteer
"I am passionate about nature and taking care of this beautiful planet!"
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