🏳️DuckDuckGo - Protection. Privacy. Peace of mind.

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The Internet privacy company that empowers you to seamlessly take control of your personal information online, without any tradeoffs.

Switch to DuckDuckGo. It’s private and free!


*   Make DuckDuckGo your default search engine.

    Set As Default Search

Trusted by tens of millions worldwide!

###### Learn more


Protection. Privacy. Peace of mind. Get our browser on all your devices.


Search and browse with the DuckDuckGo browser for more protection. Unlike Chrome and other browsers, we don't track you.

Download DuckDuckGo today!

Available on the following platforms

Desktop & Mobile Browser

DuckDuckGo Browser

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Desktop Browser Extension

DuckDuckGo Extension

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### See how our browser compares.

Switch to the DuckDuckGo browser and get more privacy, for free.

Weak Privacy

Google Chrome

Best Privacy


Switch to the DuckDuckGo browser and get more privacy, for free.

Blocks 3rd-party trackers

Searches are private by default

Blocks tracking ads

Blocks cookie pop-ups

Blocks email trackers

Plays YouTube videos without targeted ads

Deletes browsing data with one button

Global Privacy Control

How It Works


Other search engines track your every search, from where you go to what you buy. We don't track your search history. Ever.


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DuckDuckGo's powerful tracker blocking, in our browser and extension, helps stop privacy-invasive companies from collecting your personal information.


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85% of emails sent through Duck Addresses contained hidden email trackers before we stripped them out. Email Protection zaps most trackers and forwards email to your regular inbox so you can read in peace.


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† Available on Android

Over 96% of popular free Android apps we tested allow other companies to invade your privacy, like using your location to map everywhere you go. Stop most of their spying and take back control of your personal information on Android!


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It's a myth that companies need to track you to make money.


The DuckDuckGo browser and search engine have been free to use since day one. We make money from privacy-respecting ads, not by exploiting your data. When you search for “car” we show you a car ad — it's that simple.


See how we make money


Get the same Internet, but with more protection.


### Burn After Reading

Clear your tabs and browsing data with one tap of the Fire Button.

### App Widgets

### Dark Mode

### All the features you expect, but with privacy built-in

*   Voice Search

*   Favorites

*   Downloads

*   Bookmarks

*   Smarter Encryption

*   Tracker Blocking

*   Local search

*   !bang shortcuts

*   Application Lock

*   Custom themes

*   Maps

### App Widgets

### Dark Mode

### Burn After Reading

Clear your tabs and browsing data with one tap of the Fire Button.

### All the features you expect, but with privacy built-in

*   Voice Search

*   Favorites

*   Downloads

*   Bookmarks

*   Smarter Encryption

*   Tracker Blocking

*   Local search

*   !bang shortcuts

*   Application Lock

*   Custom themes

*   Maps

### App Widgets

### All the features you expect, but with privacy built-in

*   Voice Search

*   Favorites

*   Downloads

*   Bookmarks

*   Smarter Encryption

*   Tracker Blocking

*   Local search

*   !bang shortcuts

*   Application Lock

*   Custom themes

*   Maps

### Burn After Reading

Clear your tabs and browsing data with one tap of the Fire Button.

### Dark Mode

### Trusted by tens of millions worldwide!

*   **100%**


*   **3 Billion**

    Monthly Searches

*   **6 Million**

    Monthly Downloads

Get the free all-in-one privacy app for mobile


1.8 million ratings


2.1 million reviews

> The company best known for its search engine is launching a new set of tools aimed at creating an ‘easy button’ for protecting your data online.

WIRED Magazine[Read article on WIRED Magazine](https://www.wired.com/story/duckduckgo-quest-prove-online-privacy-possible/)

> Tackling email privacy has been a major goal for DuckDuckGo, as the company pushes for privacy-friendly methods for various online tasks.

The Verge[Read article on The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/20/22576352/duckduckgo-email-protection-privacy-trackers-apple-alternative)

> It doesn’t allow targeted advertising, results are not based on your search history, and you’ll see fewer ads based on your search. It’s easy to use and install, too.

