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### MIT's DSpace and Open Access in the News
[Open access downloads: February 2025](https://libraries.mit.edu/news/open-access-downloads-february-2025/39746/)
March 3, 2025
The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country. See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center. Top downloaded articles for February: Electrostatically driven fog collection using space charge injection, Maher Damak, Kripa K. Varanasi Tiny Pointers, Michael Bender, Alex Conway, Martin Farach-Colton, William Kuszmaul, Guido Tagliavini, MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database, Alistair E.W. Johnson \[…\]
[Open access downloads: January 2025](https://libraries.mit.edu/news/open-access-downloads-january-2025/39692/)
February 6, 2025
The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements. Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country. See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center. Top downloaded articles for January: The Data-Driven Newsvendor Problem: New Bounds and Insights, Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, Joline Uichanco The Moral Machine experiment, Awad, E. et al. Intrusion recovery for database-backed web applications, Ramesh Chandra, Taesoo Kim, Meelap Shah, Neha Narula, \[…\]
[View news archive](http://libraries.mit.edu/news/tag/dspacemit/)
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