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2025 October 20 th to 25 th
DCMIÂ 2025
Barcelona, Spain
DCMI 2025, the twenty-third International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, will be hosted at the University of Barcelona, Spain, from Wednesday, October 22 to Saturday, October 25. Related events will be held by the Document Society (on Monday, October 20) and the Open Metadata Clinic event (on Tuesday, October 21).
[View conference details](/conferences/2025/)
Centering LGBTQ+ Voices in Catalog Research
Libraries are addressing barriers faced by marginalized communities through improved catalog metadata. The Inclusive Catalog Use Lab (ICUL) focuses on user-based research to understand LGBTQ+ needs. Dr. Karen Snow and Dr. Brian Dobreski will share ICUL’s findings, highlighting user studies, focus groups, and solutions to support inclusive access for diverse communities.
January 9, 2025
[](/blog/)Blog posts
Announcing OpenWEMI
In 1998, the International Federation of Library Associations introduced a new model for library catalog data, focusing on the bibliographic relationships within metadata. This model, known as the Library Reference Model (LRM), includes four main elements: Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item (WEMI), each representing different aspects of created resources. To support the broader use of these WEMI concepts, OpenWEMI was developed by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, providing a general vocabulary with minimal constraints. OpenWEMI’s RDF vocabulary includes classes and properties designed to facilitate the creation of context-specific metadata vocabularies, allowing for the flexible integration of WEMI concepts in diverse applications.
August 2, 2024
On the Duality of Provenance Metadata
Explore how metadata is exploited to craft deceptive narratives and influence public discourse on platforms. Explore tactics used by bad actors to manipulate social media and evade content moderation by obfuscating provenance information. Understand metadata's duality in preventing data misuse and its exploitation for disinformation campaigns. Discover connections between responsible data management in open access and potential misuse. Information professionals and researchers play a crucial role by promoting data literacy and critical engagement with digital content.
June 13, 2023
The activities of DCMI, its members and its communities are broadly characterised under four themes.
DCMI develops and curates open-standard metadata vocabularies such as the Dublin Core; hosts the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI); and provides good-neighbor support for other related metadata activities.
DCMI's international community of metadata practitioners and experts meet in working groups and at an annual conference to share implementation experience and reports on research and new developments.
Teachers and experts of metadata technologies from around the world hold tutorials, online meetings, and webinars to discuss and disseminate innovative metadata solutions.
Since pioneering the Application Profile in the 1990s, DCMI continues to develop profiles and related vocabularies spanning practical techniques such as spreadsheets and modern technologies such as data shapes.
### Regional Members
The National Library Board of Singapore
The National Library of Finland
The National Library of Korea
### Institutional Members
Brandeis University
Stanford University Libraries
University of Porto
National Library of Sweden
Göttingen State and University Library
Shanghai Library
Simmons University
The National Library of Portugal
University of Edinburgh