USA Today[Read article on USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2020/11/21/6-internet-search-engines-respect-your-privacy/6306467002/)

> The 13-year-old company appears to be in a prime position to fulfill internet users’ increasing desire for privacy in an age of data leaks, breaches and scandals.

CNET[Read article on CNET](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/how-to-use-duckduckgo-to-search-the-web-privately-on-your-phone-and-computer/)

Still have questions?


### What is DuckDuckGo?

At DuckDuckGo, we believe the best way to protect your personal information from hackers, scammers, and privacy-invasive companies is to stop it from being collected at all. That's why millions of people [choose DuckDuckGo over Chrome and other browsers](https://duckduckgo.com/compare-privacy) to search and browse online. Our built-in search engine is like Google but never tracks your searches. And our browsing protections, such as ad tracker blocking and cookie blocking, help stop other companies from collecting your data. Oh, and our browser is free — we make money from [privacy-respecting search ads](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/how-duckduckgo-makes-money/), not by exploiting your data. Take back control of your personal information with the browser designed for data protection, not data collection. [Learn more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/)

### How does DuckDuckGo protect my privacy?

If you’re like most people on the Internet, you use Google to search the web and Google Chrome to browse the web. That means, by default, Google can keep track of every single search you make and website you visit. On those websites, other companies may also track you.

DuckDuckGo is an independent Google alternative that also lets you search and browse the web, but we don’t track your searches or browsing history, and our [browsers](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/get-duckduckgo/does-duckduckgo-make-a-browser/) and [extensions](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/desktop/adding-duckduckgo-to-your-browser/) help you block other companies from trying to track you as well, all by default. Our free browser comes with seamless protection built-in, including [tracker blocking](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/), [increased encryption](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#smarter-encryption-https-upgrading), [email protection](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/email-protection/what-is-duckduckgo-email-protection/), and more, making it the most comprehensive protection you can get with one download. Plus, subscribers to our [Privacy Pro](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy-pro/) subscription service get three additional protections: a fast and simple [VPN](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy-pro/vpn/), a [Personal Information Removal](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy-pro/personal-information-removal/) service, and an [Identity Theft Restoration](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy-pro/identity-theft-restoration/) service. That’s how DuckDuckGo helps protect you in a nutshell. [Learn more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/how-does-duckduckgo-protect-privacy/)

### Does DuckDuckGo block all trackers on websites I visit?

DuckDuckGo [never tracks you](https://duckduckgo.com/privacy). And when you leave our search engine and use our browsers or extensions to visit other sites, we aim to protect your privacy as much as possible. No service can eliminate all hidden tracking or all profiling online because trackers are always trying to evade specific protections. To be effective, our protections continually evolve to mitigate this while avoiding website breakage. That’s also why we offer multiple types of [web tracking protections](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/).

Other browsers offer some of these by default, like cookie and fingerprinting protections, but we also provide many other protections that most browsers do not offer by default, like [3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#3rd-party-tracker-loading-protection), [Global Privacy Control](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#global-privacy-control-gpc), [Link Tracking Protection](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#link-tracking-protection), [CNAME Cloaking Protection](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#cname-cloaking-protection), [Google AMP Protection](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#google-amp-protection), and [more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/), which all help cover different tracking angles. Our [list of trackers](https://github.com/duckduckgo/tracker-blocklists) is open source, along with the [list of exceptions](https://github.com/duckduckgo/privacy-configuration) we make to preserve usability. [Learn more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections)

### How many people use DuckDuckGo?

Our best guess — over 100 million people! We don’t track our users, so it’s impossible for us to know how many people in total actually use our product. However, we can make an estimate based on the number of searches we get each month. Thanks to all these users, DuckDuckGo [holds the #2 position in mobile search market share](https://duckduckgo.com/cloudflare-radar-report) in the US, and 20 other markets including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Poland, Italy, and Spain.

