Website favicondicom.nema.org

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DICOM is actively developed and maintained to meet the evolving technologies and needs of medical imaging


[Learn More](/activity/wgs "Learn More")

DICOM® is the international standard to transmit, store, retrieve, print, process, and display medical imaging information


[Learn More](/about "Learn More")

DICOM makes medical imaging information interoperable


[Learn More](/using/overview "Learn More")

The DICOM Standard is free to download and use


[Learn More](/current "Learn More")

DICOM integrates image-acquisition devices, PACS, workstations, VNAs and printers from different manufacturers


[Learn More](/members "Learn More")

DICOM is actively developed and maintained to meet the evolving technologies and needs of medical imaging


[Learn More](/activity/wgs "Learn More")

DICOM® is the international standard to transmit, store, retrieve, print, process, and display medical imaging information


[Learn More](/about "Learn More")

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DICOM Standard




Working Groups

View the Working Groups




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### Conference



### Progress of the DICOM Standard



### DICOM News


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