🏳️Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ

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DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

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About the directory


DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, and is committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

DOAJ is committed to keeping its services free of charge, including being indexed, and its data freely available.

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News Service


[14 March 2025

### Vacancy: Managing Editor (Germany) – freelance


[13 March 2025

### 2025: the year ahead


[11 March 2025

### Vacancy: DOAJ Ambassadors for West Africa and Brazil


[10 March 2025

### DOAJ volunteers: Rasoul, Natalia and Mario


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Librarianship, Scholarly Publishing, Data Management

### Fei Yu

Brisbane, Australia (Chinese, English)


### Lut Tamam

Adana, Türkiye (Turkish, English)

Humanities, Social Sciences

### Natalia Pamuła

Toruń, Poland (Polish, English)

Medical Sciences, Nutrition

### Pablo Hernandez

Caracas, Venezuela (Spanish, English)

Research Evaluation

### Paola Galimberti

Milan, Italy (Italian, German, English)

Social Sciences, Humanities

### Dawam M. Rohmatulloh

Ponorogo, Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia, English, Dutch)

Systematic Entomology

### Kadri Kıran

Edirne, Türkiye (English, Turkish, German)

Library and Information Science

### Nataliia Kaliuzhna

Kyiv, Ukraine (Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish)

*   [Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental](/toc/1807-1929)

*   [Livenarch+ Journal](/toc/3023-6452)

*   [Akademik Analiz](/toc/3023-5979)

*   [Revija za Geografijo](/toc/2385-815X)

*   [Journal of Global Strategic Studies](/toc/2798-4427)

*   [Opinião Pública](/toc/1807-0191)

*   [المجلة العربية لسياسات العلوم والتكنولوجيا](/toc/2682-4078)

*   [Egyptian Journal of Petroleum](/toc/2090-2468)

*   [Journal of Structural Dynamics](/toc/2684-6500)

*   [Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation](/toc/2631-1348)

*   [Journal of Advanced Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences](/toc/2535-2040)

*   [Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development](/toc/2805-2528)

*   [Journal of Arabic Language Learning and Teaching](/toc/2985-4725)

*   [Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya](/toc/2541-3392)

*   [Batuthah](/toc/2985-6477)

*   [Ученые записки Института Африки Российской академии наук](/toc/3034-3496)

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