### How does DuckDuckGo make money?

We make money from private ads on our search engine. On other search engines, ads are based on profiles compiled from your personal information, such as search, browsing, and purchase history. We don’t have that information (per our [Privacy Policy](https://duckduckgo.com/privacy)) because search ads on DuckDuckGo are based on the search results page you’re viewing instead of on what other companies’ tracking algorithms assume about you. For example, if you search for cars, we’ll show you ads about cars. We also make money from the subscription fee that users pay to access [Privacy Pro](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy-pro/), our three-in-one subscription service. [Learn more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/how-duckduckgo-makes-money/)

### Why use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

**Use DuckDuckGo to help protect yourself online.** Ever get ads so creepy it feels like your phone is listening to you? Or see ads for something you searched for once following you around everywhere? If you’re wondering who to blame, it’s probably Google. For decades, they’ve been tracking your searches, embedding trackers in their Chrome browser, and hiding even more trackers on the most-popular websites. This type of mass collection of your personal information can make you vulnerable to hackers, scammers, and other privacy-invasive companies.

DuckDuckGo lets you search and browse like you’re used to, but (unlike Google) we never track you and our browser helps block trackers from companies that run online tracking networks like Google, TikTok, and Meta (Facebook). Oh, and our browser is free — we make money from [privacy-respecting search ads](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/how-duckduckgo-makes-money/), not by exploiting your data.

**Use DuckDuckGo to get a better online experience.** Have you noticed Google search results getting worse? [You’re not alone](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/06/google-search-algorithm-internet/661325/). For many Google searches, most of the results on the first page are either ads or Google pushing their own services. It can be even worse on mobile.

On DuckDuckGo, we keep ads to a minimum and our search ads are private, only based on the search results page you’re viewing, and not on you as a person. The tracker blocking that’s built in to our browser also blocks a large number of tracker-dependent ads from loading by default. Coupled with other browser features like [automatically blocking cookie pop-ups](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/#cookie-pop-up-management), our default [web tracking protections](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/web-tracking-protections/) give you a cleaner online experience overall with DuckDuckGo.

**Use DuckDuckGo to send a message to Big Tech companies like Google who are taking away user choice online and profiting by stealing your personal information.** Google is the epitome of Big Tech, with their tentacles in everything, compiling detailed profiles about everyone, and making billions of dollars auctioning off access to your attention, and for what? Creepy ads that follow you around? By comparison, DuckDuckGo is a small, independent company, based in Paoli, Pennsylvania, with a vision to offer a choice to be more protected online without sacrifice to anyone who wants it.

Use DuckDuckGo because it’s fast and secure, because it’s a free Google alternative that lets you search and browse the way you want, and because it puts you back in control of your personal data.

### Is Incognito Mode private?

No. It is a myth that you can't be tracked while using so-called “Incognito” mode. In fact, all Incognito mode really does is delete information on your computer. Incognito mode does nothing to stop Google from saving your searches, nor does it stop companies, Internet service providers, or governments from being able to track you online. By contrast, DuckDuckGo Search never keeps your or anyone else's search history and the DuckDuckGo browser helps keep you protected on websites too. [Learn more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/how-does-duckduckgo-protect-privacy/)

### How do DuckDuckGo Search results compare to Google's?

DuckDuckGo Search gives you truly private search results without tradeoffs in result quality. We have everything you’ve come to expect in an online search experience (images, maps, answers, etc.), and because there’s no search history on DuckDuckGo, you escape the filter bubble of manipulated results. You’ll also find [bonus features](https://duckduckgo.com/bangs) that make our private search engine more convenient and a little more fun. We’re [always improving](https://duckduckgo.com/updates), so you can expect even more search improvements in the coming year! [Learn more](https://spreadprivacy.com/is-duckduckgo-a-good-search-engine/)

### Is DuckDuckGo owned by Google or any other entity?

No, we are not and have never been owned by Google or any other entity. We have been an independent company since our founding in 2008. We also do not source any of our search results from Google. You may notice that we offer a Google Chrome extension and a Google Android app, but these are also not in partnership with Google and actually aim to protect you from Google’s online trackers. [Learn more](https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/company/how-does-duckduckgo-protect-privacy/)