🏳️Dojo Toolkit

Website favicondojotoolkit.org



*   [Get Dojo](/download/)

*   [Docs](/documentation/)

*   [Community](/community/)

*   [Blog](/blog/)

[](https://dojo.io/)Visit [dojo.io](https://dojo.io/) for documentation, examples, and more on Dojo, the Progressive Framework for Modern Web Apps and successor to the Dojo Toolkit

Dojo Toolkit 1.17


A JavaScript toolkit that saves you time and scales with your development process. Provides everything you need to build a Web app. Language utilities, UI components, and more, all in one place, designed to work together perfectly.

[Get Dojo](/download/)

Trusted by



#### [Reference Guide](/reference-guide/)

Documentation and examples for every part of The Dojo Toolkit.

### Use Dojo


#### [Tutorials](/documentation/#tutorials)

Step-by-step guides focused on using Dojo to develop web apps.


#### [API](/api/)

The hardcore, no-fluff API documentation for the Dojo Toolkit.

Help & Support


[Dojo on Discourse](https://discourse.dojo.io/c/dojo1)

[#dojo on IRC](http://irc.lc/freenode/dojo/dtk_web_client@@@)

[Dojo on Gitter](https://gitter.im/dojo/dojo)

[Dojo on GitHub](https://github.com/dojo/dojo)

[Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/dojo)

[Commercial Support](https://www.sitepen.com)

[Become a Contributor](/community/#contribute)

[](https://github.com/dojo "Dojo on Github")[](http://twitter.com/DojoFramework "Dojo on Twitter")[](https://www.facebook.com/groups/4375511291/ "Dojo on Facebook")[](https://plus.google.com/106701567946037375891/posts "Dojo on Google Plus")