Adobe Commerce Documentation
Welcome to the Adobe Commerce product and technical documentation home page. Here you can find self-help and support information.
Developer Documentation
### API-first development
* [API-first development overview](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/extensibility/)
Get the basics on out-of-process development tools available to extend and customize Adobe Commerce.
* [Event-driven integrations](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/extensibility/events/)
Create custom integrations, event-driven applications, conditional webhooks, and more with Adobe Developer App Builder.
* [Storefront development](/developer/commerce/storefront/)
Create a fast, reliable storefront with Edge Delivery Services, drop-in components, and content blocks.
* [API orchestration](https://developer.adobe.com/graphql-mesh-gateway/)
Integrate private or third-party APIs and other software interfaces with Adobe Commerce APIs using API Mesh.
* [Commerce web APIs](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/webapi/)
Integrate with third-party software and build headless applications with Adobe Commerce web APIs.
### System management
* [Cloud infrastructure](/en/docs/commerce-on-cloud/user-guide/overview)
Step-by-step procedures and configuration guidance for deploying Adobe Commerce on a managed, automated cloud hosting platform.
* [Best practices](/en/docs/commerce-operations/implementation-playbook/best-practices/phases)
Follow recommendations to help prevent common problems and potential issues related to site configuration and customization, deployment, operations, performance, and upgrades.
* [Configuration](/en/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/overview)
Configure features and services for your Adobe Commerce application using the command-line interface.
* [Upgrade](/en/docs/commerce-operations/upgrade-guide/overview)
Learn how to upgrade your Adobe Commerce project to keep your storefront secure and operating efficiently.
* [Installation (on-premises)](/en/docs/commerce-operations/installation-guide/overview)
Learn how to install Adobe Commerce for on-premises deployments.
Merchant Documentation
### Get started with Adobe Commerce
* [Implementation Playbook](/en/docs/commerce-operations/implementation-playbook/overview)
Learn about strategies for planning and implementing a successful Adobe Commerce site.
* [Getting started](/en/docs/commerce-admin/start/guide-overview)
Get started quickly with an orientation to Adobe Commerce and how to access your account.
### Jump to key features
* [Commerce capabilities guide](/en/docs/commerce-admin/user-guides/home)
Get comprehensive information about managing your Adobe Commerce store.
* [Edge Delivery Services for Adobe Commerce storefront](/developer/commerce/storefront/)
Create a fast, reliable storefront with Edge Delivery Services, drop-in components, and content blocks.
* [Merchandising and promotions](/en/docs/commerce-admin/marketing/introduction)
Learn Commerce tools for creating targeted promotions and opportunities for customer engagement.
* [Personalization at scale](/en/docs/commerce-admin/customers/customers-menu/personalize-scale)
Activate your Commerce data across Adobe Experience Cloud using Adobe Commerce Data Sharing for personalized marketing and analytics.
* [Payment Services](/en/docs/commerce/payment-services/overview)
Drive customer satisfaction by easily offering various payment methods, including interest-free payment installments and a single view into payment processing, orders, and invoices.
* [Analytics and reporting](/en/docs/commerce-business-intelligence/mbi/guide-overview)
Learn how to turn your Commerce data into visual reports and unlimited custom dashboards.
* [HIPAA readiness](/en/docs/commerce-admin/start/compliance/hipaa-ready-service/overview)
Learn how you can add the Adobe Commerce HIPAA-Ready module and get additional features and functionalities that allow you to comply with your HIPAA obligations.
* [B2B Commerce](/en/docs/commerce-admin/b2b/introduction)
Learn about company accounts, shared catalogs, quoting, requisition lists, and more.
* [Site-Wide Analysis Tool](/en/docs/commerce-operations/tools/site-wide-analysis-tool/intro)
Use real-time performance monitoring, system insights, and recommendations to self-serve on enhancing the security, stability, and performance of your site.
Videos and Tutorials
* Adobe Developer App Builder
Learn what is App Builder and how it can help with Adobe Commerce development strategies.
* Getting Started with API Mesh
Discover how to use API Mesh on Adobe Commerce and Adobe App Builder. Learn about installing Adobe IO, working with projects, creating a graphql reverse proxy and much more.
* GraphQL introduction
Learn how to use GraphQL GET and POST calls for Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source.
* Upgrade Compatibility Tool overview
Watch this technical video to learn how the Upgrade Compatibility Tool can make your next upgrade easier, cheaper, and faster.
* Commerce 2.4 upgrade workshop
Watch this recorded webinar to learn about Adobe Commerce 2.4 upgrade steps and best practices.
* [See All Tutorials](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/commerce-learn/tutorials/overview)
Support Knowledge Base
* [Knowledge Base Overview](/en/docs/commerce-knowledge-base/kb/overview)
Everything you need to troubleshoot and maintain your Commerce store.
* [Announcements](/en/docs/commerce-knowledge-base/kb/announcements/overview)
Get important updates from the Adobe Commerce teams.
* [Troubleshooting](/en/docs/commerce-knowledge-base/kb/troubleshooting/overview)
Proved self-service solutions and patches from the Adobe Commerce Support team.
Related Resources
* [Commerce Support](/home?support-solution=magento#support)
* [Analysis and monitoring tools](/en/docs/commerce-knowledge-base/kb/support-tools/overview)
* [Security Center](https://helpx.adobe.com/security.html)
* [Release Schedule](/en/docs/commerce-operations/release/planning/schedule)
* [Lifecycle Policy](/en/docs/commerce-operations/release/planning/lifecycle-policy)
* [Playlists](/en/playlists?solution=Commerce)
* [Developer Documentation](#developer-documentation)
* [Merchant Documentation](#merchant-documentation)
* [Videos and Tutorials](#tiles-tutorials-1)
* [Support Knowledge Base](#lists-documentation-5)
* [Related Resources](#lists-resources-1)